αMプロジェクト2018『絵と、 』 キュレーター:蔵屋美香(東京国立近代美術館 企画課長)vol. 4 千葉正也 αMproject 2018 “Painting and… ” Curator: KURAYA Mika (Chief Curator of the Department of Fine Arts at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) Vol. 4 CHIBA Masaya
CHIBA Masaya 千葉正也, one of Japan’s most interesting painters and represented by the gallery ShugoArts in Tokyo, had been given ‘carte blanche’ for his exhibition at another space, named “Gallery αM”. 4th part of the series “Painting and…”, curated by chief curator of the Department of Fine Arts at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, KURAYA Mika 蔵屋美香, perplexed the viewer with its installation focused execution.
Experimental per se, the painterly attitude/process had been “re-functioned” towards explanatory tableaux.
For the insider however, Chiba’s brushstrokes and color-compositions could be recognized on the spot; normally his paintings create a strong illusion that the viewer may not at first be sure whether the subject depicted is real or a representation.
His art of trompe l’oeil mystifies, amuses and beguiles in just about equal measure, whereas the instructions written on the “boards” had to be initially “de-coded” as we were “obliged” to pro-actively experience the “curational habitat”.
Once all the works were seen, and the interactive-process had been understood, the entertaining aspect began: climbing on stepladders, looking through binoculars or sitting in comfortable chairs.
One homage-like installation work introduced his former art teacher and at the other one, a newly born baby by friends got its attention.
Details to discover were as important as the social commentary of the Gesamtkunstwerk. In this sense a quite challenging exhibition in which CHIBA masterfully showed an oxymoron via his typical medium of painting, where the painter himself switches into a conceptual curatorial practice and therefore distracts the attention away from the pictorial narrative, ergo, as a result, the image becomes obsolete, ultimately refusing to accept artful contemplation.
The notion about “Painting and…”, eco-conceptually curated, had been successfully accomplished. Voilà.
Attached to the pics is the first explanatory statement by CHIBA in the following video, taken at the start of the talk event with KURAYA Mika.
Artist talk on 2018, November 10th, 18-19:00. CHIBA Masaya with KURUYA Mika, introduction by artist HAKAMATA Kyotaro
(5 min 34 sec)
My second video had been taken shortly before the talk show.
(1 min 54 sec)
The 1 hours talk event can be watched at Gallery αM’s youtube site.
gallery αM 絵と、 vol 4 千葉正也x蔵屋美香20181110
KURAYA Mika’s curatorial project ended yesterday with the start of its last show about veteran painter NAKAMURA Kazumi 中村一美 (2019/1/26 – 3/23), which I attended yesterday evening and will introduce later.
Part 1 with SOUTOME Teppei can be recapitulated via my personal impression at
五月女哲平個展「犠牲の色、積層の絵画」+「絵と、 」
SOUTOME Teppei’s exhibitions “Colors of Sacrifice, Layered Tableaux” + “Painting and…”
Part 3 with MURASE Kyoko had been introduced via
フェミニン・浮遊する宇宙空間 by 村瀬恭子 と 塩田千春
Feminine Floating Cosmos by MURASE Kyoko and SHIOTA Chiharu
Part 2 with FUJISHIRO Uso 藤城嘘, which I couldn’t attend, can be recapitulated directly via Gallery αM’s website:
Tokyo, HEISEI 31, January 27th
Mario A
αMプロジェクト2018『絵と、 』
キュレーター:蔵屋美香(東京国立近代美術館 企画課長)
αMproject 2018 “Painting and… ”
Curator: KURAYA Mika (Chief Curator of the Department of Fine Arts at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo)
「絵と、 」
CHIBA Masaya “Painting and… Vol. 4”
@ Gallery αM
vol.4 千葉正也:2018年11月10日~2019年1月12日
〒101-0031 東京都千代田区東神田1-2-11アガタ竹澤ビルB1F
開廊日:火-土 11:00-19:00 日月祝休
B1F, Agata-takezawa Bldg. 1-2-11 Higashi-kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0031
Hours: 11:00-19:00
Holidays: Sundays, Mondays and National holidays
see the curatorial context:
αMproject 2018『絵と、 』αMproject 2018 “Painting and… ”
キュレーター:蔵屋美香(東京国立近代美術館 企画課長)
Curator: KURAYA Mika (Chief Curator of the Department of Fine Arts at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo)
• vol.1 SOUTOME Teppei 五月女哲平:2018年4月7日~6月2日
• vol.2 FUJISHIRO Uso 藤城嘘:2018年6月16日~8月10日
• vol.3 MURASE Kyoko 村瀬恭子:2018年9月1日~10月27日
• vol.4 CHIBA Masaya 千葉正也:2018年11月10日~ 2019年1日12日
• vol.5 NAKAMURA Kazumi 中村一美:2019年1月26日~3月23日
2018年2月10日 – 3月31日