米国、ニューヨークの美術館は資金がなく、コレクションの一部を売却 America's Metropolitan Museum of Art has no money

Metのディレクター、マックス・ホリアン氏はArtnet Newsに対し、今回のオークションに出品された作品はすべて同コレクションの複製品であると述べています。Artnet Newsによると、個人のアートディーラーで、元サザビーの幹部であるトビアス・マイヤー氏が、譲歩計画のアドバイザーの一人として参加しているとのことです。
この美術館は、Association of Art Museum Directors(美術館長協会)が発行した2022年4月までのパンデミック時代の方針変更を利用しています。これは、パンデミック前の方針では、美術館が所蔵する美術品を売却しても、将来の購入のためだけではなく、コレクションの管理に必要な資金を調達することができるというものです。
メトロポリタン美術館では、年間約1,000万ドル相当の美術品を売却しています。ホラン氏は、美術館には「多額の寄付金」があり、それを購入に充てていると述べています。そのため、コレクションの管理を担当するスタッフを支援するために、現在のエディションのキャッシュを売却することにしたのです。「ホライン氏はArtnet Newsに対し、「この特別な年に、通常の売却プログラムの収益を、コレクション管理担当者の給料に充てるのは適切だと思います。
Property from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Christie’s announces it has been entrusted to sell a selection of photographs, prints and multiples from The Metropolitan Museum of Art. All of the works are duplicative of works within the museum’s collection. The Met has shared it will use the sale proceeds to support care of its collection in accordance with its Collections Management Policy – in line with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) policy that enables institutions to direct funds from deaccession sales toward collection care for a limited period of time in consideration of revenue losses from the ongoing pandemic. Works spanning the history of photography will be offered beginning with a dedicated online sale of 168 lots of Civil War photography from 24 September–7 October. Sixteen lots, including seven Robert Frank images from his seminal book The Americans, will be included in a dedicated section of the 6 October live Photographs auction. Prints and multiples will be featured in the online sale, A Graphic Century: 1875–1975 from 4-18 November.
The Civil War photographs are among the earliest photographic documentation of a conflict on American soil and represent the innovators in the new medium of photography — Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner, Timothy O’Sullivan, and George Barnard. The 168 albumen prints offered for sale are duplicate works from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which holds one of the largest and most celebrated collections of Civil War photographs at any public institution. Most of these photographs were acquired in 1933 from the storied collection of The Military Order of the Loyal Legion.
A distinguished selection of sixteen works in the 6 October live Photographs sale includes works by Brassaï, Anne Brigman, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Robert Frank, André Kertész, Eadweard Muybridge, and a book of photogravures published by the New York Camera Club in 1900.
Printmaking expanded dramatically in scope during the century covered in the online auction of A Graphic Century: 1875–1975, open for bidding from 4-18 November. The consignment by The Metropolitan Museum of Art perfectly illustrates the rapid development of the field, with seminal works Jim Dine, Jean Dubuffet, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Joan Miro, C.R.W. Nevinson, Pablo Picasso and an important group of early lithographs by Frank Stella.
Regarding Robert Frank, check also:
Robert Frank’s ‘Cocksucker Blues’ film about the Rolling Stones
Robert Frank, born in Zürich vs Mario A, born in Baden/Switzerland
「The Americans」を巡って
今日のおまけ、today’s bonus