Art + Culture

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 92 (2017年) Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 92 (2017)

TANAKA Koki 田中功起 @ 青山|目黒 AOYAMA | MEGURO booth, LISTE Art Fair Basel 2013
TANAKA Koki 田中功起 @ 青山|目黒 AOYAMA | MEGURO booth, LISTE Art Fair Basel 2013

In the context of the global art scene, here is my list for 2017:

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 92
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 92

1. TANAKA Koki 田中功起
2. KUSAMA Yayoi 草間彌生
3. MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆
4. SHIOTA Chiharu 塩田千春
5. ONO Yoko 小野 洋子
6. LEE U-Fan 李 禹煥
7. SUGIMOTO Hiroshi 杉本博司
8. NARA Yoshitomo 奈良美智
9. SUGA Kishio 菅木志雄
10. IWASAKI Takahiro 岩崎 貴宏
11. ARAKAWA Ei 荒川 医
12. SHIMABUKU Michihiro 島袋道浩
13. OHTAKE Shinro 大竹伸朗
14. ARAKI Nobuyoshi 荒木経惟
15. ATZU Taturo 西野達
16. KOIZUMI Meiro 小泉明朗
17. OZAWA Tsuyoshi 小沢剛
18. KAZAMA Sachiko 風間サチコ
19. AIDA Makoto 会田誠
20. MORIYAMA Daido 森山大道
21. MORIMURA Yasumasa 森村泰昌
22. Mr.
23. HATAKEYAMA Naoya 畠山 直哉
24. Chim↑Pom
25. YANAGI Yukinori 柳幸典
26. UJINO 宇治野宗輝
27. IKEDA Ryoji 池田亮司
28. MIYAJIMA Tatsuo 宮島 達男
29. KAWAMATA Tadashi 川俣正
30. IKEMURA Leiko イケムラレイコ
31. ORIMOTO Tatsumi 折元 立身
32. Tabaimo 束芋
33. MOHRI Yuko 毛利悠子
34. IZUMI Taro 泉太郎
35. MORI Mariko 森万里子
36. ISHIUCHI Miyako 石内 都
37. KAWAKUBO Yoi 川久保ジョイ
38. KAWAUCHI Rinko 川内倫子
39. GOKITA Tomoo 五木田 智央
40. YASUDA Kan 安田侃
41. SASAMOTO Aki 笹本晃
42. SHIGA Lieko 志賀理江子
43. TAKAMINE Tadasu 高嶺 格
44. ONODERA Yuki オノデラユキ
45. SENJU Hiroshi 千住博
46. NAKAYA Fujiko 中谷芙二子
47. KUSAKA Shio 日下翅央
48. YAMASHIRO Chikako 山城知佳子
49. KATO Izumi 加藤泉
50. SONE Yutaka 曽根裕
51. KIMURA Yuki 木村 友紀
52. SHINODA Taro 篠田 太郎
53. SEKINE Nobuo 関根伸夫
54. YOKOO Tadanori 横尾忠則
55. SHINOHARA Ushio 篠原有司男
56. YAMASHITA Mai + KOBAYASHI Naoto 山下麻衣+小林直人
57. TAKAHASHI Hisachika 高橋尚愛
58. OKUMURA Yuki 奥村雄樹
59. SAWADA Tomoko 澤田 知子
60. HIRAKAWA Youki 平川 祐樹
61. YONEDA Tomoko 米田知子
62. ODANI Motohiko 小谷元彦
63. HIRAKAWA Noritoshi 平川典俊
64. FUNAKOSHI Katsura 舟越 桂
65. TERUYA Yuken 照屋勇賢
66. KANEUJI Teppei 金氏徹平
67. KASAHARA Emiko 笠原恵実子
68. YANOBE Kenji ヤノベケンジ
69. NAWA Kohei 名和晃平
70. NAKAMURA Yuta 中村 裕太
71. TAMURA Yuichiro 田村友一郎
72. ENDO Toshikatsu 遠藤 利克
74. MITAMURA Midori 三田村光土里
75. TAKATANI Shiro 高谷史郎
76. SAWA Hiraki さわ ひらき
77. AMBE Noriko 安部典子
78. NA KAMURA Maki ナ・カムラ マキ
79. ARAKI Yu 荒木 悠
80. KUWAYAMA Tadaaki 桑山忠明
81. KATO Tsubasa 加藤 翼
82. YAMAMOTO Masao 山本昌男
83. TSUKUDA Hiroki 佃弘樹
84. MATSUTANI Takesada 松谷武判
85. KUWATA Takuro 桑田卓郎
86. AOYAMA Satoru 青山悟
87. TANAAMI Keiichi 田名網敬一
88. MAEKAWA Tsuyoshi 前川強
89. ISHIKAWA Mao 石川真生
90. OYAMA Enrico Isamu 大山エンリコイサム
91. NIWA Yoshinori 丹羽良徳
92. YONETANI Ken+Julia 米谷 健+ジュリア

亜 真里男


日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 15 (2022年)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 15 (2022)日本の現代アーティスト・トップ-15-2022年/

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 11 (2021年)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 11 (2021)日本の現代アーティスト・トップ-11-2021年/

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 6(2020年)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 6 (2020)日本の現代アーティスト・トップ-6-2020年/

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 10(2019年)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 10 (2019)

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 157(2018年)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 157 (2018)

日本の現代アーティスト・トップ 68 (2013年度 ー 2016年度)
Contemporary artists from Japan, Top 68 (2013 – 2016)

Archival posting, as this was published in the ARTiT web magazine on 2017/7/3. At that time, following infos had been attached:

TANAKA Koki 田中功起


往復書簡 質問する


Provisional Studies: Workshop #7 How to Live Together and Sharing the Unknown, Skulptur Projekte 2017

と第57回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ企画展「Viva Arte Viva」、

Biennale Arte 2017 – Koki TANAKA

今月、Kunsthaus Zürich のグループショー「Action!」展に参加しているところです。

Koki Tanaka
Precarious Tasks #9:
24 hrs Gathering, 2017
What happens when a disaster occurs and you suddenly find yourself stuck somewhere with no means of escape? It’s something many experienced after the Fukushima earthquake. The Japanese artist Koki Tanaka has turned this state into an action: visitors are invited to a 24-hour gathering to reflect on community, solidarity, everyday acts and rituals, but also drink tea together or watch films.

23日から、オーストリアのKunsthaus Grazで個展が開催されました。

Kunsthaus Graz
Koki Tanaka
Provisional Studies (Working Title)
Curated by: Barbara Steiner


up-date, 2018/4/21:
間も無く:田中功起個展 2018年8月25日ー11月11日


田中功起「アーティスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー 2015」ベルリン大規模個展 (1+2)

見応えのある田中功起大規模個展 @ 水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー (1/5)

up-date 2017/7/14:

“Provisional Studies”: Japanese artist Koki Tanaka at Kunsthaus Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum

Art Radar 2017/7/12
Japanese artist Koki Tanaka’s first solo exhibition in Austria uses ‘experimental setups’ to stress the importance of collective experience.
Currently on show until 28 August 2017 at Kunsthaus Graz is “Provisional Studies (Working Title)”, an exhibition by Japanese artist Koki Tanaka addressing the power and potential of collective action.
Through a series of text, film and photographic works, Koki Tanaka’s first solo show in Austria “Provisional Studies (Working Title)” considers what people can achieve when they work together. Curated by Barbara Steiner at Kunsthaus Graz, the explorative and dialogical nature of Tanaka’s work focuses on creating situations, or ‘experimental set-ups’, which invite ‘people to try out tasks that seem impossible’.
People may be asked by Tanaka to jointly write a protest song or compose a soundtrack on a piano by Tanaka, all of which is documented and subsequently displayed in a gallery setting. This exhibition includes new work from the artist, which centres around anti-nuclear protests, continuing Tanaka’s aim to ask difficult, provocative questions and create frameworks through which visitors and spectators engage in these social issues. The exhibition therefore stresses the importance of shared experience and collective participation, commenting on wider sociological questions bound up in strike action and demonstration.
Themes of collectivity, democracy and community are crucial to Koki Tanaka’s work and inform this show, in line with his previous work. Prior exhibitions such as “Provisional studies: Action #5 Conceiving the Past, Perceiving the Present” at The Showroom in London focused on collaboration and encouraged visitors, including historians, seniors and school children, to contemplate local histories and bring along personal objects to exchange and share. Whilst his exhibition at Kunsthaus Graz does not rely so literally on the visitor, it does stress the impact that shared experience and social exchange have on collective and individual identity.
Tanaka’s practice is layered, focusing first on a particular project or event, and then displaying its documentation within a gallery setting. His work is designed to provoke and stimulate thought on a range of social and political issues, often linked to Japan but often based elsewhere; in this case, Austria. This allows him to be both an ‘outsider’ and a ‘local’ when working on different projects, and providing different perspectives. Tanaka describes himself as an “objective observer:”, organising meetings, shoots and situations which he sees as “frameworks” to let things happen, underpinned by conceptual thinking which allows “unclear things” to happen. He explains how his approach “is to set up uncertain goals or even no goal, and ask people to get lost with me”.
to be continued at:
Anna Jamieson

up-date in 2017:

Graduate School of Fine Arts, Global Art Practice
大学院 美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻
東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 特別講義会
会場:東京藝術大学上野校地美術学部中央棟1階 第1講義室
主催:東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻
共催:美術研究科 先端芸術表現専攻・絵画科油画専攻

Special Lecture|What Does It Mean to Be Political As an Artist?|Koki Tanaka
International Joint Project
granted by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
through its Program for Enforcing the Function of National Universities
Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Global Art Practice: Open lecture
What Does It Mean to Be Political As an Artist?
Special Lecture by Koki Tanaka
Date: 18:00pm―20:00pm, 25 July 2017
Venue: Lecture Room No.1, 1st Fl. of the Central Building, Ueno Campus,Tokyo University of the Arts
Organized by: Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Global Art Practice
Co-oranized by: Inter-media Art, Graduate School of Fine Arts and Oil Painting, Graduate School of Fine Arts