アジアのアートマーケットの中心的人物:26歳のネイサン ドライ氏、新CEO サザビーズアジア (サザビーズのオーナー パトリック・ドライの息子) Key Person of Asia’s Art Market: 26 Years Old Nathan Drahi, New CEO Sotheby’s Asia (Son of Sotheby’s Owner Patrick Drahi)
I guess, everybody involved in the Asian art world, took note of the latest announcement by influential Sotheby’s Asia. The 26-year-old son of Sotheby’s owner Patrick Drahi, Nathan Drahi takes over the helm as new CEO of the Hongkong auction house.
Nathan Drahi joined Sotheby’s in 2020 as Commercial Officer. Based in Hong Kong, Nathan oversees business transactions and strategic projects in Asia. Previously, he was based in London and worked in private equity at BC Partners and investment banking at J.P. Morgan. Nathan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from HEC Lausanne, Switzerland.
Outgoing Sotheby’s Asia CEO Kevin Ching about young Nathan:
“I am more of a manager of the old world. Nathan is from a totally different world. Looking at where Sotheby’s is going and how he loves being in Asia, he should be the person to take the company forward”.
Ching, who will continue as a chairman emeritus at Sotheby’s, analyses the actual auction situation with the following statements:
“When I joined 15 years ago, we were reminded not to link art and investment. Investment was almost an ugly word. Then, the world changed. As art became more expensive, a painting is not just art,” he says.
“When someone is spending US$20 million to US$30 million, say, on a piece of art, it would be silly not to ask if it’d make good investment. So to sell a painting, you can no longer just rely on the expertise of your specialists. I’m leaving at the right time. Now it’s about deals.”
more detailed infos, check:
Hong Kong Spring Luxury Sales | A Virtual Exhibition Tour
Join Sotheby’s Nathan Drahi (Commercial Officer) for a guided tour through the highlights of our upcoming spring Luxury sales in Hong Kong. Nathan will be speaking with specialists from across our luxury departments about the exceptional pieces coming onto the auction block. Discover an horological unicorn in the Rolex Daytona with a ‘Tiffany Blue’ dial, marvel at a 63.66 carat Cartier diamond bangle, and step in Kanye West’s shoes with the sneakers he wore to the Grammy’s. Also on display will be a dazzling “archive cabinet” of whisky containing the complete Black Bowmore collection, a group of limited edition F.P. Journe wristwatches, a limited edition 2016 Ferrari F12 TdF car and a rare Hermès Birkin bag that will be sold in Hong Kong’s first ever handbag auction. Visit sothebys.com/hk to discover more
up-date 2024/3/5
What’s Another $25 Billion on $100 Billion of Debt?
A potential deal between Charter and Altice USA would create a highly leveraged cable player. But the alternatives for both firms could be worse.
March 5, 2024
An ambitious deal may be brewing in the US cable industry, creating a behemoth carrying nearly $125 billion of debt. If Spectrum Internet owner Charter Communications Inc. wants to formalize a takeover of billionaire Patrick Drahi’s Altice USA Inc., it needs to be sure the benefits are worth the considerable financial stretch. The dilemma is that passing on a transaction carries risks of a different kind.
Charter’s stock and bond investors reacted nervously last month when Bloomberg News reported that management was weighing an offer for the US slice of Drahi’s telecoms empire. The company already carries nearly $100 billion of net debt. Its main shareholder is Liberty Broadband Corp., a vehicle of cable tycoon John Malone, himself no stranger to leverage.
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When will Nathan Drahi from Sotheby’s get out of Hong Kong?
Patrick Drahi’s Extremely Capitalistic Way of Art Dealing And Speculating With Sotheby’s