デュシャン、A・シュワルツ と 亜 真里男「The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Dogs, Even」 (1998-2006) @ フリーズ ロンドン 2003 と ミヅマアートギャラリー 2004 Duchamp, A. Schwarz と Mario A "The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Dogs, Even" (1998-2006) @ Frieze London 2003 & MIZUMA ART GALLERY, Tokyo 2004
アルトゥーロ・シュワルツの非常に興味深いナラティブについて、これ以上詳しく説明することは、この文章の範囲を超えてしまう。彼の最大の功績は、マルセル・デュシャンを忘却の彼方に連れ出したことです。ミラノのアートコレクターであった大叔父の紹介でしか知らなかったガレリア・シュワルツの私、次のような発言をさせていただきます:「コンセプチュアル・アートの実践」が決定的に世界的にブレイクしたのはアルトゥーロ・シュワルツである。当時の米国アート界ではないこと。アルトゥーロ・シュワルツは次のように述べた:「At that time (1950-60’s) Duchamp had been completely forgotten. I put him back into picture.」
Arturo Schwarz speaks about the replica of the Marcel Duchamp s ready mades in 1964
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)
La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même (Le Grand Verre)
Marcel Duchamp interview on Art and Dada (1956)
2018年、東京国立博物館で「マルセル・デュシャンと日本美術」(MARCEL DUCHAMP and JAPANESE ART)展(=良くない組み合わせとタイトル)を拝見した時、私ができた映像の一部を同封させていただきます(3)。
58 sec.
マルセル・デュシャン 彼女の独身者たちによって裸にされた花嫁、さえも 1915-1923
「シュルレアリスム、さえも」(No.1), Published October 1956, Paris. Edited by André Breton. Cover: Marcel Duchamp’s work
12 sec.
59 sec.
マルセル・デュシャン 泉 1917_1
21 sec.
マルセル・デュシャン 泉 1917_2
33 sec.
マルセル・デュシャン 階段を降りる裸婦 No 2, 1912年、油彩
1. 「Ready Geisha」1999年
2. 「NRP」2000年~
3. 「This is not a Duchamp」2001年~
4. 「Japan = Pink (Where are Elsa (von Freytag-Lohringhoven) and Marcel (Duchamp)?)」2007年
5. 「The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Dogs, Even」(1998年~2006年)
美術史的な自然な進化の過程として、私はマルセル・デュシャンの作品群「彼女の独身者たちによって裸にされた花嫁、さえも」(1915年〜1923年)のコンセプトをさらに発展させ、現代的な文脈に持ち込んだのです。「The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Dogs, Even」作品群がマルセルと僕の精神を融け合い、1998年に開始され、約8年後に完成しました。油絵具とデジ・データをキャンバスに溶け込み、美学的にも再概念化的にも、見事に成功させ、特に、ジェネレーションZ、ジェネレーションα、未来のジェネレーションβの目線やインスタのデジタルネイティブに相応しい世界観です。2003年のフリーズ・ロンドンや2004年のミヅマアートギャラリー個展の時、一部の絵画を展示させていただきました。この関係で、評論家市原研太郎さんの「マリオ・A 永久革命家としての日本のアーティスト」を是非ともお読みになってくださいませ(5)。
亜 真里男
Arturo Schwarz, Scholar Who Decrypted Duchamp’s Elusive Art, Is Dead at 97
Alex Greenberger, June 24, 2021
Addio ad Arturo Schwarz, il mondo dell’arte e della cultura perde uno dei suoi testimoni più acuti (23 giugno)
È morto Arturo Schwarz, una delle ultime colonne dell’arte del novecento
di Massimo Mattioli, 2021/6/24
Arturo Schwarz, The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp, 2 vols. 3rd rev. ed. (New York: Delano Greenidge Editions, 1997).
Arturo Schwarz
By Molly Nesbit @ artforum April 1998
ARTURO SCHWARZ CAN be happy. His relation to Marcel Duchamp has by now become a permanent part of the artist’s story. His own account of Duchamp’s life and work, which made its initial appearance with the first edition of this book in 1969, is another, much more controversial, less joyous matter, but Schwarz has already received his criticism, wears it as a badge, and grandly, even proudly, gives us virtually the same account again. Anyone who cares at all about Duchamp’s work will be happy, too, for the appearance of the new edition of his long-out-of-print Duchamp catalogue raisonné. Expanded and revised, it is in many ways an extremely beautiful book. Who would not be happy to own it? But is happiness a matter of ownership? This catalogue raisonné goes far beyond most in that it harbors nests of parables and a host of moral tales.
more @
Marcel Duchamp: Sixty-six Creative Years; From the First Painting to the Last Drawing, Gallery Schwarz (Milan, Italy), 1972.
Man Ray
by Arturo Schwarz
This 1977 book (Catalogue Raisonné) on Man Ray’s works and life was the first to reveal Ray’s real name (Emmanuel Radnitzky)
New edition @ Giunti Editore, Firenze 1998, ISBN 978-88-09-76276-3
“E’ surreale la via della libertà”
A Trove Of Dada Goes to Israel
New York Times, Feb. 12, 1998
Negli occhi e nello spazio di Arturo Schwarz
di Maurizio De Caro (June 2020)
Marcel Duchamp and Japanese Art
東京国立博物館 | 東京都
2018年10月2日 ~ 12月9日
1. 「Ready Geisha」1999、@「F THE GEISHA」個展 ミヅマアートギャラリー、1999年
2. 「NRP」2000年~ (ニュー・ラディカル・ペインティング、Picabia.com)、東京都現代美術館 「球体関節人形展」グループ展、2004年
4. 「Japan = Pink (Where are Elsa (von Freytag-Lohringhoven) and Marcel (Duchamp)?)」2007年
ビデオ作 (60分)、東京の様々な場所でマルセル・デュシャンのことを知らない街の声。
「The salaryman in his dark suit looks rather surprised and confused.
”Who are Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Marcel Duchamp?” the foreign artist had just asked him in perfect Japanese, thrusting a small video camera in his face.
He clearly has no idea. “I am not surprised,” says the artist who goes by the name Mario A. “Some people know the artist Duchamp, but nobody knows this woman, his partner and an artist herself. But both are long dead.” He chuckles and zooms his lens onto the colorful neon signs in Shinjuku.
”I am making this video film as a homage to this woman artist, who, unfortunately, is long forgotten, by asking people in the streets about them and mixing in sequences of Tokyo, to create my very own Tokyo documentary video during this summer,” says the 47-year-old Mario.」
様々な手法でジャポニズム 2007/8/26
Britta Jürgs: Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, in: Britta Jürgs (Hrsg.): Etwas Wasser in der Seife: Portraits dadaistischer Künstlerinnen und Schriftstellerinnen. Aviva Verlag, Grambin 1999, ISBN 3-932338-06-5, S. 115–126
Irene Gammel: Die Dada-Baroness. Das wilde Leben der Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (deutsche Ausgabe von Baroness Elsa. Gender, dada, and everyday modernity. A cultural biography). Edition Ebersbach, Berlin 2003 ISBN 3-934703-57-7
Enduring Ornament (1913) by Elsa von Freytag-Lohringhoven
Did Marcel Duchamp steal Elsa’s urinal?
The founding object of conceptualism was probably “by a German baroness”, but this debate is rarely aired
By Julian Spalding and Glyn Thompson. The Art Newspaper, Issue 262, November 2014
Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, the Dada Baroness Who Invented the Readymade
Vanessa Thill, Sep 18, 2018
A woman in the men’s room: when will the art world recognise the real artist behind Duchamp’s Fountain?
Evidence suggests the famous urinal Fountain, attributed to Marcel Duchamp, was actually created by Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Why haven’t we heard of her, asks Siri Hustvedt
Siri Hustvedt, 2019 March 29
市原研太郎「マリオ・A 永久革命家としての日本のアーティスト」2004年
マリオ・A 日本美術家、解説・市原研太郎、論創社、2004年、ページ130〜143 より
ICHIHARA Kentaro “Mario A An Artist of Japan as an Eternal Revolutionary”
from: Mario A The Japanese Artist, critical text by ICHIHARA Kentaro, Ronsosha Publishing House 2004, pages 130-143
A 1959 Interview with Marcel Duchamp: The Fallacy of Art History and the Death of Art
Question: All through The Glass, you use fairly clear-cut symbology of a very direct kind—man and woman are identified, and the operations, the functions, of the machinery are all explainable in terms of sexual relationships, which is the work’s basic preoccupation.
Duchamp: “Yes, eroticism is a very dear subject to my life, and I certainly applied that love to my Glass. In fact, I thought the only excuse for doing anything was to give it the life of eroticism, which is completely close to life in general, and more so than philosophy or anything like that. It is an animal thing, which has so many facets that it is pleasing to use it as a tube of paint, so to speak, to inject in your production. It’s there. It’s in the form of fantasy. Stripped Bare had even a naughty Connotation with Christ. You know, Christ was stripped bare. It introduces eroticism and religion… I am ashamed of what I am saying.”