令和時代は雅子さまの時代を。 Reiwa Era Should Become The Era of Empress Masako.
新聞、雑誌、テレビ、ラジオ、ネット、国際ニュースで様々なコメントが発表され、わたくしもJapanese Imperial Familyに関して「オ・コ・ト・バ」を書かせていただきます。
お勤めが始まった「令和天皇」は、現在わたくしと同い年です。新天皇は、1983年から2年間イギリスに留学経験があり、生活する中で、一般人と共にパンクやオルト・カルチャーと出会い、多様性文化を認める彼の言葉を「テムズとともに -英国の二年間-」で読んだことがあります。
著者 徳仁親王、学習院教養新書 7 (平成5年)より
わたくしは、「基本的に皇室(The Japanese Imperial Family)は無力で、静かに、京都で暮らしていただくのが望ましい」というスタンスを昔から持っています。しかし、日本のREALPOLITIK(尊皇フェティシズム? Verehrung des japanischen Kaisers als Fetischismus?)を用いて、わたくしの考えはマイノリティであると感じます。
亜 真里男
New name of era under new Japanese Emperor is REIWA. ‘Rei’ like ‘Meirei’, ‘Gorei’ = Order or Command, ‘Wa’ like ‘Showa’ from the Japanese Emperor Showa
Beautiful Cherry Blossoms Started Blooming at Tokyo Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (Former Imperial Garden)
Emperor of Japan, Symbol of Japanese Culture, 1st January 2019
天皇皇后両陛下 初の肖像画
Portrait Painting of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan
今日のおまけ、today’s bonus pic
令和2年11月8日 アップデート:
Crown Prince Fumihito was formally declared first in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne on Sunday
Emperor Naruhito, dressed in a traditional dark orange robe, proclaimed his younger brother as crown prince to the people of Japan and the world in the “Rikkoshi Senmei no gi” ceremony held in the morning at the Matsu no Ma stateroom of the Imperial Palace, more than a year after he ascended the throne in May last year.
“I will carry out my duties by deeply acknowledging my responsibilities as crown prince,” the 54-year-old prince, dressed in an orange robe, said, reading from a script in front of the emperor and Empress Masako.
The ceremony, held as a state occasion, was part of the “Rikkoshi no rei,” which concludes a series of imperial succession rituals following the abdication in April last year of former Emperor Akihito, 86, the father of the emperor and the crown prince and the first Japanese monarch to step down in over 200 years.
The crown prince was joined by his wife, Crown Princess Kiko, 54, dressed in traditional court attire of kimono and “hakama” skirt, in the rite. It was held in front of other adult members of the imperial family and 46 guests, most of whom wore face masks as a measure against the novel coronavirus.
Crown Prince Fumihito later inherited an imperial sword passed down by crown princes as a symbol of status at the palace’s Ho-o no Ma room.
Japan’s 1947 Imperial House Law states that only males in the paternal line can ascend the throne, leaving only three heirs — Crown Prince Fumihito, his 14-year-old son Prince Hisahito and the emperor’s uncle Prince Hitachi, 84.
Suga has said the government will begin to investigate measures to ensure stable succession in the shrinking imperial family following the proclamation ceremonies for the crown prince, as the Japanese parliament adopted a nonbinding resolution in 2017 requesting the government address the matter.
The imperial succession last year also necessitated a change of gengo, or imperial era name, widely used in Japanese calendars, and a slew of ceremonies and rituals.
立皇嗣の礼行われる 皇位継承に伴う一連の国の儀式すべて終了
2020年11月8日 19時58分皇室
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