Robert Frank, born in Zürich vs Mario A, born in Baden/Switzerland 「The Americans」を巡って
人種的アイデンティティ論(Racial Identity Theory)の今の時代。
ロバート・フランクの大作「The Americans」がナチュラで、全部の作品群として観られて、過大評価できない視覚的な楽しみだった。
Robert Frank “LES AMÉRICAINS” 1958, Delpire, Paris. Hardcover, 172 pages.
ラインアップは:Simone de Beauvoir, Alain Bosquet, John Brown, Omar N. Bradley, Erskine Caldwell, John Dos Passos, William Faulkner, Henry Miller, Claude Roy, John Steinbeck, Richard Wright.
“Shortly after returning to New York in 1957 , Frank met Beat writer Jack Kerouac on the sidewalk outside a party and showed him the photographs from his travels. Kerouac immediately told Frank “Sure I can write something about these pictures,” and he contributed the introduction to the U.S. edition of The Americans.”
こちらのCover画像に「ANDREA・MARY AND PABLO 1956 R.Frank.」の写真を選んだ理由は、2人の子供たちが悲劇的に命を落としたという悲しい事実があるからだ。しかし、ロバート・フランクの最初の妻であるメアリーは、91歳という高齢でありながら、アーティストとして現役で生きている。アート・バーゼルでの写真は非常にわかりにくい展示でしたので、ART+CULTUREにとって、今はもっぱら小さな「なるほど体験」であるかもしれません、ね。
亜 真里男
Today’s title.
What does that mean? Are we both Swiss?
The current era of Racial Identity Theory.
Well, you may guess and come to conclusions…
Today let me focus into an important aspect about Robert’s straight photography, which my dear ART+CULTURE readers may not know, or are not familiar with.
Art Basel has opened up a rare, thankful opportunity for art critics and art collectors.
The art fair audience was thrilled.
Robert Frank’s magnum opus “The Americans” in Natura, complete as a body of work. A visual treat that cannot be overestimated.
Printed in 1983 by photographer Ed Grazda under Frank’s supervision and exhibited for the first time, this was a rare opportunity to view the set of prints Frank chose for his own archives.
I would like to share this opportunity with my valued ART+CULTURE readership to delve a little deeper into Robert Frank’s black and white prints. The original print as a collector’s item is somewhat different from a print in a book.
My overall impression of the original prints indicates that the tinting was too strong. I also discovered numerous errors in the spotting of the original prints. This is the specialist talking about artistic photography.
Robert Frank couldn’t find a publisher for this body of work in the USA. A small publisher in Paris was able to realise Frank’s project with a text-photo book, whereby text excerpts from other books by well-known writers of the time were placed on the opposite side of the photograph.
Robert Frank “LES AMÉRICAINS” 1958, Delpire, Paris. Hardcover, 172 pages.
The French publisher Gallimard allowed the use of these text passages, in other words, none of these authors had commented on Robert Frank’s pictures with an original text.
Namely: Simone de Beauvoir, Alain Bosquet, John Brown, Omar N. Bradley, Erskine Caldwell, John Dos Passos, William Faulkner, Henry Miller, Claude Roy, John Steinbeck, Richard Wright.
Only in the American edition, did Jack Kerouac write an original, new text for Robert Frank.
Quote from Wikipedia:
“Shortly after returning to New York in 1957 , Frank met Beat writer Jack Kerouac on the sidewalk outside a party and showed him the photographs from his travels. Kerouac immediately told Frank “Sure I can write something about these pictures,” and he contributed the introduction to the U.S. edition of The Americans.”
The attentive viewer will notice that I took brighter, more detailed pictures of the original print that was exhibited at Art Basel.
I then zoomed in even more and brightened it up.
Now you can clearly see where the black-and-white photo print was re-touched / “spotted” with a little brush.
This means that small scratches or small holes in the original negative of the black-and-white film had to be repaired.
The details show that the printer has done a poor job of “spotting”. I can do better. Sorry to say.
The reason why I chose the photo with “ANDREA・MARY AND PABLO 1956 R.Frank.” for the cover image is due to the sad fact that the two children tragically lost their lives. However, Mary, Robert Frank’s first wife, is still alive and active as an artist at the ripe old age of 91. The photograph is very difficult to recognise at Art Basel. For ART+CULTURE now exclusively a small “oh-I-see-experience”.
5th of August 2024
Mario A
Introduction by Jack Kerouac_1
その他に、more about Robert Frank:
Robert Frank’s ‘Cocksucker Blues’ film about the Rolling Stonesロバート・フランク/
America’s Metropolitan Museum of Art has no money