Art + Culture

眞子さま結婚へ中傷を巡り。日本人の国民性論「一億総いじめっ子」か Regarding The Slander of Princess Mako And Her Marriage. Theory on The Japanese Character "Is The Entire Population of Japan Made Up of Bullies?"

毎日新聞のスクリショ:眞子さま結婚へ中傷 Slander of Princess Mako
毎日新聞のスクリショ:眞子さま結婚へ中傷 Slander of Princess Mako

Today a quite interesting analysis regarding the Japanese character had been published in the Mainichi Newspaper. The trigger is the damage to the reputation of Princess Mako, who will marry a commoner in 4 days and then moves to New York.
First I will post the full Japanese text, courtesy and copyright by the Mainichi Shimbun.
Afterwards you can read the English translation, also courtesy and copyright by the Mainichi Shimbun.
Food for thought.
A taboo topic in Japan, as you will “never” (only when drunken) experience the inner feelings of the person you’re talking to. 本音を吐く The Japanese won’t say what she/he really thinks, won’t reveal her or his real intention. The discourse in Japanese language explicitly focuses on “Wa”和, harmony, which per se I feel as a positive, civilised intercommunication tool. Not to offend the person whom you’re speaking to. It makes you less aggressive during conversation, as, let’s say, in loud and noisy Italy. Check the term “Honne to Tatemae” 本音と建前.

However, time has changed. As the Japanese post anonymously on Twitter, the inner feeling can be exposed without being afraid of disclosing one’s identity. This new layer, analytical element, helps us to easily understand the Japanese Character, which in this case, the online slander regarding the marriage of Princess Mako, gives the question: “Is the entire population of Japan made up of bullies?”

Another taboo in Japan is talking about the Imperial Family and the Tenno-ism in an offensive way. Directly connected to the religion “Shinto” 神道, you won’t get proper answers from most Japanese, as they themselves don’t know history and academic, scientific research results.

Myself already tried to analyse this aspect by means of a fictional conversation, check this link. A serious matter, indeed.
Japan-Kulturologie: Über Pferdeschwänze und anderen Begebenheiten. Japaner lieben Ihr Kaiserreich und das Tennō-System.ポニテ帰国/

「一億総いじめっ子」か 眞子さま結婚へ中傷 スマイリーキクチさん

毎日新聞 2021/10/22

毎日新聞のスクリショ 日本人の国民性を巡り 眞子さま結婚へ中傷 Slander of Princess Mako
毎日新聞のスクリショ。日本人の国民性を巡り。眞子さま結婚へ中傷 Slander of Princess Mako

Comedian hounded by unfounded murder claims sees parallels in slander of Princess Mako

October 23, 2021
(Mainichi/Haruka Utagawa)
TOKYO — Online slander and attacks have swirled ahead of the marriage of Princess Mako, a niece of Emperor Naruhito, to her college sweetheart Kei Komuro on Oct. 26. The vilification has continued even after it emerged Princess Mako has been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD).

The Mainichi Shimbun asked comedian Smiley Kikuchi, 49, who suffered spurious online accusations including claims he was “involved in a murder” and who has worked to raise awareness of the issues around slander, for his take on the situation.

Mainichi Shimbun: The slander and abuse against Princess Mako and Kei Komuro (both 30), is unrelenting. How do you see it?

Smiley Kikuchi: It’s just sad. “Is the entire population of Japan made up of bullies? After pro-wrestler Hana Kimura died in May last year following online attacks over her actions in a TV show, the government and the private sector had a deeper discussion about slander and online abuse, and I thought awareness of people’s human rights online was slowly improving. But it wasn’t. I feel like the understanding that anyone can become a perpetrator still hasn’t become widespread.

If you look at the slander and abusive comments that are out there, you’ll see things people have written that go beyond what is referred to as defamation under the Penal Code and appears more consistent with threats. But the people who post these words, as well as the people who approve of them by clicking “like,” probably have no sense that what they’re doing is a crime.

In response to anonymous slander and attacks, those affected can, based on the service provider responsibility control law, request the release of information on the slanderer’s identity. But because Princess Mako and Mr. Komuro haven’t done this, the attacks haven’t stopped. They become vicious toward people who don’t defend themselves, like a lynch mob. What can adults say when they’re the ones creating this situation while calling on children to end online bullying?

M: Does it remind you of what you were subjected to?

SK: When I see the excuses from people engaged in slander, I see the same trends as in my case. The perpetrators who decided I had committed a heinous crime and verbally assaulted me believed without doubt that what they were doing was just. Even when mine became a police case, they switched to saying they were “victims caught up in lies.”

I think that buck-passing is the same in the current case. Even though Princess Mako has announced she is unwell because of the verbal abuse, several reasons have been brought together to brand Mr. Komuro a “bad person” and justify vilifying them. It seems like they’re thinking, “Because he’s a bad person, it’s just to attack them.” But, these questions of good, bad, justice, the right view, all of these are decided subjectively. The internet as a tool has a terrifying capacity to bring together people with the same idea.

M: When people sharing an idea congregate and get group approval, the slander can intensify, can’t it?

SK: Yes, people who repeatedly slander others enjoy trolling their targets. I think it’s like an addiction. Some say they’ve a lot of time on their hands to be attacking people online, but in my experience looking at the perpetrators in the incident affecting me, I don’t think it’s because they have a lot of time; I think they’ve reached a point where they can’t stop, and they’re isolated. If they had people around them they could talk to about the slanderous or defamatory remarks they were going to put online, then they’d probably refrain from posting, and they probably wouldn’t write things anonymously. But because they don’t have anyone around them to talk to, they seek approval online. The coronavirus has decreased face-to-face contact. I think the pandemic is accelerating these factors.

M: Is there anything you want to say to people posting slanderous and abusive comments?

SK: I want them to imagine those suffering by the words they write. No matter how much they emphasize their “correctness” according to their own measure, once they start abusing others they’ve crossed the line.

No person has the right to remove another human being from society, but their words can end up doing that. Now that technology has advanced to the extent that anyone can speak to the whole world, everyone’s a commentator. Whether a person has zero followers or zero retweets, I want them to write their posts with a sense of responsibility.

I don’t want the kind of damage I went through repeated. Let’s make slander and defamation a thing of the past — the kind of thing people look back on and say, “In those days adults did pathetic things like that.”

Profile: Smiley Kikuchi

Born in Tokyo in 1972, Kikuchi formed the comedy duo Nightshift in 1993, but the following year he became a solo comedy artist after his partner retired from the entertainment business. In 1999, posts began to emerge online claiming Kikuchi had been involved in a murder he had no connection with. For about 10 years he endured death threats and slander.

In 2008, he submitted a victim report to the police, and several internet users were exposed as his trolls. His book, whose title translates to “Suddenly, I was made a murderer,” was published in 2011. He continues to lecture on online manners and other topics.

(Japanese original by Haruka Udagawa, Digital News Center)

その他 check the following, too:


Japanese magazines writing about Mako, the eldest daughter of the Akishino family, and Kei Komuro.

結婚報道、週刊誌が小室家追う理由 「公人性高い」「国民の関心事」

朝日新聞デジタル 2021年10月16日 20時14分



 同年12月、「週刊女性」が「秋篠宮家激震! 結婚に“黄信号”」と題して小室さんの母・佳代さんが元婚約者から受け取った計400万円をめぐって対立が生じていると報道。その後、各誌で、この金銭トラブルの報道のほか、小室さん親子の私生活の暴露や親子への非難ともとれる報道が目立つようになった。



















 2誌の記事と独自記事を掲載するサイト「AERA dot.(アエラドット)」は結婚についてネット上でアンケートをし、何度でも回答できる形で約3万5千件を集計。「祝福する気持ちがない」が大半を占めたとし、「国民に対して説明責任を放棄しているから」といった意見も紹介した。小室さんの経済力を懸念する記事も掲載した。佳代さんが元婚約者にメールでトイレットペーパーの購入を依頼したとする記事では「小室さん親子のズレた金銭感覚」という見出しを掲げた。








2017年9月 2人が婚約内定の記者会見

   12月 週刊誌が小室さんの母佳代さんと元婚約者の「金銭トラブル」を報じる

 18年2月 宮内庁が結納にあたる「納采(のうさい)の儀」と結婚式の延期を発表

   11月 秋篠宮さまが会見で「多くの人が納得し、喜んでくれる状況にならなければ納采の儀を行うことはできない」「それ相応の対応をするべきだ」と問題解決を求める発言

 19年1月 小室さんが「(金銭問題は)解決済みの事柄と理解していた」とする文書を公表

 20年11月 宮内庁、眞子さまが記した「お気持ち」を文書で公表

 21年4月 小室さんが金銭トラブルの経緯を説明する28枚の文書を公表

   10月 宮内庁が2人の結婚を発表。眞子さまが複雑性PTSDと診断されていたと明かす



A Princess Is Set to Be Wed. But It’s No Fairy Tale.
10月1日付 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙




結婚をめぐる論争は、「media frenzy(メディアの狂乱)」「nearly cyberbullying(ほぼネット上のいじめ)」「vitriol(辛辣な批評)」や「a bruising gauntlet of media scrutiny and savage public commentary(傷つけるような激しいメディアの報道と世間の残酷な意見)」などと表現されている。この結婚は「endlessly and disapprovingly dissected(果てしなく、そして非難がましく分析されている)」とも説明されている。

小室さんが日本のメディアでどのように描かれているかを表すのにも、多彩な語彙(ごい)が使われている。「gold digger(金食い虫)」「shrewd hustler(抜け目のない詐欺師)」「possibly shady(おそらく怪しい)」「con man(ペテン師)」などである。 一方、母親の佳代さんが日本のメディアでどのように描かれてきたかを報じる際には、「money-grubbing social climber(貪欲に金をためる立身出世ばかりを考える人)」「a black widow vibe(ブラックウィドウの雰囲気)」といった言葉が使われている。また、母親と元婚約者との間の金銭的なトラブルをめぐる最初の報道があった後、日本のマスコミは小室さんに対して「insinuations(当てこすり)」を言ったり、「vilified(けなし)」たりし、その報道の仕方は、「piled on(大勢のグループで過剰にたたく)」ものであったと伝えている。

結婚前に、小室さんが日本に帰国した際の髪形(ポニーテール)をめぐる論争は、アメリカの記者たちから特に同情を受けている(アメリカの視点から見ると、本当におかしなことのように思えるから)。ニューヨーク・タイムズはこれを「hullabaloo(大騒動)」と呼び、「Hungry for gossip, Japanese tabloids find chum in even the smallest issue(ゴシップに飢えた日本のタブロイド紙は、小さな餌にも食いつく)」と書いた。この件に関してインターネット上では「scathing(痛烈な)」コメントが殺到し、そしてニュースキャスターの態度は「tut-tutted(舌打ちする)」ようだったと説明された。

米国の報道では、眞子さまは「staid(真面目過ぎ)」て「stuffy(堅苦しい)」皇室から逃げ出したいと考えているのではないかと、しばしば指摘されている。ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、結婚して皇室を離れる際に女性に与えられる多額の「一時金」を眞子さまが辞退したことに触れ、「fed up(うんざりしている)」ようだと評した。同紙の記事の小見出しの中には、「Keep Your $1.4 Million(あの140万ドルは結構ですよ)」「Running for the Exits(出口に向かって走っている)」というものもあった。


個人的には、この意見に同感だ。眞子さまが婚約発表の時に小室さんに向けて見せた優しいほほ笑みは消え、その後の写真の雰囲気は違う。あくまで主観だが、彼女の気持ちをおもんぱかると、心の中で「私をここから出して!」と叫んでいるように見える。ニューヨーク・タイムズが選んだ「fed up」という言葉はまさにぴったりだと思う。

アメリカの伝統は、人生の再出発を可能にすることであり、それは他の国からアメリカにやってくる人々の重要な理由でもある。そのような動機から、キャスターの故・久和ひとみさんは、契約終了と離婚をきっかけにニューヨークでジャーナリズムを学びに行った。解放感を覚える経験ともなり、人生を変えることが出来た。彼女はその経験について『ニューヨークで見つけた! 新しい私』という本で書いている。眞子さまがニューヨークで新しい自分を発見し、パパラッチに写真を撮られたら、満面の笑みを浮かべてくれることを強く願っている。ご結婚を心よりお祝い申し上げます。

A Princess Is Set to Be Wed. But It’s No Fairy Tale.
10月1日付 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙

Princess Mako and commoner fiancé Kei: Megxit without the money
10月2日付 ニューヨーク・ポスト紙

Japan’s Princess Mako to Marry as Palace Blames Media for Her PTSD
10月1日付 ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙

You’ve heard of Harry and Meghan. Now meet Mako and Kei, who have Japan in a tizzy.
9月28日付 ワシントン・ポスト紙


アップデート 2021/10/27

Slander that pushed ex-princess into C-PTSD continues even after diagnosis announcement
October 26, 2021 (Mainichi Japan)
TOKYO — Online slander and critical media coverage of the marriage of former Princess Mako to college sweetheart Kei Komuro, both 30, has persisted even after the announcement of her complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) diagnosis.

Former Princess Mako, eldest daughter of Crown Prince Akishino (Fumihito) and niece of Emperor Naruhito, married Komuro on the morning of Oct. 26. Despite her condition reportedly being brought on by continuous exposure to what she feels is slander and attack, abusive online comments continue to be observed even now, including: “Please cancel this marriage already,” “So naive,” and “It’s marriage fraud.” Some online have even accused her of feigning her condition, claiming she is “malingering.”
The doctor who examined then Princess Mako, now Mako Komuro, said at the time of diagnosis, “If she is surrounded by warm support, it could be that her health recovers swiftly.” However, her situation can hardly be said to be improving.
An individual affiliated with the Imperial Household Agency said, “Even after her condition was announced, weekly magazine reporting’s critical tone has barely changed. We’re worried it may affect her recovery.”
Mako reportedly started to feel her “human dignity was being infringed” around 2018 and 2019, but her C-PTSD was not disclosed because it did not affect official duties. The then princess is also said to have preferred to withhold the information.
A senior Imperial Household Agency official said they were shocked by news of the diagnosis, telling the Mainichi Shimbun, “Though I sensed she was suffering mentally, I had no idea she was that pressured.”
But among those questioning the timing of her condition’s announcement is even a government-affiliated individual: “I can’t shift the feeling it came abruptly. It can’t be helped if it’s viewed as declaration of something like, ‘My marriage is settled, please leave me alone.’ Though it was in line with her wishes, I think the announcement could have come a bit earlier.”
Complex-PTSD was a new addition for the World Health Organization’s 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in 2018.
PTSD is triggered by a temporary event where one experiences strong fear, such as a disaster, a crime or an accident. C-PTSD meanwhile involves “a combination of multiple symptoms that occur when subjected to repetitive instances of undergoing great psychological trauma over a long period of time,” according to Toshiro Sugiyama, visiting professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Fukui’s Research Center for Child Mental Development. Child abuse and long-term domestic violence are representative examples of C-PTSD causes.
Sugiyama said that in addition to PTSD symptoms such as vivid flashbacks of painful memories, C-PTSD patients experience difficulty controlling emotions, feelings of worthlessness and shame, and relationship difficulties.
While symptoms differ by individual, Sugiyama said that generally “there are many cases where C-PTSD greatly interferes with daily life, and a special type of psychotherapy is required to treat it.” He emphasized, “The symptoms are serious, and typically, full recovery takes several years.”
The Imperial Household Agency has repeatedly said that then Princess Mako had no issues making reasonable judgments, and that her official duties were not hindered. In fact, she has continued to engage in official duties smoothly.
Meanwhile, parties close to Mako felt that if the situation had continued she would no longer be able to mentally endure it. This seems to have been one factor behind the couple’s marriage being approved after a period of continuous postponements.
An aide has commented that there are no updates in particular to be made regarding her current health.

眞子さま、きょう結婚 2人で会見、質問・回答は文書で
毎日新聞 2021/10/26 東京朝刊

眞子さん会見 結婚指輪にネット騒然「デカい」「ごつい」「高そう」 どこのブランド?
10/26(火) 18:53配信





10/27(水) 5:01配信



























 小室さんが’10年度に『湘南江の島 海の王子』で同期だった男性は当時、次のようなエピソードを明かしてくれた。














































眞子さま報道にヤフコメ殺到 “記事ごとコメント非表示”発動 「過度な批判や誹謗中傷」とAIが判断


 コメント欄閉鎖が確認された記事は、「眞子さまと小室さん 婚姻届受理」「眞子さま会見 質疑応答とりやめ」の2つ。それぞれ、数時間で1万件前後のコメントが殺到していた。




小室圭さんにヤジ? 自宅出発時に「満塁ホームラン!」の叫び声響く












秋篠宮さま、「記者発表」と違和感示す 眞子さんと圭さんの会見








Japan’s Crown Prince turns 56, reflects on public, private aspects of daughter’s marriage
November 30, 2021

TOKYO — Crown Prince Akishino (Fumihito) spoke candidly about the marriage of his daughter Mako, 30, to Kei Komuro, also 30, during a news conference held ahead of his 56th birthday on Nov. 30 — the fifth time he has referred to his daughter’s marriage while speaking to reporters on the occasion of his birthday.

While expressing relief as a father, saying he hoped his daughter would be well in her new life, he also revealed that the form the marriage took — without traditional rites — was not what he had hoped for.

The Crown Prince’s news conference was originally scheduled to last 20 minutes, but it went on for about an hour. The majority of the questions presented by Imperial Household Agency reporters were about the marriage of his daughter to Komuro, and the Crown Prince answered them politely with a matter-of-fact expression.

One issue that rose in connection with the marriage, was the line between the “public” and “private” aspects of the Imperial Family. In the news conference, the Crown Prince said that it was fundamental for the Imperial Household to “share the joy and sorrow of the public and carry out its duty while desiring the happiness of the people.” He also expressed the view that “‘public’ is something that should always take priority over ‘private,'” and said that he believed Mako had “always given priority to public matters while in the Imperial Family.”

However, that she did not bend when it came to her marriage to Komuro was perceived as giving “private” matters priority. On this point, the Crown Prince commented, “I think marriage is a personal matter, and four years had passed (since the announcement of Mako’s informal engagement).” He added that if the “public” were given priority, “she wouldn’t be able to marry for 10 or even 20 years.” He additionally questioned whether the marriage issue could clearly be designated as “public” or “private.”

The Crown Prince expressed a sense of discomfort about the news conference Mako and Kei Komuro held after registering their marriage. The Crown Prince even described it as an “announcement to reporters,” apparently because the couple did not verbally respond to questions at the venue. “Rather than a one-way conference, I wanted them to make it interactive,” he said.

Mako, however, was diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder caused by public slander in connection with her engagement following reports of a financial dispute between Komuro’s mother and his mother’s ex-fiance. Considering this, the Crown Prince reflected, “As it was conceivable that an (anxiety) attack could occur during the news conference, I guess it would have been difficult” to take questions at the venue. Nevertheless, he said, “As for her husband (Kei), I think it would have been better for there to have been an opportunity for him to speak for himself and respond to questions.”

Online slander over Komuro’s marriage to the former princess has continued, while there have been media reports, mainly in weekly magazines, that could be called bashing.

The Crown Prince said that while parts of weekly magazine reports were “made up,” there were also opinions that should be listened to attentively, and said, “I’m not inclined to deny everything.” In contrast to this, he said some posts online said “some quite terrible things.” He pointed out that slander in online posts can hurt people or cause them to take their own lives, and that “whether it is in a magazine or online, it is not something that should be permitted.”

The Imperial Household Agency sometimes corrects mistaken information on its website, but it exercises reserve. The Crown Prince said that when one matter is picked up, everything has to be explained, and this requires “a large amount of energy.” At the same time, he went as far as to state that it is necessary to consider countering wrong reports and other such information, as well as creating standards for doing so.

During the news conference, attention turned toward the Crown Prince’s memories of Mako. He cited his trip to Madagascar with Mako in 2007, when she was in high school. He said it was their first overseas trip just between them. “While driving by car for about 12 1/2 hours, we observed changes in the botanical landscape, and came into contact with music and dancing at the places we visited, and it remains deeply in my memory,” he said.

On the other hand, he said that when Kei Komuro visited Akasaka Estate in Tokyo’s Minato Ward ahead of the marriage, “The meeting lasted for about 20 minutes. It didn’t leave an impression on me. It was a very ordinary conversation.” Throughout the news conference, the Crown Prince did not refer to Komuro by name, but as Mako’s “husband.”


Japan crown prince made decision to forgo daughter’s marriage rites
November 30, 2021

TOKYO — Crown Prince Fumihito, the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito, said that he made the “judgement call” to forgo traditional ceremonies for the wedding of his eldest daughter Mako Komuro due to public unease over a money dispute involving her husband’s family.

The crown prince told a press conference in Tokyo ahead of his 56th birthday on Tuesday that as a result “it gave the impression that the events and ceremonies of the imperial family are extremely trivial.”

On Oct. 26, his elder daughter married her commoner boyfriend Kei Komuro, the union coming more than four years after their relationship was made public, but traditional ceremonies associated with a royal marriage such as “Nosai no Gi” were not held.

The former princess also declined a lump-sum payment of up to around 150 million yen ($1.3 million) drawn from the country’s tax coffers that is traditionally given to female royal family members upon their departure from the imperial household.

Under Japanese law, a female member of the imperial family abandons her royal status upon marrying a commoner.

The agency revealed prior to the wedding that the former princess had been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder following a string of media reports about the financial dispute.

“Libel, whether in magazines or online, is unacceptable,” the crown prince said regarding his daughter’s mental health as he stressed the need to establish “criteria to refute” fake news.

Reflecting on his elder daughter’s attitude as a member of the imperial family, the crown prince said she “always gave priority to official duties.”

He revealed that he sent her off on her wedding day with best wishes for her new life in the United States, as the couple had decided “it was the best thing for them.”

The newlyweds were initially scheduled to hold a press conference at a Tokyo hotel on the afternoon of their wedding, but they opted to only give opening remarks and to distribute written answers to five selected questions submitted in advance by the media.

“Up until the last minute Mako had wanted the press conference to be a two-way one but it was difficult due to her complex PTSD,” the crown prince said, adding that it would have been better if Komuro had the “opportunity to speak and answer questions directly” regarding the financial troubles of his family.

Asked about the activities of the imperial household amid the coronavirus pandemic, the crown prince pointed out the limitations of virtual events and said, “I would like to go out and interact with people as much as possible.”



 小室眞子さんが結婚してから初となる秋篠宮さまの記者会見が行われ、結婚に対する考え方が示されたが、眞子さんの会見時と同様に、まるで皇族が国民を分断し、その一部に対峙しようとしているかのような印象を持った。 【写真】小室圭氏と眞子さまの「駆け落ち婚」問題をここまで深刻化させた最大の元凶  そこで語られたのは、徹頭徹尾「内向き」な、皇室のご都合ばかりであり、結婚問題を見守った世間や社会という「外」に対する思いやりがほとんど感じられなかった。会見での秋篠宮さまの発言を検証した。


 「国民に対峙」との感覚を覚えたのは、強い語調で週刊誌などを非難した部分だ。 眞子さんが「複雑性心的外傷後ストレス障害」(複雑性PTSD)と診断されたことの原因に関して秋篠宮さまは「恐らく週刊誌、それからネット両方の記事にあるのだろうと思います」と話した。  「創作というか作り話が掲載されていることもある」「相当ひどいことを書いているのもある」「ネットによる誹謗中傷で深く傷ついている人もいるし、それによって命を落とした人もいる」と続けた後、あくまで一般論としてだが、「誹謗中傷、つまり深く人を傷つけるような言葉というのは、雑誌であれネットであれ、私としてはそういう言葉は許容できるものではありません」と語った。  一般論としては当然の見解であるし、眞子さんの結婚に関するネットの書き込みや週刊誌記事に、事実ではない記述が多々含まれているというのは恐らくその通りだろう。だが、眞子さんの複雑性PTSDの話の延長で、「許容できない」とまで述べるのは、まるで「自分たちへの強い批判は許しがたい」と対決姿勢を宣言したように感じられる。  象徴天皇には、あらゆる国民に対して等しく接しなければならないという宿命のようなものがあるはずだ。少なくとも多くの国民はそうしたことを期待している。「許容できない」という今回の言いようは、「次期天皇」の言葉としてふさわしいと言えるのだろうか。  皇族は何を言われても黙っていろと言うつもりはない。だが私は秋篠宮さまの発言に、「内」と「外」とに線を引き、「外」から「内」を守ろうとする一種の身内意識を感じる。秋篠宮さまはすでに「皇嗣」であり、現行制度上、次の天皇になることが決まっている。  その発言が「天皇陛下の即位前のお言葉」として半永久的に記録に残ることは、皇太子時代の現在の天皇陛下と同様だ。「外」に向けた自身の発言の重みをどこまで自覚しているのか、疑問を感じざるを得ない。






















up-date: 2022/2/22
Mental health issues show women bear brunt of Japan monarchy system
The diagnosis of former princess Mako’s post-traumatic stress disorder prior to her controversial marriage in October has once again highlighted the intense pressure that women in the Japanese imperial family face, with some other members also plagued by mental health issues.
The former princess, 30, who is a niece of Emperor Naruhito, came under massive public scrutiny after it became known that the family of her commoner husband Kei Komuro was involved in a financial dispute.
Her aunt Empress Masako, 58, has long been battling a stress-induced illness related to the pressure she was under to produce a male heir, while former Empress Michiko, 87, the emperor’s mother, became unable to speak for months amid bashing by weekly magazines following her husband’s accession to the throne in 1989.
Both the empress and the former empress were commoners before their marriages to then crown princes.
Under Japan’s 1947 Imperial House Law, women are not eligible to ascend the throne and female members of the imperial family leave the household upon marrying a commoner.
While the former princess and Komuro eventually married on Oct. 26, more than four years after their relationship was made public, traditional ceremonies associated with a royal marriage were not held due to public unease over the money row.
“It is as if there are no human rights (within the imperial family),” said clinical psychologist Sayoko Nobuta.
The Imperial Household Agency revealed prior to the marriage that the former princess had been diagnosed with complex PTSD caused by what she described as psychological abuse the couple and their families received.
Regarding his daughter’s mental health, Crown Prince Fumihito, the emperor’s brother, stressed on the occasion of his 56th birthday in November the need to establish “criteria to refute” erroneous reports.
While the agency has exposed fake news in the past, debunking some reports on its website since 2007, it does not have a clear policy on how to handle such matters.
“Even if (former princess Mako) was told to ignore or not engage with online bashing, one can’t help but notice it in their daily life, and it will chip away at one’s heart before they know it,” said Rika Kayama, a psychiatrist and commentator on social issues.
The former princess’ case is just the latest in a history of mental issues that have befallen women in the imperial family.
In 2004, the agency announced that Empress Masako, then the crown princess, had been diagnosed with adjustment disorder after giving birth in 2001 to Princess Aiko, the only child between her and the emperor. The empress had canceled her official duties the previous year following a bout of shingles.
The empress, a Harvard- and Oxford-educated former diplomat, gave up her career to enter the imperial family in 1993 after accepting a marriage proposal by the then crown prince, having initially declined the offer.
Many speculated that a major cause of her stress was pressure to produce a male heir, as no boys had been born to the imperial family since the birth in 1965 of Crown Prince Fumihito.
The situation abated after Crown Princess Kiko gave birth in 2006 to Prince Hisahito, 15, who is now second in line to the throne.
But unlike former Emperor Akihito and former Empress Michiko, who usually engaged with the public as a couple, the current emperor often performs official duties on his own due to his wife’s condition, although she has been gradually expanding the scope of her activities in recent years.
Still, even the former empress, who became the first commoner to wed an heir to the imperial throne in 1959, was not immune to the pressures of the imperial family.
After the former emperor’s accession to the throne in January 1989, she became the focus of a backlash in weekly magazines triggered by his cultivation of a more approachable image compared to his father Emperor Hirohito, who had taken the throne before World War II when emperors were still regarded as living gods.
On the day of her 59th birthday in October 1993, the former empress collapsed and lost her voice due to psychogenic aphasia.
“The emperor is the symbol of Japan, and the monarchy is a symbol of patriarchy. Therefore, discrimination against women is most pronounced in the imperial family,” Nobuta said, adding that such an environment makes it difficult for bright women to survive.
Nobuta said that former princess Mako, who grew up watching these events and had studied at International Christian University in Tokyo as well as in Britain, must have felt the only way to truly live her life was to leave Japan.
“For former princess Mako, escaping was her main goal, and I think she chose Komuro as the man who could help her achieve this goal,” Nobuta said.
The couple left Japan shortly after registering their marriage to start a new life in New York, where Komuro works as a law clerk at a legal firm.
All eyes are now on Princess Aiko, who turned 20 in December and is now expected to perform official duties as an adult member of the imperial family.
The princess would be entitled to the throne if she were a member of the British or Dutch monarchy, both of which allow the eldest child of the monarch to succeed regardless of gender.
A government panel tasked with studying ways to ensure a stable imperial succession proposed on Dec. 22 allowing female members who marry commoners to retain their imperial status.
But it postponed drawing conclusions regarding whether women or imperial members in the matrilineal line will be eligible to ascend the throne.
In the past, Princess Aiko has sparked concerns and speculation among the public for her prolonged absence from school and a sharp weight loss at one point, but it remains to be seen if the mental health issues that befell the female relatives before her will repeat themselves.
Hajime Sebata, an associate professor of modern Japanese history at Ryukoku University, said that building rapport with citizens through communication, not counterarguments, is key.
“If (the agency) regularly posts (information on royals) on social media and communicates, the public will come to trust the imperial family even if there are criticisms,” he said.