Art + Culture

パリのIOCの愚かさ The stupidity of the IOC in Paris

五輪開会式でセーヌ川に登場した韓国選手団 (26日、パリ)
五輪開会式でセーヌ川に登場した韓国選手団 (26日、パリ)


Lady Gaga @ Opening Ceremony Paris Olympics
Lady Gaga @ Opening Ceremony Paris Olympics 2024

Source. CCCS.

IOCが承認した 「最後の晩餐スペクタクル 」は冒涜に近い。

The Last Supper‘ Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony_1
“The Last Supper’ Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony
The Last Supper‘ Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony_2
“The Last Supper’ Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony
– ‘The Last Supper’ Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony –
*The Last Supper* Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

「五輪 韓国選手団を“北朝鮮”と紹介 外務省 再発防止求める」に関して。



I watched Lady Gaga during the opening ceremony. She was depressingly below her normal level. Visually too ponderous and too fat for an international diva in front of a global audience. A fiasco.

About the blasphemy problem during the Olympic opening ceremony in Paris.
There are still many people in Japan who pray for the Shinto Tenno and at the same time worship in Buddhist temples. Religion is practised in every country on earth. Whether Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Islam, Judaism or Christianity.
The ‘Last Supper spectacle’ approved by the IOC borders on blasphemy.
Conversely, the fact that Christians around the world now feel provoked can also be interpreted as ‘stupidity’ on the part of the IOC.

Regarding “South Korea mistakenly introduced as North Korea at Paris Olympics opening ceremony”.
I analyse the IOC’s serious mistake as a typical example of the ignorance and stupidity of today’s youth. There were several people in charge who should have noticed the mistake. At the latest during the rehearsal.

I would like to point out that I came into conflict with Japanese people several times because they spoke and defined the correct state description of East and West Germany incorrectly.

In this sense, ignorance and stupidity remain on the rise.

五輪 韓国選手団を“北朝鮮”と紹介 外務省 再発防止求める
2024年7月27日 22時55分 #パリオリンピック



韓国外務省 仏大使館に遺憾の意 再発防止求める


IOC「オペレーションミス 深く反省しおわびする」
バッハ会長 韓国ユン大統領と電話会談し陳謝



South Korea mistakenly introduced as North Korea at Paris Olympics opening ceremony

2024/7/29 up-date:

Paris Olympics organisers apologise to Christians for Last Supper parody
Apology follows anger among Catholics and other groups at opening ceremony segment that resembled biblical scene

The organising committee of Paris 2024 has apologised to Catholics and other Christian groups who were outraged by a scene during the opening ceremony that evoked Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper painting with drag queens, a transgender model and a singer made up as the Greek god of wine.

The committee was forced to apologise after the performance caused outrage among Catholics, Christian groups and conservative politicians around the world.

An article in Avvenire, the daily Italian newspaper affiliated with the Catholic church, said: “Don’t take us for moralistic bigots, but what’s the point of having to experience every single global event, even a sporting one, as if it were a Gay Pride?”

full text:

Apparent drag ‘parody of Last Supper’ at Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony sparks controversy

2024/7/31 up-date:


The ‘blue man’ at this year’s opening ceremony defends memorable Olympic moment
CNN — July 30, 2024
It was one of the more memorable moments of arguably the most unique opening ceremony in history, but one that has sparked controversy around the world.

The scene in question has been described by some critics as a parody of “The Last Supper” and one which featured drag artists and multiple dancers.

The performance and scene in question also included Philippe Katerine, a French entertainer who featured as the Greek god of wine Dionysus and quickly became known as the “semi-naked blue guy.”

In the scene, Katerine sang a song while lying on a table, seemingly without clothes and covered head-to-toe in glittery blue paint.

His appearance went viral on social media, watched by millions of people around the world. In an interview with CNN, Katerine said his song “Nu” – or “Naked” – was a message for peace, inspired by war, such as those in Gaza and Ukraine.

“Would there have been wars if we’d stayed naked? The answer is perhaps not because you can’t hide a gun or a dagger when you’re naked,” he said.

“So you’ve got this idea of harmlessness when it comes to the naked man. And the idea of the origins of the Olympic Games in Greece, which are represented today because when you see paintings, they’re of naked athletes too, also with the idea that they can’t carry weapons when they’re naked.

“This was also the idea behind the origins of the Olympic Games. So there I came, simply, to sing this song.”

Spectators complain after leaving Olympics opening ceremony early

Olympic organizers have since apologized for the scene after it was criticized by the Catholic church and Christian groups.

The French Catholic Church said the festivities “included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity.”

Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps later said there was “clearly never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” while the director of the opening ceremony, Thomas Jolly, insisted that “The Last Supper” – a mural painted by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci – wasn’t the inspiration behind the scene.

Katerine said he was “deeply sorry” if his appearance shocked people but confirmed it was never his intention and the fallout has been driven by a “misunderstanding.”

“I was brought up as a Christian and the best thing about Christianity is forgiveness. For me, it’s the most beautiful thing there is: forgiveness,” he added.

“So I ask for forgiveness if I have offended anyone, and the Christians of the world will grant me that, I’m sure, and will understand that it was mostly a misunderstanding. Because when it comes down to it, it wasn’t about representing ‘the Last Supper’ at all.”

Katerine quickly became aware of criticism and said he re-watched his performance to work out why people would be upset.

“I saw something very colorful, reconciliatory and peaceful,” he said, adding he was left “surprised.”

The singer said it was the first time he had sung the song and was frustrated the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had refused to use subtitles, leading in part, he says, to the confusion that followed.

Despite receiving criticism from some, Katerine was also praised for creating one of the lasting memories from the lavish ceremony.

He said it took three make-up artists three hours to create his glittery blue look. His image also required a full-body wax – dedication indeed.

“On stage, I’m always very, very happy to perform and show off, within the limits of reason, of course,” he said.

“But in life, I’m very shy and like to hide and observe others without being seen. That’s what I prefer. So it’s true that it amuses me to see myself like this, but there you have it.”