Art + Culture

日本のアートワーカーを巡って:ジュリア・ブライアン=ウィルソン特別講義 @ 芸大、「AIの模倣被害」、BT 美術手帖 2024・4号 Japanese art workers set in context: Julia Bryan-Wilson symposium @ Tokyo University of the Arts, "AI Imitation Damage", BT Bijutsu-techo art magazine April 2024

Screenshot from Mainichi Shimbun // ここに載せたスクリーンショットは、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photo: cccs courtesy creative common sense
Screenshot from Mainichi Shimbun // ここに載せたスクリーンショットは、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。 Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works photo: cccs courtesy creative common sense

For the record. 記録の為。昨年、5月の記事ですが、つまり、我が国のアートワーカーの仕事を尊重しなければなりません。代表的なアートワーカーである村上隆みたいなAI実践もダメです。
おすすめのBT 美術手帖 2024・4号がグローバル的に活躍しているアートワーカーの紹介、やはり、a tour de force。


Japan arts workers’ survey reveals harm from generative AI, calls for copyright action
May 16, 2023
TOKYO — Many illustrators say that artificial intelligence (AI) has had damaging effects on their jobs, according to tentative results of a survey by a Tokyo-based association.

Arts Workers Japan conducted a survey on the impact of AI-generated art, and interim results were announced on May 15. The general incorporated association is made up of voice actors, musicians, writers and other freelance workers in the creative fields. The questionnaire received 25,560 responses between when it was posted online on May 8, and May 14.

Ninety-four percent of respondents expressed worries over issues such as copyright infringement caused by AI. Specifically, in multiple responses, 92% feared their works were being scraped by AIs without permission, 62% were concerned about their techniques being stolen, and 51% were anxious about reduced earnings. Also, 59% worried AI will mean fewer opportunities for work.

In the additional comment space, a number of illustrators and others claimed AI has already caused damage. These included, “An obscene collage was created using images of a deceased relative by an overseas AI art generator. I didn’t get any response to my request for its removal,” and, “Various illustration data was used as material for the AI training process,” along with comments claiming their art style has been copied or their works plagiarized by AI.

Since confirming that AI can imitate voice actors, many of the latter have been affected as well. Calls for government action such as revisions of copyright law were mentioned by 5,657 respondents.

Megumi Morisaki, the association’s president, pointed out, “Terrible practices are taking place that seriously threaten (creative workers’) activities.” The survey’s final results are set to be presented to the government with demands for countermeasures.

AIの模倣被害、訴え次々 「画風を盗用」「声優の声を再現」
毎日新聞 2023/5/15




full text:

see also 参考へ:

We have to change in Japan the word “artist” into the word “Art Worker” (similar to “Essential Worker”, “Sex Worker” or “Social Worker”)日本-アートワーカー/

「 “アートワーカー”はどこにいる?——60年代アメリカの芸術、労働、ジェンダー」
Julia Bryan-Wilson
Where Are the “Art Workers”? – Art, Labor and Gender in 1960’s America


New global art workers’ compendium by BT Bijutsu-Techo 美術手帖, April 2024; a tour de force.

BT 美術手帖 April 2024
BT 美術手帖 April 2024

compare with 比較論: