日本の文化を象徴する「菊」:アナルセックスと皇室の紋章 木村了子 KIMURA Ryoko ・アンディ・ウォーホル Andy WARHOL ・トム・オブ・フィンランド Tom of Finland
ドイツ・ベルリンの「Neue Nationalgalerie (新国立美術館)」にて、6月9日から10月6日まで開催されているアンディ・ウォーホル(Andy Warhol)の回顧展「The Velvet Rage and Beauty」は大人気です。
東京のDIESEL ART GALLERY(ディーゼル アート ギャラリー)では、7月12日から8月14日まで、トム・オブ・フィンランド財団による「FORTY YEARS OF PRIDE」展を開催しています。
Check, compare with:
Emozione profonda。Curation by KIMURA Ryoko: Praise the NUDE!Adoring the Male Body through Art
展覧会の画像一覧:木村了子、牧田恵実、中尾 変、吉岡愛花、上路市剛、興梠優護
Exhibition Images: KIMURA Ryoko, MAKIDA Emi, NAKAO Hen, YOSHIOKA Aika, KAMIJI Ichitaka, KOHROGI Yugo
If you look at X, we are now in an era where Japanese people can talk openly about anything.
The sixteen eightfold table chrysanthemum (Kiku) is known as the Japanese Imperial Emblem.
There still seem to be Japanese people who don’t know that the chrysanthemum (Kiku) also symbolises anal sex.
I think that with the current Warhol exhibition in Berlin and the Tom of Finland exhibition in Tokyo, a natural, self-evident appeal towards the chrysanthemum would be appropriate.
Even women can cum in Kiku. Have fun looking at the pictures.
Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin: Andy Warhol Ausstellung
Bonus pic:
ANDY WARHOL BERLIN 2024 – 4K Full Exhibition Walkthrough
Andy Warhol
Velvet Rage and Beauty
09.06.2024 to 06.10.2024
Neue Nationalgalerie
Andy Warhol is arguably one of the most widely known and discussed artists of the twentieth century. While his depictions of consumer products and celebrities became household famous, there is a newly identified red thread through his career, starting in the late 1940s until his untimely death in the 1980s: a continuous searching to visualize his ideal of beauty, mostly male beauty, finding form and creating lasting images of what Warhol desired. Neue Nationalgalerie is for the first time putting together a large survey focused on Warhol’s search for a certain ideal beauty and shows that it is a central aspect and red thread throughout the artist’s different production phases and stages of career, from the 1940s to the 1980s. Bringing together more than 300 works, paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, Polaroids, films and collages, the exhibition allows an expansive and inclusive insight into a Warhol, that during his lifetime never had a real “coming-out”.
From the early drawings to his screen tests and films in 1960s, the torso paintings in the 1970s, through his collaborations with Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1980s, and countless photographs throughout all periods, there is a constant exploration to express this ideal and quest for beauty. When one looks closely and deeply at Warhol’s work, it becomes apparent that his artistic practice is intimately engaged with the body. In all mediums, he provocatively explores the body’s beauty and flaws, fragility and strength, as well as his own insecurities and torments in many self-portraits. During his lifetime many of these works on the human body were either considered inappropriate, immoral, deviant – or even pornographic or illegal. As a result, many of these works received little exposure in the art world and never became known to a wider public.
In addition to the Double Elvis, 1963, from the Nationalgalerie, Marx Collection, special international loans are from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Mugrabi Collection, NYC, mumok – Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, as well as numerous loans from The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh.
The exhibition Andy Warhol: Velvet Rage and Beauty takes its title as an homage to the book The Velvet Rage (2005) by Alan Downs that describes how it feels to grow up and live as a gay man in a predominantly straight world. Warhol died in 1987 at the age of only fifty-eight. He left an incredibly complex and influential body of work, but during his lifetime never experienced the open acceptance that we now have to look at these specific bodies of work. As this openness to queerness seems at risk again today through changes in so many societies, the exhibition takes on Berlin in 2024 as a window of opportunity, to bring these works together for the first and hopefully not for the last time.
Note: This exhibition features very explicit nudity, sexual content, and diverse representations of gender and the body. If you plan to visit with children or young people, we recommend doing so together and maintaining an open dialogue.
The exhibition is curated by Klaus Biesenbach, director of the Neue Nationalgalerie, with Lisa Botti, co-curator. Curatorial assistance and project management: Nikola Richolt.
Audio tour from and with Klaus Biesenbach
For free
Only available on site
Languages: German and English
Length: approx. 60 minutes
ここに載せた写真は、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense
ここに載せた写真は、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense
ここに載せた写真は、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense
Tom of Finland Foundation
JULY 12 – AUGUST 14, 2024
ディーゼル アート ギャラリー DIESEL ART GALLERY
トム・オブ・フィンランド財団設立40周年を祝した特別展をDIESEL ART GALLERYで開催
トム・オブ・フィンランドの世界に浸ることができるVR作品「TOM House – The VR Experience」を日本で初披露
DIESEL ART GALLERY(ディーゼル アート ギャラリー)では、2024年7月12日(金)から8月14日(水)まで、トム・オブ・フィンランド財団による「FORTY YEARS OF PRIDE」展を開催します。
本展覧会は、ゲイアートのパイオニアであるトム・オブ・フィンランド財団の設立40周年を祝し、トム・オブ・フィンランドの象徴的な作品の展示に加えて、トム・オブ・フィンランドの世界に没入できるVR作品「TOM House the VR Experience」を日本で初披露します。
トム・オブ・フィンランドが描いた筋肉質で自由奔放な男性像は、当時の社会的な偏見に果敢に立ち向かい、多くの人々に勇気と自己表現の重要性を教えました。彼のアートはコミュニティの自信と誇りを高め、世界中のLGBTQ+ムーブメントに大きな影響を与えました。その影響は、フレディ・マーキュリー、アンディ・ウォーホル、ジャン=ポール・ゴルチエ、トム・フォード、ヘルムート・ラング、ロバート・メイプルソープ、ブルース・ウェーバーなど、多くのアーティストにも及びました。「FORTY YEARS OF PRIDE」展では、トム・オブ・フィンランドの作品が現代のアートシーンや社会的な意識に与える影響や、そのメッセージが人々の心にどのように響いているかを理解する機会を提供します。
アーティスト: Tom of Finland and friends
会期: 2024年7月12日(金)- 8月14日(水)
住所: 東京都渋谷区渋谷1-23-16 cocoti DIESEL SHIBUYA B1F
TEL: 03-6427-5955
開館時間: 11:30-20:00
入場料: 無料
協力: Donkey Hotel Ltd. / Peachy Kings / 株式会社ビーライズ / 株式会社 堀内カラー / AKIHIRO NAKAMURA FRAME OF MIND
後援: フィンランド大使館
Web: https://www.diesel.co.jp/ja/art-gallery/tom_of_finland_foundation
Online Store: https://dieselartgallery.stores.jp
X: https://twitter.com/dieselart
展覧会ハッシュタグ: #tomoffinlandfoundation #ToFF40 #dieselartgallery
DIESEL ART GALLERY is pleased to present FORTY YEARS OF PRIDE, an exhibition by Tom of Finland Foundation from Friday, July 12 through Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
The exhibition, part of the 2024 Diesel x Tom of Finland Foundation Pride program, celebrates the 40th anniversary of Tom of Finland Foundation, a pioneering organization in gay art. In addition to the exhibition of Tom of Finland’s iconic works, the exhibition will also feature a virtual reality work “TOM House the VR Experience”, a visual and audio journey that allows visitors to immerse themselves into the world of Tom.
Tom of Finland’s depictions of muscular, free-spirited men boldly confronted the social prejudices of his time and taught many people the meaning of courage and self-expression. His art increased the confidence and pride of the community and has had a profound impact in the LGBTQ+ movement around the world. His influence has touched artists such as Freddie Mercury, Andy Warhol, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Tom Ford, Helmut Lang, Robert Mapplethorpe, Bruce Weber, and many others. The FORTY YEARS OF PRIDE exhibition provides an opportunity to understand the impact of Tom of Finland on the contemporary art scene, in social consciousness, and how his message resonates with so many diverse people.
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos+screenshots: cccs courtesy creative common sense