柄谷行人 KARATANI Kojin
柄谷 行人(からたに こうじん、1941年8月6日 – )は、日本の哲学者、文学者、文芸批評家である。本名は柄谷 善男(よしお)。筆名は夏目漱石の小説『行人』に因む、と一般にいわれるが、本人は否定。「kojin」という語感と響きから偶然に思いついたという。兵庫県尼崎市出身。 「国家」「資本」「ネーション」とは区別されるものとして、近年は「アソシエーション」という言葉を強調している。 Kōjin Karatani (柄谷 行人, Karatani Kōjin, born August 6, 1941, Amagasaki) is a Japanese philosopher and literary critic. Karatani has produced philosophical concepts, such as “the will to architecture”, which he calls the foundation of all Western thinking, but the best-known of them is probably that of “Transcritique”, which he proposed in his book Transcritique, where he reads Kant through Marx and vice versa. Writing about Transcritique in the New Left Review of January–February 2004, Slavoj Žižek brought Karatani’s work to greater critical attention. Žižek borrowed the concept of “parallax view” (which is also the title of his review) for the title of his own book. Karatani has interrogated the possibility of a (de Manian) deconstruction and engaged in a dialogue with Jacques Derrida at the Second International Conference on Humanistic Discourse, organized by the Université de Montréal. Derrida commented on Karatani’s paper “Nationalism and Ecriture” with an emphasis on the interpretation of his own concept of écriture.