Art + Culture

御家人斬九郎 Gokenin Zankurō

御家人斬九郎 Gokenin Zankurō (御家人斬九郎) is a novel by Renzaburō Shibata 柴田錬三郎. The protagonist of this JIDAI GEKI Historical Drama is MATSUDAIRA Zankurō 松平残九郎 (The Matsudaira clan (松平氏, Matsudaira-shi) was a Japanese samurai clan that descended from the Minamoto clan), a low-ranking gokenin 御家人 (vassal of the shogunate of the Kamakura and the Muromachi periods) in the service of the Tokugawa Bakufu/ Shogunate 徳川幕府