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Literary Critic FUKUDA Kazuya (Showa 35-Reiwa 6) 文芸評論家 福田和也 (昭和35年〜令和6年)

福田和也 FUKUDA Kazuya
福田和也 FUKUDA Kazuya

FUKUDA Kazuya 福田和也, with whom I was involved in serious debates several times, died yesterday. This news had been made public today, 2 hours ago.
Known as a literary critic with radical right-wing views, he was respected in the left-wing literary scene because of his sharp tongue.
His motto was not to be afraid of any discourse topic.
His mentor was the conservative critic ETO Jun 江藤 淳, who was able to openly debate with novelist NAKAGAMI Kenji 中上健次 on NHK television.

Furthermore let me introduce you to the uncivilised attitude in the Japanese Literature World. Read the English caption, in the context of a “certain” Japanese Literature Prize. lol

福田和也 FUKUDA Kazuya1
中上健次が大江健三郎に終始「お前死ね!」NAKAGAMI Kenji to OE Kenzaburo throughout: “FUCK YOU, OE, YOU’RE DEAD MAN!”
福田和也 FUKUDA Kazuya2
中上健次が大江健三郎に終始「お前死ね!」NAKAGAMI Kenji to OE Kenzaburo throughout: “FUCK YOU, YOU’RE DEAD MAN!”

However, even that Nakagami wished Oe to be a dead person, both were smiling in front of me, together with TSUSHIMA Yuko. ;-))

NAKAGAMI Kenji 中上健次 TSUSHIMA Yuko 津島佑子 OE Kenzaburo 大江 健三郎

Fukuda was an approachable person, a bon vivant, but couldn’t dance or fuck women. His love for Swiss watches and the German Leica are among the crossing points between him and me.

Fukuda, who was younger than me, ruhe nun in Frieden.
Tokyo, 21. September, Reiwa 6
Mario A

FUKUDA Kazuya 福田和也
FUKUDA Kazuya 福田和也

Up-dates, starting from September 22nd. Even as he was involved with France, after some research I couldn’t find any English or French comments, articles or obituaries.
There exist no English, German or French wikipedia page about Fukuda. The Korean one, see below, has been written very short. Best overview is the Japanese one.福田和也후쿠다_가즈야

The following comments were taken from X, automatically translated via Google.

I wasn’t an avid reader, but I liked Fukuda Kazuya’s portrayal of someone who was born into a wealthy family and enjoyed abundant cultural capital, who reads books of all genres, both main and sub-genres, and who has a formal academic background but also an exhibitionist streak, and who has many enemies but also a few definite friends.I felt that this was something that will probably soon disappear from Japan. 10:49 AM · Sep 21, 2024
Kazuya Fukuda and Yuzo Tsubouchi have stated that they “didn’t get along” despite having been in dialogue for many years, and in fact there are many differences in their opinions when you read their dialogue. However, both of them studied foreign literature at Waseda and Keio universities before the emphasis on graduate schools, but they both ended up not being able to find work. They worked a little through their parents’ connections, and then spent the rest of the time having fun with their ample pocket money. This experience is what they have in common: it became the basis of their later careers as writers. Sep 21
坪内は早稲田英文の修士をスタイナー論で出て、父親のコネで「東京人」編集部に一時在籍するも人間関係で揉めてすぐ辞め、その前後のニート期間に古本漁りをしていた 福田は京王仏文の修士をドリュ・ラ・ロシェル論で出るも『奇妙な廃墟』の執筆が難航して実家の会社に数年勤めその後執筆に専念した
Tsubouchi graduated from Waseda University with a master’s degree in English literature, studying Steiner, and briefly worked at the editorial department of “Tokyojin” through his father’s connections, but he soon quit due to interpersonal conflicts, and during the period before and after that he spent his time as a NEET searching for second-hand books. Fukuda graduated from Keio University with a master’s degree in French literature, studying Drieu La Rochelle, but found it difficult to write “Strange Ruins,” so he worked at his family’s company for several years and then devoted himself to writing.
坪内祐三はダイヤモンド社の社長だった父親から都内にマンションとお小遣いを与えられ、福田和也も実家が製麺機会社を経営していて若い頃は限度額なしのカードを与えられていたという しかしアカポスを得た福田より非常勤止まりだった坪内のほうがアカデミックな業績に数えても良さそうな仕事が多い
Yuzo Tsubouchi was given an apartment in Tokyo and an allowance by his father, who was the president of Diamond Inc. Kazuya Fukuda’s family also ran a noodle-making machine company, and he was given a credit card with no credit limit when he was young. However, Tsubouchi, who was only a part-timer, has done more work that could be counted as academic achievements than Fukuda, who got an academic post.
坪内・福田対談、院生のころ貧乏だからコンビニでSPA!立ち読みしてた 坪内の代打で浅田彰が出た回があって、坂本龍一がEテレでやってた「スコラ 音楽の学校」収録中に救急搬送された話とか、國分功一郎のスピノザについての発表を聞いて「あなたバカだって言われない?」って言った話とか覚えてる
I remember the Tsubouchi-Fukuda conversation, when I was a graduate student and poor, I used to read SPA! at convenience stores. There was an episode where Akira Asada came in as a pinch hitter for Tsubouchi, and he talked about how Ryuichi Sakamoto was rushed to hospital during the recording of “Scola: School of Music” on NHK Educational TV, and how, after listening to Koichi Kokubun’s presentation on Spinoza, he said, “Won’t people say you’re stupid?” Sep 21
Asada Akira was born in Kobe and raised in Kyoto, so he has the strong impression of being a city kid, but I think both of his parents are obstetricians and he spent his childhood in Shikoku (I think it was Ehime or somewhere) due to work, which is surprising.
The only books and compilations by Kazuya Fukuda that I can think of that are of great academic significance are “Strange Ruins” and the compilation of “The Jun Eto Collection.” However, Yuzo Tsubouchi, in addition to compiling the 25 volumes of “Meiji Literature,” has a surprisingly rich record of cultural history work, such as “Born in Keio 3, Seven Whirlwind Bends” and “Yasukuni.”
I often see people saying that Kazuya Fukuda was not a real “right-winger” or “conservative,” but in my personal experience, he was perceived as a pseudo-right-winger, based on the 1990s sensibility that it was no longer important to be a right-winger or a left-winger. It’s only natural that he would get along with Masahiko Shimada.
The biggest reason why I respect Kazuya Fukuda is because he was the only writer who semi-openly criticized Shigehiko Hasumi and vividly criticized Kojin Karatani, and who maintained a firm and unshakable authority for a certain period of time. It doesn’t matter whether he was right-wing or left-wing, punk or fake.
Also, speaking of Fukuda, he was highly praised for his work in “The Wolf of Wall Street,” which I watched on an airplane afterwards and was quite shaken up by. I don’t think I ever want to watch it again, but I think it probably influenced my work in many ways.
Whether it’s Kenta Nishimura or Kazuya Fukuda, their eating habits shortened their lives. After the age of 40, you should only eat ramen twice a year.
I heard that Kazuya Fukuda passed away. I hadn’t seen him for about ten years, but he was a great help to me when I was in my 20s. The message I received from him was that it is morally wrong to not live lavishly when you can, and I was really lucky to have met such a person when I was young. Sep 21