The Violent, Fucked-Up Country, UNITED STATES of AMERICA on 6th of January 2021 The Violent, Fucked-Up Country, UNITED STATES of AMERICA on 6th of January 2021

We are writing the year 2021. Not 1980. Not 1940.
The U.S.A.
It should NOT be called America, because the continent America means South-, Middle- and North-America.
Without doubt, the U.S.A. is an extremely violent country. U.S. citizens act with the possibility of using violence in mind.
If you say “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”, every country in the world could argue:
Let’s face it: Most U.S. citizens behave childish, like to play the Cool, like to play the Macho, like to play the Strong Man, like to play the pretty, cool BEAUTY. Living the Dumb Woman and Man in the U.S.A..
“Boom & Bust” as principle.
Only the Strong should survive. No social safety net. No social contract.
Violent President Trump is the symptom, not the problem in the U.S.A., as proven once more with the result of the Republicans in the 2020 presidential election.
We should never forget that barely two months ago 70 million people voted for a man this unstable to be President for another term. The problem is not and never has been Donald Trump. It’s the fact that he is the embodiment of a deep and resilient set of fake values.
Donald Trump is a symptom, not a source, of the anxiety and confusion in the politics of the U.S.A., which acts as it has to control the whole world.
Of course, without doubt, communist China and totalitarian Russia behave worse. These two countries should be put into a neutral position, without giving them the status of a wishful thinking being a superpower.
The alienation towards a so-called “ally”. In the same context, no friendship with China nor Russia under the actual circumstances, see Hong Kong and Crimea.
The imagination of America.
The Red, Green, Blue, Black, White, Yellow American Experience.
The American Experience. Right?
The projected imagination/delusion of the so-called “Greatest Nation on Earth”.
“God bless America”.
The questionable identity politics discourse in the U.S.A..
Everyone and every media tries to create the visualization of one’s own country / culture in the perfect way, to be reflected seriously. You tried it in vain to save your imagination.
Tokyo, 7th of January 2021
Mario A
(P.S. regarding the arts, you may question if this statement is valuable or not:
“One important function of the arts is to tell us who we are as a people and to playback for us the narrative of America. We know that the arts have not fully engaged in that narrative, that the arts have, in many ways, served to perpetuate partial storytelling of American history and culture. This is the work of the arts to address the historical erasure of narratives that are unpleasant and challenge the idea of American exceptionalism, and now align with our romanticised view of who we are as a people.”)
Man wearing ‘Camp Auschwitz’ shirt among mob who stormed U.S. Capitol
January 6, 2021 By Arno Rosenfeld
An unidentified man wearing a sweatshirt reading “Camp Auschwitz” was among the violent mob that entered the U.S. Capitol Wednesday after a series of rallies that involved antisemitic conspiracy theories.
The man was visible in video stills from inside the Capitol, including a report from ITV, a British television channel. He was wearing what appeared to be a hooded sweatshirt with “Camp Auschwitz” printed above an image of a skull and crossbones, with the phrase “work brings freedom” printed below.
more at:
Seen from the Japanese perspective:
Seen from the German perspective:
US-TICKER-Merkel – Bilder machen mich “wütend und auch traurig”
Washington, 07. Jan (Reuters) – In der US-Hauptstadt Washington haben Anhänger von Präsident Donald Trump das Kapitol-Gebäude gestürmt, Sitz des Kongresses. Es folgen aktuelle Entwicklungen.
10.05 Uhr – Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel macht den noch amtierenden US-Präsidenten Donald Trump für die Ausschreitungen am Kapitol verantwortlich. Trump habe “bedauerlicherweise” seine Niederlage bei der Wahl im November nach wie vor nicht eingestanden, sagt Merkel in Berlin. “Das hat die Atmosphäre bereitet, in der dann auch solche Ereignisse, solche gewalttätigen Ereignisse, möglich sind”, sagt die Kanzlerin. “Diesen Zusammenhang sehe ich.”
09.54 Uhr – Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel äußert sich schockiert über die Angriffe auf den US-Kongress. “Mich haben diese Bilder wütend und auch traurig gemacht”, sagt Merkel in Berlin. Eine der Grundregeln der Demokratie sei, dass es nach Wahlen Gewinner und Verlierer gebe. Sie bedaure, dass der noch amtierende Präsident Donald Trump seine Niederlage immer noch nicht eingestanden habe. Aber sie sei sich sicher: “Diese Demokratie wird sich als viel stärker erweisen als die Angreifer und Randalierer.”
09.40 Uhr – US-Vize-Präsident Mike Pence erklärt, dass der Kongress den Demokraten Joe Biden als Sieger der US-Präsidentenwahl bestätigt hat. Damit ist der Weg zur Amtseinführung am 20. Januar frei.
09.35 Uhr – Der US-Kongress bestätigt die Wahl des Demokraten Joe Biden zum nächsten Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Bei der laufenden Abstimmung erreicht Biden die erforderlichen 270 Wahlleute.
09.11 Uhr – Die Abgeordneten des US-Repräsentantenhauses stimmen dagegen, den Ausgang der Präsidentenwahl in US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania zu kippen. Das Votum fällt 282 zu 138 Stimmen aus.
08.55 Uhr – Nach mehreren Spitzenbeamten tritt auch der stellvertretende Nationale Sicherheitsberater des Präsidialamtes, Matt Pottinger, im Zuge der Ausschreitungen zurück. Das berichten mehrere US-Medien. Pottinger war maßgeblich für die China-Politik von Präsident Donald Trump verantwortlich. Der Nationale Sicherheitsberater Robert O’Brien erwäge ebenfalls seinen Rücktritt, sagen Insider zu Reuters.
08.38 Uhr – Vizekanzler und Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) macht US-Präsident Donald Trump für die Ausschreitungen in Washington verantwortlich. “Donald Trump hat die Verantwortung für das, was dort geschehen ist. Das kann er nicht weg reden”, sagt er bei RTL/ntv. Das gewaltsame Eindringen von Trump-Anhängern in das US-Parlament sei “bedrückend” und “erschreckend”. Trump habe in den USA zuvor viele Menschen aufgestachelt und auch nicht zurückgehalten. “Das ist ganz klar etwas, was man erlebt, wenn Populisten Macht bekommen.”
08.35 Uhr – Die britische Innenministerin Priti Patel macht US-Präsident Donald Trump direkt für die Unruhen am Kapitol verantwortlich. Seine Äußerungen hätten zu den Ausschreitungen geführt. Er habe die Gewalt nicht verurteilt und das sei falsch. Es gebe keine Rechtfertigung dafür, was in Washington geschehen sei, sagt sie.
08.15 Uhr – SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich fordert “sehr deutliche Worte” aus der EU und Deutschland zu den Vorfällen in Washington. Dies hätte bereits in den vergangenen Monaten vermehrt geschehen müssen, sagt er in der ARD. “Das sind verstörende Ereignisse, die möglicherweise die Demokratie in den USA massiv beeinflussen werden.” Man müsse stark auf Europa setzen und nicht im Geleitzug der USA durch die Welt gehen.
08.11 Uhr – Der israelische Außenminister Gabi Ashkenazi nennt die Tumulte in der US-Hauptstadt Washington einen Angriff auf die demokratischen Werte. “Seit seiner Unabhängigkeit ist Amerika, unser großer und wahrer Freund, ein Leuchtfeuer der Demokratie und steht für die Werte Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Unabhängigkeit”, twittert der Politiker. “Ich bin sicher, dass das amerikanische Volk und seine gewählten Vertreter wissen werden, wie man diesen Angriff abwehrt, und weiterhin die Werte verteidigt werden, auf denen die Vereinigten Staaten gegründet wurden.”
07.12 Uhr – Der Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen, fordert die US-Republikaner auf, sich vom amtierenden Präsidenten Donald Trump zu distanzieren. Die Verantwortung für die Vorfälle im Kapitol liege klar bei Trump, sagt der CDU-Politiker in der ARD. Er fordere die Republikaner auf, “jetzt hier die Trennung zu vollziehen”.
05.28 Uhr – Bei den Vorfällen rund um das Kapitol sind nach Angaben der Polizei auf dem Parlamentsgelände insgesamt vier Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Eine Person sei den Folgen einer Schusswunde erlegen, drei seien aufgrund medizinischer Notfälle gestorben. 52 Menschen seien festgenommen worden.
04.17 Uhr – Zwei Spitzenberaterinnen der First Lady Melania Trump sind Insidern zufolge im Zuge der Gewalt in Washington zurückgetreten. Weitere Top-Vertreter aus dem Weißen Haus könnten zudem folgen, darunter der Nationale Sicherheitsberater Robert O’Brien, sagen mit den Vorgängen vertraute Personen. Das Präsidialamt äußert sich zunächst nicht.
04.01 Uhr – Der prominente Hedgefond-Manager Bill Ackman fordert Präsident Donald Trump auf Twitter zum Rücktritt auf. Zudem solle Trump “sich bei allen Amerikanern entschuldigen”.
03.29 Uhr – Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron schreibt auf Twitter, er vertraue auf die Stärke der Demokratie in den USA. “Was in Washington passiert ist, ist nicht amerikanisch.”
02.40 Uhr – Facebook
02.17 Uhr – Der ranghöchste Demokrat im Senat, Charles Schumer, gibt Präsident Donald Trump einen großen Teil der Schuld an der Gewalt.
02.08 Uhr – Der ehemalige Präsident Barack Obama wirft Amtsinhaber Donald Trump vor, die Gewalt am Kapitol angestiftet zu haben. Obama spricht in einer Erklärung von einem “Moment der großen Schande und Scham für unsere Nation”.
02.05 Uhr – Der Senat tritt nach der Erstürmung wieder zusammen. Vize-Präsident Mike Pence verurteilt die Gewalt. “Die Gewalt siegt nie.”
01.37 Uhr – Vize-Präsident Mike Pence ist dem Sender Fox News zufolge in den Sitzungssaal des Senats zurückgekehrt.
01.11 Uhr – Twitter kündigt eine Sperre des Nutzerzugangs von Präsident Donald Trump für die kommenden zwölf Stunden an. Bei weiteren Verstößen gegen die Regeln des Kurznachrichtendienstes könnte das Konto ganz gesperrt werden, teilt das Unternehmen mit.
01.03 Uhr – Der Senat soll dem Sender MSNBC zufolge um 20.00 Uhr (Ortszeit; 02.00 Uhr MEZ) wieder zusammentreten.
00.46 Uhr – Eine Gewerkschaft der US-Flugbegleiter fordert ein Flugverbot für die Anhänger von Präsident Donald Trump, die sich in Washington an der Erstürmung des Kapitols beteiligt hätten. Die Präsidentin der Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, Sara Nelson, spricht in einer Erklärung von einer “Mob-Mentalität”, die die Sicherheit “von jeder einzelnen Person an Board gefährden würde”.
00.37 Uhr – Das Repräsentantenhaus will im Laufe des Abends (Ortszeit) die Zertifizierung des Wahlergebnisses fortsetzen. Das teilt die Präsidentin der Kongresskammer, Nancy Pelosi, mit. Man werde die Sache zu Ende bringen.
00.32 Uhr – Nach Facebook und YouTube löscht nun auch Twitter
00.30 Uhr – Eine bei den Protesten angeschossene Frau ist nach Angaben der Polizei gestorben.
00.10 Uhr – Der “Angriff auf das Herz der amerikanischen Demokratie” und vier Jahre Amtszeit von US-Präsident Donald Trump zeigen nach Ansicht von Grünen-Chefin Annalena Baerbock, dass Rechtspopulisten an der Macht sich nicht entzaubern. “Sie nutzen die Macht, um die Demokratie und ihre Institutionen von innen auszuhöhlen, um sie dann aktiv zu bekämpfen”, twittert sie. Das Schweigen der US-Republikaner sei fatal gewesen.
00.08 Uhr – Facebook
00.02 Uhr – Die demokratische Abgeordnete Ilhan Omar bereitet nach eigenen Angaben einen Antrag auf Amtsenthebung gegen Präsident Donald Trump vor. “Wir können nicht zulassen, dass er im Amt bleibt”, schreibt sie auf Twitter “Es geht darum, unsere Republik zu bewahren, und wir müssen unseren Eid erfüllen.” Trump soll am 20. Januar das Weiße Haus verlassen.
00.00 Uhr – In Washington tritt eine Ausgangssperre in Kraft.
23.53 Uhr – Der Gouverneur des Bundesstaates Virginia ruft den Notstand aus. Zudem werde in einigen Landesteilen eine Ausgangssperre verhängt, gibt Ralph Northam bekannt. Virginia grenzt an die Hauptstadt Washington.
23.44 Uhr – Die US-Bundespolizei FBI hat zwei mutmaßliche Sprengsätze entschärft, berichtet der Sender MSNBC.
23.33 Uhr – Die am Kapitol eingesetzten Polizisten treiben einem Reuters-Reporter zufolge die Demonstranten vom Gebäude weg. Nach Behördenangaben ist das Gebäude jetzt gesichert.
23.19 Uhr – EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen betont ihr Vertrauen in die Stärke der US-Institutionen und -Demokratie. “Eine friedliche Machtübergabe steht dabei im Zentrum”, twittert sie. “Joe Biden hat die Wahl gewonnen. Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm als nächster US-Präsident”, fügt sie hinzu.
22.53 Uhr – Der Präsident des US-Industrieverbandes National Association of Manufacturers ruft dazu auf, eine Amtsenthebung von Präsident Donald Trump zu prüfen. Trump habe “Gewalt angestachelt beim Versuch, an der Macht zu bleiben”, erklärt Jay Timmons. Vize-Präsident Mike Pence solle die Anwendung des 25. Verfassungszusatzes erwägen. Dieses regelt eine Amtsenthebung des Präsidenten.
22.44 Uhr – Der niederländische Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte hat US-Präsident Donald Trump aufgefordert, seine Wahlniederlage endlich anzuerkennen. Es gebe “schreckliche Bilder aus Washington”, twittert Rutte. “Sehr geehrter Herr Trump, erkennen Sie heute Joe Bidens Wahlsieg an.”
22.33 Uhr – Österreichs Kanzler Sebastian Kurz hat sich schockiert über einen “inakzeptablen Angriff auf die Demokratie” geäußert. “Schockiert über die Szenen in Washington”, twittert Kurz auf englisch. Nun müsse eine friedliche und geordnete Machtübergabe gesichert werden.
22.31 Uhr – Der CDU-Politiker Friedrich Merz hat die US-Republikaner und US-Präsident Donald Trump indirekt aufgefordert, die Wahlergebnisse zu akzeptieren. “Demokratien brauchen Demokraten. Und Demokraten müssen Wahlergebnisse akzeptieren”, twittert der Kandidat für den CDU-Vorsitz. Lichtblicke gebe es wenigstens in Georgia, twittert Merz.
22.29 Uhr – Twitter
22.18 Uhr – US-Präsident Donald Trump wendet sich in einem Video auf Twitter an die Demonstranten: “Sie müssen jetzt nach Hause gehen. Wir brauchen Frieden.” Er wiederholt den unbestätigten Vorwurf der Wahlfälschung.
22.10 Uhr – Der designierte US-Präsident Joe Biden ruft Amtsinhaber Donald Trump auf, in einer Live-Sendung ein Ende der “Belagerung” des Kapitols zu fordern.
22.07 Uhr – Das Krisenzentrum des Auswärtigen Amtes warnt Deutsche in Washington über Twitter zur Vorsicht. “Sicherheitslage weiterhin zum Teil unübersichtlich. Meiden Sie den Bereich weiträumig und folgen Sie den Anweisungen der Sicherheitskräfte”, twittert das Krisenzentrum.
22.05 Uhr – Finanzminister und SPD-Kanzlerkandidat Olaf Scholz spricht auf Twitter von verstörenden Bildern vom Kapitol. “Das ist ein unerträglicher Anschlag auf die Demokratie. Präsident #Trump hat das Land tief gespalten – nun zeigt sich, wie sehr.”
21.59 Uhr – Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg spricht auf Twitter von “schockierenden Szenen”. Das Ergebnis der “demokratischen Wahl” müsse respektiert werden.
21.57 Uhr – Auch der Bundesstaat Maryland entsendet die Nationalgarde und Landespolizei nach Washington, wie der Gouverneur bekanntgibt.
21.55 Uhr – Der Sender CNN berichtet von mehreren Beamten, die am Kapitol verletzt worden seien. Mindestens einer von ihnen sei ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert worden.
21.54 Uhr – Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet hat US-Präsident vorgeworfen, Hass und Gewalt gesät zu haben. “Der Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten war über Jahrhunderte weltweit das Symbol der Freiheit und der Demokratie”, twittert der Kandidat für den CDU-Vorsitz. Die Attacken fanatisierter Trump-Anhänger auf das Kapitol schmerzten jeden Freund der USA. “Wer mit Sprache Populismus und Polarisierung sät, erntet Hass und Gewalt.”
21.53 Uhr – Die Parteizentrale der Demokraten ist der “New York Times” zufolge evakuiert worden.
21.51 Uhr – An der Parteizentrale der Republikaner ist einem Journalisten der “New York Times” zufolge ein Sprengsatz gefunden und kontrolliert gesprengt worden.
21.46 Uhr – Vize-Präsident Mike Pence kündigt an, gegen die gewalttätigen Demonstranten werde mit der vollen Härte des Gesetzes vorgegangen. Pence fungiert auch als Präsident des Senats.
21.44 Uhr – Im Kapitol wurde eine Person von Sicherheitskräften angeschossen, berichtet NBC News.
21.39 Uhr – Einer Sprecherin des Präsidialamts zufolge werden die Nationalgarde und weitere Einheiten des Bundes am Kapitol eingesetzt.
21.37 Uhr – Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas spricht auf Twitter von “unfassbaren Bildern”, über die sich die Feinde der Demokratie freuen werden. “Aus aufrührerischen Worten werden gewaltsame Taten – auf den Stufen des Reichstages, und jetzt im #Capitol”, schreibt er.
21.35 Uhr – Der Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen, sieht die Republikaner vor einer Grundsatzentscheidung. “Jetzt ist der letzte Zeitpunkt an dem die Republikaner sich entscheiden können zwischen Demokratie und Trump”, twittert der Kandidat für den CDU-Vorsitz. Trump habe gegen die Institutionen der Demokratie gehetzt.
21.33 Uhr – Der Bundesstaat Virginia schickt Nationalgardisten und 200 Landespolizisten in die benachbarte Hauptstadt, wie Gouverneur Ralph Northam bekanntgibt.
21.32 Uhr – Mitarbeiter des Senats haben Journalisten zufolge bei der Räumung des Sitzungssaales die Wahlunterlagen der Bundesstaaten in Sicherheit gebracht.
21.30 Uhr – Der SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Fritz Felgentreu fordert die Verhaftung von US-Präsident Donald Trump. “Trump must be arrested”, twittert er.
21.27 Uhr – Dem Sender CNN zufolge ist einer Frau auf dem Gelände des Kapitols in den Brustkorb geschossen worden. Sie befinde sich in Lebensgefahr.
21.20 Uhr – Die Präsidentin des Repräsentantenhauses, die Demokratin Nancy Pelosi, ist einem Mitarbeiter zufolge aus dem Kapitol gebracht worden und in Sicherheit.
21.16 Uhr – Präsident Donald Trump ruft alle am Kapitol auf, friedlich zu bleiben. “Keine Gewalt!” schreibt er auf Twitter “Vergessen Sie nicht, wir sind die Partei von Recht und Ordnung.”
21.11 Uhr – Die Aktien des Waffenherstellers Smith & Wesson
21.08 Uhr – Der Minderheitenführer der Republikaner im Repräsentantenhaus Kevin McCarthy nennt die gewalttätigen Proteste auf Fox News “unamerikanisch”. Sie müssten sofort aufhören. Seinen Angaben zufolge wurden vor zehn oder 15 Minuten Schüsse abgegeben.
21.04 Uhr – Die designierte Vize-Präsidentin Kamala Harris ist einem Mitarbeiter zufolge in Sicherheit gebracht worden. Der Ort werde geheim gehalten.
21.01 Uhr – Die Präsidentin des Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, und die Bürgermeisterin von Washington haben dem Sender MSNBC zufolge die Nationalgarde zu Hilfe gerufen. Ein Reporter der “Washington Post” berichtet auf Twitter, das Verteidigungsministerium habe die Bitte zurückgewiesen.
20.58 Uhr – Demonstranten haben Journalisten zufolge auch den Sitzungssaal des Senats erreicht. Auf einem Foto ist zu sehen, wie einer von ihnen im Stuhl des Senats-Präsidenten Platz nimmt.
20.57 Uhr – Der Sitzungssaal des Repräsentantenhaus wird einem Reuters-Reporter zufolge evakuiert. Medienberichten zufolge werden auch weitere Teile des Kapitols geräumt.
20.55 Uhr – Der Sender C-Span veröffentlicht Aufnahmen, die den Einsatz von Tränengas vor dem Sitzungssaal des Repräsentantenhauses zeigen sollen.
20.51 Uhr – Einem Reuters-Reporter zufolge hämmern Personen an die Türen des Sitzungssaals des Repräsentantenhauses, um Einlass zu erhalten. Einige Abgeordnete befänden sich noch in dem Raum.
20.50 Uhr – Vor dem Sitzungssaal des Repräsentantenhauses findet einem Bericht von CNN zufolge eine Konfrontation mit Bewaffneten statt. Es seien Waffen gezogen worden.
20.45 Uhr – Vize-Präsident Mike Pence ist dem Sender NBC zufolge an einen sicheren Ort gebracht worden. Zuvor rief die Polizei des Kapitols die Abgeordneten auf, Gasmasken bereit zu halten.
20.43 Uhr – Präsident Donald Trump ruft über Twitter die Demonstranten auf, friedlich zu bleiben.
20.38 Uhr – Die Bürgermeisterin der Hauptstadt verhängt eine Ausgangssperre von 18.00 Uhr bis 06.00 Uhr (Ortszeit; Mitternacht bis 12.00 Uhr MEZ).
up-date 2021/1/8
New York Times
Curators scour Capitol for damage to the building or its art
For nearly four hours, the collection she had spent more than 30 years caring for was at the mercy of a mob that broke into rooms on the south side of the Capitol (including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office), smashed windows and then marched through the National Statuary Hall, waving American, Confederate and “Trump Is My President” flags.
Their time in the building is now represented by the damage they left behind. A 19th-century marble bust of former President Zachary Taylor was flecked with what appeared to be blood. A picture frame was left lying on the floor, the image gone.
The photos and videos, some of them taken inside by the rioters themselves, were startling. One man crammed a framed photo of the Dalai Lama into his backpack, while another smoked marijuana in a room with maps of Oregon on the wall. A man in a leather jacket ripped up a scroll with Chinese characters.
“Yeah look at all this fancy furniture they have!” one man in a winter parka and red hat said.
By the time the Capitol Police had secured the building around 6 p.m., windows and doors at the historic building had been broken, offices had been ransacked and some furniture had been damaged, overturned or looted.
Detailed damage assessments from the Architect of the Capitol or the U.S. Capitol Police have yet to be released. But the singular works of art that curators consider the treasures of the building did not appear to have suffered any major damage.
But he noted that it was important to do so in a way that did not grant the rioters hero status.
“It’s important to not inadvertently create a shrine that appears to commemorate the insurrectionists,” he said.
up-date 9th of January 2021
ツイッター社 トランプ大統領のアカウント 永久に停止と発表
2021年1月9日 9時45分 トランプ大統領
ツイッター社 トランプ大統領のアカウント 永久に停止と発表
2021年1月9日 12時00分 トランプ大統領
Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump
By Twitter Inc.
Friday, 8 January 2021
After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.
In the context of horrific events this week, we made it clear on Wednesday that additional violations of the Twitter Rules would potentially result in this very course of action. Our public interest framework exists to enable the public to hear from elected officials and world leaders directly. It is built on a principle that the people have a right to hold power to account in the open.
However, we made it clear going back years that these accounts are not above our rules entirely and cannot use Twitter to incite violence, among other things. We will continue to be transparent around our policies and their enforcement.
The below is a comprehensive analysis of our policy enforcement approach in this case.
On January 8, 2021, President Donald J. Trump tweeted:
“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”
Shortly thereafter, the President tweeted:
“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”
Due to the ongoing tensions in the United States, and an uptick in the global conversation in regards to the people who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, these two Tweets must be read in the context of broader events in the country and the ways in which the President’s statements can be mobilized by different audiences, including to incite violence, as well as in the context of the pattern of behavior from this account in recent weeks. After assessing the language in these Tweets against our Glorification of Violence policy*, we have determined that these Tweets are in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump should be immediately permanently suspended from the service.
We assessed the two Tweets referenced above under our Glorification of Violence policy*, which aims to prevent the glorification of violence that could inspire others to replicate violent acts and determined that they were highly likely to encourage and inspire people to replicate the criminal acts that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
This determination is based on a number of factors, including:
– President Trump’s statement that he will not be attending the Inauguration is being received by a number of his supporters as further confirmation that the election was not legitimate and is seen as him disavowing his previous claim made via two Tweets (1, 2) by his Deputy Chief of Staff, Dan Scavino, that there would be an “orderly transition” on January 20th.
– The second Tweet may also serve as encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the Inauguration would be a “safe” target, as he will not be attending.
– The use of the words “American Patriots” to describe some of his supporters is also being interpreted as support for those committing violent acts at the US Capitol.
– The mention of his supporters having a “GIANT VOICE long into the future” and that “They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!” is being interpreted as further indication that President Trump does not plan to facilitate an “orderly transition” and instead that he plans to continue to support, empower, and shield those who believe he won the election.
– Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021.
As such, our determination is that the two Tweets above are likely to inspire others to replicate the violent acts that took place on January 6, 2021, and that there are multiple indicators that they are being received and understood as encouragement to do so.
* Explanation by Twitter regarding “Glorification of violence”
Glorification of violence policy
March 2019
You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence.
Glorifying violent acts could inspire others to take part in similar acts of violence. Additionally, glorifying violent events where people were targeted on the basis of their protected characteristics (including: race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease) could incite or lead to further violence motivated by hatred and intolerance. For these reasons, we have a policy against content that glorifies acts of violence in a way that may inspire others to replicate those violent acts and cause real offline harm, or events where members of a protected group were the primary targets or victims.
more at:
Gebt mir ein Blutbad!
FAZ Wolfram Siemann -08.01.2021
Donald Trump hatte ein klares Kalkül, als er die Massen zum Sturm des Kapitols anstiftete, wie man mit guten Argumenten spekulieren kann: Er wollte die Gewalt schüren, um dann den Notstand ausrufen und an der Macht bleiben zu können.
Ein Gastbeitrag.
Als Historiker der Revolutions- und Polizeigeschichte sehe ich die gegenwärtigen Vorgänge in Washington in einem besonderen Kontext. Ich beobachte Trump schon lange als einen Politiker, der auf eine populistisch gestützte, in Teilen faschistisch geartete Diktatur zustrebt – auch wenn er selbst kein Faschist ist – und dabei eine den zwanziger Jahren und den Nazis ähnliche Methode anwendet: Delegitimierung der Verfassungsinstitutionen, permanente Propagandalügen, effektvoll emotionale Slogans, die Opposition als absolutes Feindbild statt als demokratische Alternative, das System als Ganzes negierend, begleitet von zielstrebigen Machteroberungen, quasi der Gang durch die Institutionen bei der Besetzung von Richterstellen, Hineinregieren in die Verhältnisse der Einzelstaaten, permanente Missachtung verfassungsmäßig gesetzter Grenzen, zuletzt beispielhaft in dem Manipulationsversuch, das Wahlergebnis Georgias von außen her zu ändern.
In den vergangenen Wochen kam höchst alarmierend die Neubesetzung der Schlüsselpositionen bei Militär und CIA hinzu. Dort war man hellauf alarmiert, so stark, dass die zehn letzten lebenden Verteidigungsminister mit einer Erklärung vor dem Einsatz des Militärs in der Wahlkampffrage warnten. Das passt zu Trumps mehrfacher Ankündigung, man werde sich am 6. Januar noch wundern.
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2021 storming of the United States Capitol
up-date 2021/1/10
Warning: violent video. This footage shows rioters viciously beating police at the Capitol entrance. I hadn’t seen this clip, via @Storyful, until now.
— Jan Wolfe (@JanNWolfe) January 10, 2021
This is closeup footage of what becomes like a war zone at the entrance to the Capitol with Trump rioters attacking police with a hockey stick, a baseball bat, wooden furniture looted from the building, and shining a high-powered light in their eyes. 1/2
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) January 10, 2021
More… 2/2
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) January 10, 2021
Meet Devin Oneill from Smithfield North Carolina who says… “now if they can only find Biden and shoot him between the eyes”
Meet Jenny Cudd from Midland Texas “WE did break down Speaker Pelosi’s office door and somebody stole her gavel and I took a picture sitting in the chair flipping off the camera and that was on Fox News”
Meet Jenny Cudd from Midland Texas "WE did break down @SpeakerPelosi's office door and somebody stole her gavel and I took a picture sitting in the chair flipping off the camera and that was on Fox News" @FBI
— Will Munny (@WillMunny9) January 8, 2021
This is Dr. Tammy Towers Parry.
She’s a Family Medicine Doctor in Seattle, Washington.
“We just stormed the Capitol. It’s the least we can do — so God Bless America. Joe Biden did not win. He’s hopefully going to prison”
This is Dr. Tammy Towers Parry.
She’s a Family Medicine Doctor in Seattle, Washington.
“We just stormed the Capitol. It’s the least we can do — so God Bless America. Joe Biden did not win. He's hopefully going to prison"
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 10, 2021
Trump supporters chanting ‘HANG MIKE PENCE’ at the Capitol Building
Trump supporters chanting 'HANG MIKE PENCE' at the Capitol Building
— Dallas (@59dallas) January 6, 2021
Mom sending me more footage of Chinese people on Jan 6
Mom sending me more footage of Chinese people on Jan 6
— its beginning to look a lot like crisis (@rzhongnotes) January 9, 2021
This is what the pro-Trump mob did to American law enforcement officers after the President incited a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol
(warning, graphic video)
This is what the pro-Trump mob did to American law enforcement officers after the President incited a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol
(warning, graphic video)
— Josh Campbell (@joshscampbell) January 9, 2021
Everything about the Trump insurrection was planned … except failing
On Wednesday, supporters of Donald Trump pushed through police lines, stormed the U.S. Capitol, smashed windows, broke open doors, and went prowling through the halls with flexi-cuffs seeking congressional hostages. In the following hours and days, Republicans have expressed shock at this totally unexpected event, and Trump-appointed Pentagon officials have stated that the violence was “beyond their wildest dreams.” But Republicans have had over four years to understand exactly who Donald Trump is, what he is capable of doing, and who his followers are. Law enforcement officials at every level had not only a very good idea of the scale of this event, but the amount of violence it would bring.
The nation may be shocked by the visuals of what happened on Wednesday. People wearing horned helmets, T-shirts with Nazi slogans, and waving Confederate banners through the halls of Congress, made some draw parallels to the sacking of Rome by barbarian hordes. However, two days after this spontaneous event, the thing that’s become most clear is that it wasn’t spontaneous at all. It’s not just the culmination of everything Republicans have been doing for decades, it’s also an event that was launched, intentionally, as an insurrection against the United States.
Trump has been laying the groundwork for this moment from the beginning
Trump’s encouragement of violence from his followers goes back to before he began occupying the White House. That includes encouraging people to beat up protesters at his rallies, calling for and then deploying active military forces to face immigrants seeking asylum, praising Nazi marchers at Charlottesville who were complicit in the murder of a peaceful protester, and repeatedly making threats of violence against Black Lives Matter protesters and others. Trump has made it absolutely clear to his followers that violence—including deadly force—is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged.
Even if Trump had lost in 2016, he had already prepared his supporters to use violence as a means of overturning the results of the election. The same claims of election fraud and polling fraud had already been laid then, because Trump expected to lose. And the same calls for his supporters to carry out violent response and “monitor” the polls with armed poll-watchers had prompted the nation for widespread violence that was only halted by Trump’s surprising win.
Trump positioned officials to clear the way for violence in Washington, D.C.
Immediately after the election, Donald Trump began replacing Pentagon officials—and not just any officials. Trump explicitly replaced those officials who were directly responsible for the deployment and disposition of forces that protect the capital. Included in his targeting were those who had objected to the use of active military to attack peaceful protests over the summer.
Over the summer, Trump brought in unidentified forces including riot squads from the Bureau of Prisons and U.S. Marshals—none of them trained in dealing with civilian protests—to push back against peaceful marchers from Black Lives Matter following the police murder of George Floyd. In addition, Trump officials lead the Park Police, Secret Service, and others in what was frequently referred to as massive overresponse to small numbers of nonviolent protesters. All the while, Trump equated violence with “law and order” and used claims about shadowy antifa forces to justify going into cities over the objections of mayors and governors.
Through his time in the White House, Trump has tested the boundaries of using military forces—active military, National Guard, and irregular forces—to control civilian populations. It’s clear that he understands exactly where the controls for that power are located and exactly how requests for assistance can be met, or thwarted.
Trump’s November moves at the Pentagon now look like express preparation for exactly the moment that came on Wednesday.
Trump planned Wednesday’s event expressly to intimidate Congress
The placement of the event on Jan. 6 was, without any doubt, meant to intimidate representatives and senators during the count of the Electoral College vote. Trump meant this event to encourage objections to that vote—he said as much during the rally just before the assault. It’s clear from phone calls made by Rudy Giuliani that Trump wanted his supporters in Congress to object over and over, generating the maximum possible delay. And it’s clear from Trump’s own statements that he hoped to force Mike Pence into taking action beyond the law, forcing the ceremonial count to end without declaring Joe Biden the winner and pushing the next steps back into the courts.
The howling mob Trump unleashed was terrorism in its purest sense. They were meant to cause terror. To Congress. To interfere with the transition of power.
The event in Washington was designed to be violent, and it was funded by dark money
Trump was pleased with the numbers of attendees at his rally on Wednesday, and he certainly wasn’t turning away his normal crowd of racists, xenophobes, nationalists, and christianists. But this event was expressly built to attract those who Trump had already told to “Stand by,” including the Proud Boys and other Nazi groups who were invited to Washington, D.C. for a “wild” event.
One day after Proud Boys and other white supremacists invaded Washington for a violent demonstration, Trump made it clear he wanted them back. “Big protest in DC on January 6th,” tweeted Trump. “Be there, will be wild!”
Despite the roughly $500 million that Trump has raked directly into his own pocket through fundraising over false claims of election fraud, Trump didn’t actually pay for or organize the rally that launched the insurrection at the Capitol. Instead, that money came from … Republican attorneys general.
The Rule of Law Defense Fund (RLDF), a 501(c)(4) arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), helped organize the protest preceding the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol that took place on January 6, 2021.
Those who broke into the Capitol were not harmless clowns
While there were certainly plenty of people dressed in ridiculous costumes among the hundreds who invaded the Capitol building and the thousands who stood on the steps outside, none of them were harmless. Or funny. Included in the group were genuine Nazis, skinheads, militia members … and Republican officials.
And they made it clear that they were not there for a symbolic romp through the halls of Congress. They were there for Congress. Here are the words of one of those who invaded the House and Senate:
“Today the cowards ran as we took back the Capitol. They have it back now only because we left. It wasn’t the building that we wanted … It was them!”
How serious were they about capturing members of Congress and holding them hostage? Some of them were extremely serious.
This same crowd also constructed a gallows on the law outside, complete with steps and a ready noose.
This was not a spontaneous event, it was a failed coup
Planned for months, supported by new officials at the Pentagon, supported by big-money Republican donors, and cheered on by Trump supporters in Congress … this was not a spontaneous or unexpected event. It was a purposely staged event meant to disrupt the final stage of a U.S. election, throw the nation into chaos, and perhaps end with the televised murder of members of Congress.
As it was unfolding, Trump’s family was treating this exactly like what it was: something they welcomed and celebrated. The image of a gallows raised in front of the Capitol is on screen as Kimberly Guilfoyle dances.
They weren’t watching this event with disgust and shock. They were loving it. They were waiting for that moment when Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer might be hauled out to the roars of the crowd. They were waiting for blood. They were cheering for America to fall.
The only thing that wasn’t planned at this event … was failing. Trump didn’t anticipate that Congress would return to the building and complete the vote count. He didn’t think that Mike Pence would carry on naming Joe Biden as the victor. He didn’t anticipate that much of the American public would recoil in horror. Most of all, he didn’t expect that most of Congress would respond with anger rather than fear.
Donald Trump doesn’t just need to be removed. He, his family, and everyone involved in the planning of this event need to understand what it means to be on the losing end of a coup attempt.
But the first step is getting him out. Now.
NEW FOOTAGE: a long, disciplined line of men in body armor moves as a unit up the #CapitolBuilding steps.
We need to identify this group.
Grateful to @lehudgins for the find.
Source:— John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) January 10, 2021
Today during the coup, the terrorists took down the American flags, threw them to the ground, and replaced them with Trump flags.
— pitchforks (@BrandiLynn4Ever) January 7, 2021
The Trump supporters began going up the east steps of the Capitol to storm through the door.
Oathkeepers specifically played a role in the initial pressing forward there.
The Trump supporters began going up the east steps of the Capitol to storm through the door.
Oathkeepers specifically played a role in the initial pressing forward there.
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) January 7, 2021
Trump supporters were blocked by riot cops when they got the door opened, but they pretty easily managed to wrestle away a riot shield and start going in.
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) January 7, 2021
People kept going in and out of the Capitol entrance. One man came outside to announce that "they have evacuated all of the senators and house of Representatives."
He said they therefore had "done their job" and tried to call people back.
It didn't end there.
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) January 7, 2021
I know we’re focused on the congress and what happened there earlier right now, but I don’t want President Trump’s actual speech forgotten in history.
When Trump compared American elections to “third world countries” and called it a “disgrace,” crowd chanted “fight for Trump!”
I know we're focused on the congress and what happened there earlier right now, but I don't want President Trump's actual speech forgotten in history.
When Trump compared American elections to "third world countries" and called it a "disgrace," crowd chanted "fight for Trump!"
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) January 7, 2021
“We fight like hell. We fight like hell because if we don’t, we’re not going to have a country anymore,” President Trump said toward the end of his speech.
“In spite of all that’s happened, the best is yet to come,” he said before calling for the march on the Capitol.
I know we're focused on the congress and what happened there earlier right now, but I don't want President Trump's actual speech forgotten in history.
When Trump compared American elections to "third world countries" and called it a "disgrace," crowd chanted "fight for Trump!"
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) January 7, 2021
As soon as the CapitolBuilding window is breached the first men in move fast and in twos “GO GO GO” carrying backpacks, tactical gear, tactical helmets & plate carriers.
As soon as the #CapitolBuilding window is breached the first men in move fast and in twos "GO GO GO" carrying backpacks, tactical gear, tactical helmets & plate carriers.
Video via @BGOnTheScene
— John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) January 7, 2021
Trump Riot Watch Party
As it was unfolding, Trump’s family was treating this exactly like what it was: something they welcomed and celebrated. The image of a gallows raised in front of the Capitol is on screen as Kimberly Guilfoyle dances.
They weren’t watching this event with disgust and shock. They were loving it. They were waiting for that moment when Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer might be hauled out to the roars of the crowd. They were waiting for blood. They were cheering for America to fall.
The only thing that wasn’t planned at this event … was failing. Trump didn’t anticipate that Congress would return to the building and complete the vote count. He didn’t think that Mike Pence would carry on naming Joe Biden as the victor. He didn’t anticipate that much of the American public would recoil in horror. Most of all, he didn’t expect that most of Congress would respond with anger rather than fear.
Donald Trump doesn’t just need to be removed. He, his family, and everyone involved in the planning of this event need to understand what it means to be on the losing end of a coup attempt.
“Glass is all over the place.” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shows Lesley Stahl the destruction in her office after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, some of them in search of Speaker Pelosi.
“Glass is all over the place.” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shows Lesley Stahl the destruction in her office after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, some of them in search of Speaker Pelosi.
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) January 11, 2021
"There's more of us than you…We could absolutely fucking destroy you." This was the moment at the Capitol the mob turned on our team. Shot by @RonnieMcCrayJr
— Alex Marquardt (@MarquardtA) January 9, 2021
JUST NOW: protestors charging the media
— William Turton (@WilliamTurton) January 6, 2021
This video shows Donald Trump supporters dragging a police officer down the steps and savagely beating him.
Dozens of people appear to be involved. Horrifying.
Trump, Cruz, Hawley, Don Jr, and Rudy need to be arrested.
This is Donald Trump’s America.
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 10, 2021
Even more visceral angle on that scene. Brutally beaten by the mob after he's hauled of the stairs.
— Niel Staes (@NielStaes) January 10, 2021
Here’s the scary moment when protesters initially got into the building from the first floor and made their way outside Senate chamber.
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) January 6, 2021
This. Energy.
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 10, 2021
Sickening video.
It appears some Capitol Police simply didn’t give a single sh*t.
Chatting. Taking photos. Hard to watch.
An inside job…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 10, 2021
I took the video that RexChapman just posted of Donald Trump’s mob, dragging a police officer down the steps of the Capitol and savagely beating him – and digitally zoomed in on the area where the mob is bludgeoning him.
I think this is one of the officers that was murdered.
I took the video that @RexChapman just posted of Donald Trump's mob, dragging a police officer down the steps of the Capitol and savagely beating him – and digitally zoomed in on the area where the mob is bludgeoning him.
I think this is one of the officers that was murdered.
— Paul Lee Teeks (@PaulLeeTeeks) January 10, 2021
We defy anyone to watch this and tell us Trump didn’t know exactly what he was
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) January 10, 2021
米 民主党 トランプ大統領 弾劾訴追の決議案 提出
2021年1月12日 6時19分 トランプ大統領
狙いは“今後の政治活動 阻止”という見方も
バイデン次期大統領 上院の幹部と“弾劾”進め方 検討
“A mob of several thousand outraged people rampaged through the streets of the city after a long rambling speech by their leader inciting them to do so. Some used violence. Windows were broken, shots were heard, there was bloodshed. The leader of the pack demanded the political swamp be drained. After a tumultuous few hours, order was restored and elected officials emerged from their hiding places.
No, this is not Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2021. This was Munich, Nov. 8, 1923. The instigators did not come to Munich to support a president who was voted out of office. They did not gather in front of the nation’s seat of power, but rather started their rally in a beer cellar where a young Adolf Hitler seized control after silencing the politicians and the crowd assembled there with a pistol shot to the ceiling. Obviously, the circumstances surrounding the storming of the U.S. Capitol are very different from those of the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. But Germany during the 1920s offers crucial lessons for us today about how democracies become imperiled.
Germany’s democracy was young, but the majority of the population stood behind it in the early 1920s. Yet, humiliated by defeat in World War I and plagued by an unprecedented economic crisis, a growing minority resorted to lies and conspiracy theories, such as the stab-in-the-back myth, which blamed scapegoats like Jews and socialists rather than the military for losing the war. It was these lies that resonated with Hitler and his followers. They hoped to establish authoritarian rule first in Munich and then in Berlin to restore Germany‘s military strength. But first came the fight against the enemies within. During the night of unrest, the resurrectionists took numerous Social Democrats as hostages, destroyed the offices of the Social Democratic newspaper and broke into many houses of Munich’s Jews. This night represented the first confrontation with the life-threatening horror of Nazi terror — to the day 15 years before the November pogrom known as Kristallnacht. In the end, the Beer Hall Coup failed. The governor of Bavaria and his closest aides, threatened by the guns of the insurrectionists, initially gave assurances that they’d be hands off. But when morning broke they retracted those statements and after some hesitation got to work suppressing the putsch. Even as 2,000 Hitler supporters began to march to one of the city’s main squares, authorities forcibly stopped them in the center of the city. Fifteen of Hitler’s supporters, one civilian bystander and four policemen lost their lives.
Hitler himself was injured and fled to outside of Munich, where he was arrested two days later. He and some of his associates were put on trial and sentenced to five years of confinement for treason. But Hitler’s claims that he was a strongman who would clean up the political mess and march to Berlin to make Germany great again won him many sympathies among the deprived masses, conservative politicians, business elites and even within the judicial system. He received a mild sentence, was freed after a few months and relaunched his political career. Ten years later he was Germany’s strongman.
What at first blush looked like a failed coup proved successful in the long run because of a justice system that was blind in its right eye and conservative political leaders who fueled the myths that Hitler had tapped into, planted the seeds of political polarization and discredited the legitimacy of elected officials. These leaders were also convinced that they could use Hitler and his mass movement as a vehicle to stay in power, even though they despised him and looked down on him as an upstart. His vice-chancellor, Franz von Papen of the Catholic Center Party, famously claimed he and his moderate cabinet members would keep Hitler and his Nazi troops in check. Von Papen lost this game and so did all the other enablers who made Hitler’s rise possible. But they didn’t decisively move to squelch his movement during the 1920s when they had the opportunity.
This history highlights how the real risk to American democracy came hours after order had been restored in the U.S. Capitol when seven U.S. senators and 138 members of the House of Representatives voted to sustain an objection to Pennsylvania’s electoral votes, giving credence to the lies that nourished the mob’s anger. Further to date, Vice President Pence and members of the cabinet have stood by without invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from power. By doing so, they enable the president — who initially doubled down on lies about the election in subsequent videos and tweets — to cause additional harm to the nation, including his ability to pardon more of his supporters and spread more lies. Even many of those Republican elected officials who during the last days of this presidency have distanced themselves or expressed disgust with the president’s deeds, only a few weeks ago fought to keep him in office for another four years.
The historical example of Germany is often, perhaps too often, invoked. But rarely has it been so close to our reality as it is today. Germany was at a political crossroads in the 1920s. It could have remained a vibrant democracy, but for many reasons it became a dictatorship. The United States, with its long democratic tradition stands on much firmer ground, but since Jan. 6, we can no longer ignore the abyss that has opened up before us. As in Germany, here too, responsibility for the situation lies with those who either passively stood by or those who actively enabled the rise of a political monster.
The lessons of history are clear: Those who precipitated and carried out the attempted insurrection — including President Trump — must face swift and severe consequences for their actions. Further, those willing to ally with Trump, thinking they could contain him, need to see the errors of their way. Enabling the spread of lies and conspiracy theories, as well as the rise of unfit individuals, poses an existential risk to a democracy. On Wednesday, Americans avoided the worst potential consequences. As the German example warns us, however, knocking down an insurrection does not yet mean winning the fight for democracy. This fight will go on until our politicians learn the crucial lessons from the past.”
Trump impeachment (2021)
Donald Trump impeached a second time over mob attack on US Capitol
Wed 13 Jan 2021
The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached Donald Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States a week after he encouraged a mob of his supporters to storm the US Capitol, a historic condemnation that makes him the only American president to be charged twice with committing high crimes and misdemeanors.
“The president summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack” Liz Cheney
full text:
トランプ大統領の弾劾裁判の評決 退任前は不可能か 共和党幹部
2021年1月14日 11時11分 トランプ大統領
JANUARY 15, 2021
U.S. says Capitol rioters meant to ‘capture and assassinate’ officials
– filing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Federal prosecutors offered an ominous new assessment of last week’s siege of the U.S. Capitol by President Donald Trump’s supporters on Thursday, saying in a court filing that rioters intended “to capture and assassinate elected officials.”
Prosecutors offered that view in a filing asking a judge to detain Jacob Chansley, the Arizona man and QAnon conspiracy theorist who was famously photographed wearing horns as he stood at the desk of Vice President Mike Pence in the chamber of the U.S. Senate.
The detention memo, written by Justice Department lawyers in Arizona, goes into greater detail about the FBI’s investigation into Chansley, revealing that he left a note for Pence warning that “it’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.”
“Strong evidence, including Chansley’s own words and actions at the Capitol, supports that the intent of the Capitol rioters was to capture and assassinate elected officials in the United States government,” prosecutors wrote.
The prosecutors’ assessment comes as prosecutors and federal agents have begun bringing more serious charges tied to violence at the Capitol, including revealing cases Thursday against one man, retired firefighter Robert Sanford, on charges that he hurled a fire extinguisher at the head of one police officer and another, Peter Stager, of beating a different officer with a pole bearing an American flag.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Congresswoman for NY-14
What happens after the Capitol attacks?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thought she ‘was going to die’ during Capitol attack
New York congresswoman said on Instagram Live she had a ‘very close encounter’ that put her life at risk
Kenya Evelyn
Last modified on Thu 14 Jan 2021
Answers sought: Was the U.S. Capitol attack planned?
Washington –
Attackers in organized columns, a woman shouting instructions on a megaphone, and suspicious tours the day before: investigators are probing the possibility that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was planned, with help from insiders.
Disturbing videos, photos and online communications point to potential conspiracy.
In one video, more than a dozen men wearing assault force-type garb push up the Capitol steps in a line, cutting through the dense crowd toward the building’s doors.
In another, a woman in a pink hat gives directions via megaphone to others inside the building, telling them where to go.
And several men, including two who made it inside the Senate chamber, carried zip ties that could be used to restrain hostages.
Some officials said many of the pro-Trump protestors who broke into the offices of top legislators like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to know how to navigate the maze-like Capitol.
“They knew where to go,” senior Democrat James Clyburn told CBS News. “Yes, somebody on the inside of those buildings were complicit in this.”
Prosecutors have arrested dozens so far and say more than 200 could be charged. But they have not used the words “conspiracy” or “plot” to describe the unprecedented assault on the U.S. legislature.
Michael Sherwin, the Washington federal prosecutor overseeing the investigation, said Friday they see “breadcrumbs of organization” including communications between those inside the building and outside.
He said it was a “Tier 1 top priority” for law enforcement to determine if there was an “overarching command and control” and “organized teams” in the breach of the Capitol.
But Rep. Mikie Sherrill said Wednesday that groups of Trump supporters had toured the Capitol for “reconnaissance” a day before the attack, calling the visits “suspicious.”
The visitors “could only have gained access to the Capitol Complex from a Member of Congress or a member of their staff,” the former Navy helicopter pilot and other lawmakers said in a letter to Capitol security.
“The ties between these groups inside the Capitol Complex and the attacks on the Capitol need to be investigated.”
Much focus is on one video. In it, several protestors inside a Capitol room are regrouping to figure out where to go after their initial success entering the building.
The woman with the bullhorn shouts from just outside through a broken window.
“Hey guys, I’ve been in the other room,” she says.
“In the other room on the other side of this door right here where you are standing, there is a glass that somebody, if it’s broken, you can drop down into a room underneath it.”
“There’s also two doors in the other room. One in the rear, and one to the right as you go in.”
“So people should probably coordinate together if you’re going to take this building.”
“Those people who made up the herd did not appear organized, but within them clearly there were people who were organized.”
At the same time, he noted that the crowd included members of the violent 3%-ers, Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, some who traveled to Washington from as far as Hawaii.
Their presence, the discovery of pipe bombs planted nearby, and the apparent threats to capture members of Congress or the vice president, were signs of “terror” plotting, he said.
“You had a riotous mob … and within that you had domestic terrorists” who were “clearly planning something.”
Pelosi on Friday added fuel to the idea that there was planning and coordination, without saying how far it could go.
more at:
Before the Capitol Riot, Calls for Cash and Talk of Revolution
A network of far-right agitators across the country spent weeks organizing and raising money for a mass action to overturn President Trump’s election loss.
Jan. 16, 2021
“They have evacuated all of the senators and House representatives. We have done our job. Now they’re closing the access, and they’re going to arrest everybody that’s inside. OK? So we’ve done our job, let’s step outside, let’s be peaceful and let’s go sing the national anthem.” “This is the inside, we took the House back. That’s our House, OK, but we can’t do this alone. Guys, when we were doing this, if we do it together — when we’re at mass like this, there’s no violence. I promise you, they basically just let us go in once we got to a certain point. They weren’t there. They weren’t there to do — I mean, this is our House, guys. We should be allowed, we should be allowed to see our representatives make laws for us.”
Keith Lee, an Air Force veteran and former police detective, spent the morning of Jan. 6 casing the entrances to the Capitol.
In online videos, the 41-year-old Texan pointed out the flimsiness of the fencing. He cheered the arrival, long before President Trump’s rally at the other end of the mall, of far-right militiamen encircling the building. Then, armed with a bullhorn, Mr. Lee called out for the mob to rush in, until his voice echoed from the dome of the Rotunda.
Yet even in the heat of the event, Mr. Lee paused for some impromptu fund-raising. “If you couldn’t make the trip, give five to 10 bucks,” he told his viewers, seeking donations for the legal costs of two jailed “patriots,” a leader of the far-right Proud Boys and an ally who had clashed with the police during an armed incursion at Oregon’s statehouse.
Much is still unknown about the planning and financing of the storming of the Capitol, aiming to challenge Mr. Trump’s electoral defeat. What is clear is that it was driven, in part, by a largely ad hoc network of low-budget agitators, including far-right militants, Christian conservatives and ardent adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Mr. Lee is all three. And the sheer breadth of the movement he joined suggests it may be far more difficult to confront than a single organization.
In the months leading up to the riot, Mr. Lee had helped organize a series of pro-Trump car caravans around the country, including one that temporarily blockaded a Biden campaign bus in Texas and another that briefly shut down a Hudson River bridge in the New York City suburbs. To help pay for dozens of caravans to meet at the Jan. 6 rally, he had teamed up with an online fund-raiser in Tampa, Fla., who secured money from small donors and claimed to pass out tens of thousands of dollars.
Theirs was one of many grass-roots efforts to bring Trump supporters to the Capitol, often amid calls for revolution, if not outright violence. On an online ride-sharing forum, Patriot Caravans for 45, more than 4,000 members coordinated travel from as far away as California and South Dakota. Some 2,000 people donated at least $181,700 to another site, Wild Protest, leaving messages urging ralliers to halt the certification of the vote.
Oath Keepers, a self-identified militia whose members breached the Capitol, had solicited donations online to cover “gas, airfare, hotels, food and equipment.” Many others raised money through the crowdfunding site GoFundMe or, more often, its explicitly Christian counterpart, GiveSendGo. (On Monday, the money transfer service PayPal stopped working with GiveSendGo because of its links to the violence at the Capitol.)
A few prominent firebrands, an opaque pro-Trump nonprofit and at least one wealthy donor had campaigned for weeks to amplify the president’s false claims about his defeat, stoking the anger of his supporters.
A chief sponsor of many rallies leading up to the riot, including the one featuring the president on Jan. 6, was Women for America First, a conservative nonprofit. Its leaders include Amy Kremer, who rose to prominence in the Tea Party movement, and her daughter, Kylie Jane Kremer, 30. She started a “Stop the Steal” Facebook page on Nov. 4. More than 320,000 people signed up in less than a day, but the platform promptly shut it down for fears of inciting violence. The group has denied any violent intent.
By far the most visible financial backer of Women for America First’s efforts was Mike Lindell, a founder of the MyPillow bedding company, identified on a now-defunct website as one of the “generous sponsors” of a bus tour promoting Mr. Trump’s attempt to overturn the election. In addition, he was an important supporter of Right Side Broadcasting, an obscure pro-Trump television network that provided blanket coverage of Trump rallies after the vote, and a podcast run by the former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon that also sponsored the bus tour.
“I put everything I had into the last three weeks, financial and everything,” Mr. Lindell said in a mid-December television interview.
In a tweet the same month, he urged Mr. Trump to “impose martial law” to seize ballots and voting machines. Through a representative, Mr. Lindell said he only supported the bus tour “prior to December 14th” and was not a financial sponsor of any events after that, including the rally on Jan. 6. He continues to stand by the president’s claims and met with Mr. Trump at the White House on Friday.
By late December, the president himself was injecting volatility into the organizing efforts, tweeting an invitation to a Washington rally that would take place as Congress gathered to certify the election results.
“Be there, will be wild!” Mr. Trump wrote.
The next day, a new website, Wild Protest, was registered and quickly emerged as an organizing hub for the president’s most zealous supporters. It appeared to be connected to Ali Alexander, a conspiracy theorist who vowed to stop the certification by “marching hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of patriots to sit their butts in D.C. and close that city down.”
Mr. Alexander could not be reached for comment, but in a video posted to Twitter last week, he denied any responsibility for the violence.
While other groups like Women for America First were promoting the rally where Mr. Trump would speak — at the Ellipse, about a mile west of the Capitol — the Wild Protest website directed Trump supporters to a different location: the doorsteps of Congress.
Wild Protest linked to three hotels with discounted rates and another site for coordinating travel plans. It also raised donations from thousands of individuals, according to archived versions of a web portal used to collect them. The website has since been taken down, and it is not clear what the money was used for.
“The time for words has passed, action alone will save our Republic,” a user donating $250 wrote, calling congressional certification of the vote “treasonous.”
Another contributor gave $47 and posted: “Fight to win our country back using whatever means necessary.”
Mr. Lee, who sought to raise legal-defense money the morning before the riot, did not respond to requests for comment. He has often likened supporters of overturning the election to the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and has said he is willing to give his life for the cause.
A sales manager laid off at an equipment company because of the pandemic, he has said that he grew up as a conservative Christian in East Texas. Air Force records show that he enlisted a month after the Sept. 11 attacks and served for four years, leaving as a senior airman. Later, in 2011 and 2012, he worked for a private security company at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan.
In between, he also worked as a police detective in McKinney, Texas.
He had never been politically active, he has said. But during Mr. Trump’s presidency, Mr. Lee began to immerse himself in the online QAnon conspiracy theory. Its adherents hold that Mr. Trump is trying to save America from a shadowy ring of pedophiles who control the government and the Democratic Party. Mr. Lee has said that resonated with his experience dealing with child crimes as a police officer.
His active support for Mr. Trump began last August when he organized a caravan of drivers from around the state to show their support for the president by circling the capital, Austin. That led him to found a website, MAGA Drag the Interstate, to organize Trump caravans around the country.
By December, Mr. Lee had achieved enough prominence that he was included in a roster of speakers at a news conference preceding a “March for Trump” rally in Washington.
“We are at this precipice” of “good versus evil,” Mr. Lee declared. “I am going to fight for my president. I am going to fight for what is right.”
He threw himself into corralling fellow “patriots” to meet in Washington on Jan. 6, and at the end of last month he began linking his website with the Tampa organizer to raise money for participants’ travel.
The fund-raiser, who has identified himself as a web designer named Thad Williams, has said in a podcast that sexual abuse as a child eventually led him to the online world of QAnon.
While others “made of steel” are cut out to be “warriors against evil” and “covered in the blood and sweat of that part,” Mr. Williams said, he sees himself as more of “a chaplain and a healer.” In 2019, he set up a website to raise money for QAnon believers to travel to Trump rallies. He could not be reached for comment.
By the gathering at the Capitol, he claimed to have raised and distributed at least $30,000 for transportation costs. Expressions of thanks posted on Twitter appear to confirm that he allocated money, and a day after the assault the online services PayPal and Stripe shut down his accounts.
Mr. Lee’s MAGA Drag the Interstate site, for its part, said it had organized car caravans of more than 600 people bound for the rally. It used military-style shorthand to designate routes in different regions across the country, from Alpha to Zulu, and a logo on the site combined Mr. Trump’s distinctive hairstyle with Pepe the Frog, a symbol of the alt-right that has been used by white supremacists.
Participants traded messages about where to park together overnight on the streets of Washington. Some arranged midnight rendezvous at highway rest stops or Waffle House restaurants to drive together on the morning of the rally.
On the evening of Jan. 5, Mr. Lee broadcast a video podcast from a crowd of chanting Trump supporters in the Houston airport, waiting to board a flight to Washington. “We are there for a show of force,” he promised, suggesting he anticipated street fights even before dawn. “Gonna see if we can do a little playing in the night.”
A co-host of the podcast — a self-described Army veteran from Washington State — appealed for donations to raise $250,000 bail money for Chandler Pappas, 27.
Two weeks earlier in Salem, Ore., during a protest against Covid-19 restrictions, Mr. Pappas had sprayed six police officers with mace while leading an incursion into the State Capitol building and carrying a semiautomatic rifle, according to a police report. Mr. Pappas, whose lawyer did not return a phone call seeking comment, had been linked to the far-right Proud Boys and an allied local group called Patriot Prayer.
“American citizens feel like they’ve been attacked. Fear’s reaction is anger, anger’s reaction is patriotism and voilà — you get a war,” said Mr. Lee’s co-host, who gave his name as Rampage.
He directed listeners to donate to the bail fund through GiveSendGo, and thanked them for helping to raise $100,000 through the same site for the legal defense of Enrique Tarrio, a leader of the Proud Boys who is accused of vandalizing a historically Black church in Washington.
By 10:45 a.m. the next day, more than an hour before Mr. Trump spoke, Mr. Lee was back online broadcasting footage of himself at the Capitol.
“If you died today and you went to heaven, can you look George Washington in the face and say that you’ve fought for this country?” he asked.
“If you died today and you went to heaven, you look — can you look George Washington in the face and say that you fought for this country?” “They think this is going to stop us. Probably not. Guys, we need you in the numbers out here. As soon as you all get down here — the president — you all get to the Capitol, we need to surround this place. If you are sitting at home, I need you all to share this. It needs to get out. Please go on my page and find the GoFundMe. If you couldn’t make this trip, give five to 10 bucks, guys.”
By noon, he was reporting that “backup” was already arriving, bypassing the Trump speech and rally. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were among the groups that went directly to the Capitol.
“Guys, we got the Three Percent here! The Three Percent here that loves this country and wants to fight!” Mr. Lee reported a little later, referring to another militant group. “We need to surround this place.”
Backed by surging crowds, Mr. Lee had made his way into the Rotunda and by 3 p.m. — after a fellow assailant had been shot, police officers had been injured and local authorities were pleading for help — he was back outside using his megaphone to urge others into the building. “If we do it together,” he insisted, “there’s no violence!”
When he knew that lawmakers had evacuated, he declared victory: “We have done our job,” he shouted.
Shooting and Storming Of The US Capitol In Washington DC (View Discretion Is Advised) 446,519 views•Jan 7, 2021
January 15, 2021 • J. Hoberman on Jayden X’s Shooting and Storming of the US Capitol in Washington DC
Tape recorders, ordinary cameras, and movie cameras are already extensively owned by wage-earners. The question is why these means of production do not turn up at factories, in schools, in the offices of the bureaucracy, in short, everywhere there is social conflict.
—Hans Magnus Enzensberger, “Constituents of a Theory of the Media” New Left Review (1970)
HOW QUAINT that question seems today.
The assault on the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6—the first hostile occupation of the building since Washington was sacked and set ablaze by British soldiers in 1814—is one of the most shocking attacks on a civic institution in United States history. It is also among the most self-documented. It is in that context which one must consider the thirty-nine-minute digital video titled by its maker John Sullivan, aka Jayden X, Shooting and Storming of the US Capitol in Washington DC.
A continuous take, intermittently annotated by its maker—a political cipher at times self-identified with (but also repudiated by) Black Lives Matter and the founder (and sole member?) of a Utah-based group called “Insurgence USA”—Shooting and Storming is one chunk of time and one African American man’s experience as both observer and participant. Swept up in a mob of Trump supporters, he may be heard telling police that he’s exercising “freedom of the press” and cautioning them (as well as the rioters) to “stay safe,” but mainly digging (or, per his account, pretending to dig) the scene.
X wanders through the Great Rotunda and Statuary Hall, joining in as, iPhones aloft, the mob pounds on a door leading to the House Chamber. “I wish I still had the crowbar,” someone says. Abruptly, the insurrectionists make for an alternate means of entry which, guarded by three cops, opens on the Speaker’s Lobby. X works his way to the front of the crowd by claiming to have a knife to jimmy the barricaded door.
He does not but others attempt to smash their way in. The cops step aside and, as a woman wrapped in a Trump flag with an American flag backpack, hopping about on the periphery, is hoisted up, a shot is fired from behind the barricade. Hit in the neck, she bleeds to death on the marble floor. X, who spotted the gun moments before, is in an agitated state of shock: “I can’t believe I saw somebody die!”
more at:
The Washington Post obtained hours of video footage, some exclusively — and placed it within a digital 3-D model of the building to map the rioters’ movements and assess the peril that lawmakers faced…
The Washington Post obtained hours of video footage, some exclusively — and placed it within a digital 3-D model of the building to map the rioters’ movements and assess the peril that lawmakers faced…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 17, 2021
up-date 2021/7/21
Urteile nach Kapitol-Angriff: Unschuldig wegen „Trumpitis“?
Die juristische Aufarbeitung der Attacke auf das Kapitol im Januar wird lange dauern. Die ersten Schuldsprüche fallen eher mild aus. Einige Anwälte lassen sich kreative Entschuldigungen für ihre Mandanten einfallen.
Er soll das Friedensdenkmal vor dem Kapitol bestiegen, sich dabei gefilmt und seine Dienstmarke in die Kamera gehalten haben: Am Dienstag wurde der erste aktive Bundespolizist wegen der Beteiligung an dem Angriff auf das Kapitol am 6. Januar angeklagt. Mark I. aus Kalifornien, der bei der Drogenfahndung DEA arbeitet, soll seine Dienstwaffe dabei gehabt haben, als er sich den Anhängern von Donald Trump anschloss, die vor dem Gebäude gegen das Wahlergebnis protestierten.
Am Montag hatte es die erste Verurteilung wegen einer schweren Straftat gegeben: Paul Allard Hodgkins aus Tampa in Florida muss für acht Monate ins Gefängnis, weil er im Kapitol die Arbeit der Polizisten behindert hatte. Videos vom 6. Januar zeigen ihn mit einer Trump-Flagge im Senatssitzungssaal, in den die Krawallmacher eingedrungen waren.
Die juristische Aufarbeitung des Angriffs steht erst am Anfang. Hodgkins’ Verurteilung war die erste für eine schwere Straftat („felony“), die anderen bisherigen Schuldsprüche gab es wegen geringerer Vergehen. Eine Frau aus Indiana, die den „Sturm“ aufs Kapitol als „aufregendsten Tag meines Lebens“ beschrieben hatte, wurde zu drei Jahren Bewährung ohne Gefängnisaufenthalt verurteilt. Ein Mann aus Florida wurde zu einer sechsmonatigen Haftstrafe verurteilt, die durch die Untersuchungshaft abgegolten war. Beide erklärten, dass sie es bereuten, Absperrungen und Anweisungen der Polizei im Kapitol ignoriert zu haben.
Wie lauten die Anklagen?
Laut dem Justizministerium wurden seit den Unruhen mehr als 535 Menschen festgenommen, die entweder ins Kapitol eingedrungen waren oder dies versucht hatten, darunter mindestens 67 Frauen. Unter den zeitweise Verhafteten sind demnach 165 Personen, die Gewalttaten gegen Polizisten oder Mitarbeiter des Kapitols begangen haben sollen. Fünfzig Menschen wurden bislang angeklagt, weil sie Waffen ins Kapitol gebracht oder Polizisten ernsthaft verletzt haben sollen.
Der Großteil der Beschuldigten muss sich wegen Behinderung von Ordnungskräften, Zerstörung öffentlichen Eigentums oder unbefugten Aufenthalts verantworten. In drei Klageschriften verwendet die Regierung den Begriff „Terrorismus“, allerdings nicht als formellen Anklagepunkt. Gegen rund vierzig Personen gibt es Anklagen wegen Verschwörung. Ihnen hoffen die Bundesankläger nachweisen zu können, dass sie tatsächlich eine gemeinsame Attacke planten und umsetzten. Unter allen Verdächtigen sind mindestens achtzig Mitglieder rechtsradikaler Gruppen wie der „Oath Keepers“, „Three Percenters“ oder „Proud Boys“.
Dreihundert nicht identifizierte Krawallmacher
Von allen bislang Beschuldigten bekannten sich mindestens 18 schuldig. Sieben Personen kooperieren laut Medienberichten umfassend mit den Anklägern. Darunter sollen auch vier Angehörige der rechten „Oath Keepers“ sein. Laut der Bundespolizei FBI besteht die Organisation aus lokalen selbst ernannten Milizen, die sich als Verteidiger der Freiheit gegen ein von dunklen Mächten unterwandertes Regierungssystem beschreiben. Dreihundert weitere Personen, die Gewalttaten begangen haben sollen, haben die Behörden noch nicht identifiziert – darunter zweihundert, die Polizistinnen und Polizisten angriffen. Die Bundesanwälte nannten die Ermittlungen im März die komplexeste Untersuchung, die das Justizministerium jemals vorgenommen habe.
Aus den Anklagen lässt sich schließen, dass ein recht hoher Anteil der Beschuldigten einen militärischen Hintergrund hat: 56 von ihnen sind oder waren Soldaten, einer war noch im aktiven Dienst und vier waren Reservisten. Hinzu kommen laut Medienberichten mindestens fünfzig ehemalige oder aktive Polizei- und Justizbeamte, sowie mindestens zwei Feuerwehrleute. Ein pensionierter Polizeichef aus Kalifornien ist ebenfalls unter den Angeklagten.
Die Verteidigungsstrategien ihrer Anwälte reichen von wirtschaftlichen und persönlichen Problemen bis hin zu politischer Indoktrination. Laut der Washington Post finden sich in den Verteidigungsschriften sowohl Verweise auf eine „Midlife Crisis“ oder „Dummheit“, wie auch auf „Foxmania“ und „Trumpitis“, wie ein Rechtsbeistand in Anspielung auf den konservativen Fernsehsender und den ehemaligen Präsidenten formulierte.
Donald Trump selbst wird in einem neuen Buch abermals mit ausdrücklichem Lob für die Unruhestifter zitiert. „Aus meiner persönlichen Sicht wollten die das, was ich wollte“, sagte der frühere Präsident Ende März im Interview mit den Autoren Carol Leonnig und Philip Rucker. Die Demonstranten, die später das Kapitol angriffen, seien wie er davon überzeugt, dass die Wahl von Präsident Joe Biden „betrügerisch“ gewesen sei – und hätten nur „ihre Unterstützung zeigen“ wollen, so Trump.
‘Disgraceful!’: Capitol officer confronts lawmakers downplaying riot
Capitol Officer Michael Fanone describes the danger he encountered at the hands of the Pro-Trump mob that breached the US Capitol on January 6 during the House select committee hearing.
Sturm aufs Kapitol: Polizist zeigt sich bei Zeugen-Aussage schwer geschockt
DC Police Officer Michael Fanone Full Opening statement on January 6th Attack at the U.S. Capitol
WATCH: Officer Michael Fanone testifies on what happened in the Jan. 6 attack
up-date 2021/8/20
Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated – sources
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.
Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.
“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”
Stone, a veteran Republican operative and self-described “dirty trickster”, and Jones, founder of a conspiracy-driven radio show and webcast, are both allies of Trump and had been involved in pro-Trump events in Washington on Jan. 5, the day before the riot.
FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.
Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.
They alleged that one Proud Boy leader recruited members and urged them to stockpile bulletproof vests and other military-style equipment in the weeks before the attack and on Jan. 6 sent members forward with a plan to split into groups and make multiple entries to the Capitol.
But so far prosecutors have steered clear of more serious, politically-loaded charges that the sources said had been initially discussed by prosecutors, such as seditious conspiracy or racketeering.
The FBI’s assessment could prove relevant for a congressional investigation that also aims to determine how that day’s events were organized and by whom.
Senior lawmakers have been briefed in detail on the results of the FBI’s investigation so far and find them credible, a Democratic congressional source said.
The chaos on Jan. 6 erupted as the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives met to certify Joe Biden’s victory in November’s presidential election.
It was the most violent attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812, forcing lawmakers and Trump’s own vice president, Mike Pence, to scramble for safety.
Four people died and another died the following day, and more than 100 police officers were injured.
Trump made an incendiary speech at a nearby rally shortly before the riot, repeating false claims that the 2020 election was stolen and urging supporters to march on the Capitol to pressure lawmakers to reject Biden’s victory.
In public comments last month to the Democratic-led congressional committee formed to investigate the violence, police officers injured in the mayhem urged lawmakers to determine whether Trump helped instigate it. Some Democrats have said they want him to testify.
But the FBI has so far found no evidence that he or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence, according to the four current and former law enforcement officials.
More than 170 people have been charged so far with assaulting or impeding a police officer, according to the Justice Department. That carries a maximum sentence of 20 years.
But one source said there has been little, if any, recent discussion by senior Justice Department officials of filing charges such as “seditious conspiracy” to accuse defendants of trying to overthrow the government. They have also opted not to bring racketeering charges, often used against organized criminal gangs.
Senior officials had discussed filing such charges in the weeks after the attack, the sources said.
Prosecutors have also not brought any charges alleging that any individual or group played a central role in organizing or leading the riot. Law-enforcement sources told Reuters no such charges appeared to be pending.
Conspiracy charges that have been filed allege that defendants discussed their plans in the weeks before the attack and worked together on the day itself. But prosecutors have not alleged that this activity was part of a broader plot.
Some federal judges and legal experts have questioned whether the Justice Department is letting defendants off too lightly.
Judge Beryl Howell in July asked prosecutors to explain why one defendant was allowed to plead to a misdemeanor charge carrying a maximum sentence of six months, rather than a more serious felony charge.
Spokespeople for the Justice Department and U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, which is leading the Jan. 6 prosecutions, declined to comment.
The congressional committee investigating the attack will talk with the FBI and other agencies as part of its probe.
up-date 2021/10/18, from The New York Times
up-date 2021/11/18
„Schamane“ zu mehrjähriger Haftstrafe verurteilt
Das Bild vom „Schamanen“ im Kapitol ging um die Welt.
Im Januar stürmten knapp 800 Personen das Kapitol in der US-Hauptstadt, um Joe Bidens Amtseinführung zu verhindern. Für einige blieb dies nicht ohne Folgen, wie ein Gerichtsurteil jetzt zeigt.
Bei der Erstürmung des Kapitols durch Anhänger des abgewählten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump im vergangenen Januar ging sein Bild um die Welt: Der „Schamane“ aus Arizona mit dem Kopfschmuck aus Fell und Hörnern wurde zu einem der Gesichter des Angriffs auf das Parlament in Washington.
Gut zehn Monate später wurde Jacob Chansley am Mittwoch in der US-Hauptstadt zu 41 Monaten Haft verurteilt, wie der Sender CNN und andere US-Medien übereinstimmend meldeten. Das Justizministerium hatte wegen Chansleys prominenter Rolle bei der Erstürmung des Kapitols 51 Monate Haft gefordert.
Chansley war wenige Tage nach den dramatischen Ereignissen vom 6. Januar festgenommen worden. Er saß seitdem in Untersuchungshaft. Chansley hatte nach dem Angriff mit der Tat geprahlt. „Die Tatsache, dass ein Haufen unserer Verräter im Amt sich verbarrikadierte, Gasmasken aufsetzte und sich im unterirdischen Bunker zurückzog, halte ich für einen Sieg“, sagte er damals dem Sender NBC News.
„Schamane“ gesteht Fehler ein
„Was Sie getan haben, war furchtbar“, sagte Richter Royce Lamberth am Mittwoch an die Adresse des Angeklagten. Chansley zeigte sich reumütig. „Männer mit Ehre geben zu, wenn sie einen Fehler gemacht haben“, sagte der 34-Jährige. „Es war ein Fehler, in das Kapitol einzudringen. Es gibt dafür keine Entschuldigung.“
In langen Ausführungen sprach Chansley von psychischen Problemen, unter denen er leide, und nahm Bezug auf Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi und Buddha. Er sagte: „Ich bin kein Aufständischer. Ich bin sicherlich kein inländischer Terrorist.“
Chansley gehörte nach Angaben der US-Justiz zu den ersten 30 Angreifern, die am 6. Januar in das Innere des Parlamentsgebäudes stürmten. Er drang bis in den Plenarsaal des Senats vor und setzte sich sogar an das Pult, an dem zuvor der damalige Vizepräsident Mike Pence in seiner Rolle als Senatspräsident gestanden hatte.
Laut Anklage bezeichnete Chansley den Vizepräsidenten als „verdammten Verräter“ und schrieb auf einen Zettel: „Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. Gerechtigkeit wird kommen!“ Pence hatte die Wut vieler Trump-Anhänger auf sich gezogen, weil er sich weigerte, eine Zertifizierung des Siegs des Demokraten Joe Biden bei der Präsidentschaftswahl vom 3. November 2020 zu blockieren. Einige Kapitol-Angreifer riefen sogar „Hängt Mike Pence“.
Vor seiner Festnahme hatte Chansley sich nach offiziellen Angaben selbst bei der Bundespolizei FBI gemeldet und erklärt, dass er aus Arizona angereist sei, weil Trump alle „Patrioten“ nach Washington gerufen habe. Trump hatte seine Anhänger bei einer Kundgebung kurz vor der Erstürmung des Kapitols aufgestachelt. Er wollte damals verhindern, dass der Kongress den Sieg seines Kontrahenten Joe Biden bei der Präsidentenwahl offiziell bestätigt. Trump hat seine Niederlage gegen Biden bis heute nicht anerkannt.
Das Jahr 2021: Der Tag, als Trump zum Angriff rief
Plötzlich erscheinen wieder schwer bewaffnete Sicherheitsbeamte auf dem Gang vor dem Ausschusssaal. Sie tragen Helme, Schutzwesten und Sturmgewehre. Den ganzen Nachmittag über waren immer mehr Trupps im Keller des Nebengebäudes des Kongresses eingetroffen. Dort verschanzten sich die Senatoren am 6. Januar, nachdem der Mob das Kapitol gestürmt hatte. Nach vier Stunden erfolgt die Ansage aus den Lautsprechern, man könne wieder zurück, die Belagerung sei beendet. Als sich die uniformierten FBI-Beamten vor dem Ausschusssaal aufstellen, spenden ihnen die Senatoren, ihre Mitarbeiter und auch ein paar Journalisten spontan Beifall.
Durch ein Tunnelsystem geht es zurück zum Kapitol. In den Eingängen der Tunnelabschnitte liegen noch die schwarzen Taschen der Sicherheitsbeamten, auf die sie sich mit gezogenen Waffen gelegt hatten, um den Fluchtweg für die Senatoren zu sichern. Anders als bei der Evakuierung herrscht nun eine seltsame Ruhe unter den Senatoren und ihren Mitarbeitern. Gesprochen wird kaum. Man lächelt einander zu, erleichtert und erschöpft. Drei Mitarbeiter tragen lackierte Holzkisten mit Ledergurten. Was da drin sei, will einer wissen. Sie schweigen, so wie man es ihnen aufgetragen hatte. In den Kisten befinden sich die Zertifikate aus den Bundesstaaten, welche die Stimmen des „Electoral College“ dokumentieren. Als die Kapitolspolizei beschlossen hatte, den Senat zu räumen, hatte man die Mitarbeiter angewiesen, die Kisten zu sichern. Sollte es zu einer Konfrontation mit den Randalierern kommen, dürften die Zertifikate unter keinen Umständen in deren Hände fallen. Dann hätten sie ihr Ziel erreicht.
Ein Kapitolspolizist rettete die Senatoren
„Wir werden da runterlaufen zum Kapitol“, hatte , der abgewählte Präsident, am Mittag auf der Kundgebung hinter dem Weißen Haus Tausenden seiner Anhänger zugerufen. Man müsse „Stärke“ zeigen. Jeder werde gleich „friedlich und patriotisch seine Stimme erheben“. Er zählte jene Senatoren auf, die angekündigt hatten, Einspruch zu erheben gegen die Zertifizierung des Wahlergebnisses. Dann kam er auf Mike Pence, den Vizepräsidenten, zu sprechen, von dem er nichts Gutes höre. „Wir werden wie der Teufel kämpfen“, sagte Trump schließlich. Dann setzte sich die Masse in Bewegung.
Dass der Mob die Senatoren nur um einige Minuten verpasste, war Eugene Goodman zu verdanken. Der Kapitolspolizist hielt einige Randalierer auf den Treppenstufen auf. Da ihm klar war, dass er sie allein nicht zurückhalten könne, versuchte er, sie vom Eingang des Plenarsaals wegzulocken. Goodman, der später mit der „Congressional Gold Medal“ ausgezeichnet wurde, gewann so ein wenig Zeit, in der die Senatoren in Sicherheit gebracht werden konnten. Als Erster war Pence in einen geschützten Raum gebracht worden. Weil er das Zertifizierungsverfahren nicht stoppen wollte, hatte es der Mob auf ihn abgesehen: „Hängt Mike Pence auf!“
Noch dramatischer war die Lage im Repräsentantenhaus. Kurz vor dem Eingang in den Plenarsaal, vor der „Speaker’s Lobby“, versuchten Randalierer die verbarrikadierten Türen zu durchbrechen und schlugen deren Fensterscheiben ein. Als Ashli Babbitt, eine 35 Jahre alte Veteranin und QAnon-Anhängerin, versuchte, durch einen Fensterrahmen zu klettern, fiel ein Schuss. Kapitolspolizist Michael Byrd, der zuvor die in der Lobby stehenden Abgeordneten zurück in den Plenarsaal geschickt hatte, wo sie unter den Sitzen Schutz suchten, gab den Schuss ab. Babbitt, deren Tötung Trump später einen Mord nennen sollte, wird heute von dessen Anhängern als Märtyrerin verehrt. Byrds Identität wurde lange Zeit nicht preisgegeben – was in diesen Kreisen den Nährboden für Verschwörungstheorien bot. Insgesamt sollten fünf Personen sterben.
Als Pence am späten Abend die unterbrochene Sitzung fortsetzt, ergreift Mitch McConnell das Wort. Der seinerzeitige republikanische Mehrheitsführer hatte schon vor dem Angriff das Taktieren einiger seiner Fraktionskollegen als Spiel mit dem Feuer bezeichnet: Der Wähler, die Gerichte und die Bundesstaaten hätten gesprochen. Wenn der Kongress sie überstimme, würde man die Republik dauerhaft beschädigen. Nun sagt er: Der Senat lasse sich nicht einschüchtern. Man lasse sich nicht aus der Kammer aussperren von „Verbrechern“. Man werde der Gesetzlosigkeit nicht nachgeben. Man werde den verfassungsmäßigen Pflichten nachkommen – „und wir werden es heute Abend noch machen“. In den frühen Morgenstunden des 7. Januar verkündet Pence schließlich, dass Biden 306 Stimmen des Wahlleutegremiums erhalten habe, Trump 232 Stimmen. Der Putschversuch war gescheitert.
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Am 20. Januar, kurz bevor Biden vor dem Kapitol ins Amt eingeführt wurde, suchte Barack Obama auf der Ehrentribüne den Blick des scheidenden Vizepräsidenten. Er nickte Pence aus der Ferne zu. Es war ein Zeichen der Anerkennung. Wie knapp es war, wurde erst Monate später klar, als der Journalist Bob Woodward berichtete, Pence habe sich in den Tagen vor dem 6. Januar, als Trump massiven Druck auf ihn ausübte, an seinen Vorgänger Dan Quayle gewandt, George H. W. Bushs Vizepräsidenten, der wie er aus Indiana stammt. Immer wieder habe er diesen gefragt, ob es nicht doch irgendeinen Weg gebe, die Zertifizierung zu verzögern. Keine Chance, habe der Republikaner erwidert – „vergiss es“.
„Niemals hat es größeren Verrat gegeben“
Liz Cheney, die in den Tagen nach dem Sturm auf das Kapitol zur Anführerin einer kleinen Gruppe von republikanischen Abgeordneten wurde, welche für das zweite Impeachment gegen Trump wegen Anstiftung zum Aufruhr stimmte, wird nicht müde hervorzuheben, was der 6. Januar in ihren Augen war: Trump habe den Mob versammelt und das Zeichen für den Angriff gegeben. „Niemals hat es einen größeren Verrat eines Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten an seinem Amt und seinem Verfassungseid gegeben.“
Die Abgeordnete aus Wyoming zahlt dafür einen hohen Preis: Sie verlor zunächst ihren Posten in der Fraktionsführung. Trump unterstützt einen Loyalisten in den Vorwahlen gegen sie. So macht er es mit allen sogenannten Rinos, Leuten, die nur dem Namen nach Republikaner seien. Auf Einladung Nancy Pelosis, der „Sprecherin“ des Repräsentantenhauses, übernahm Cheney den stellvertretenden Vorsitz im Untersuchungsausschuss zur Aufklärung des 6. Januar. Dieser soll – parallel zur Strafverfolgung der Randalierer durch die Justiz – die Hintergründe der Kapitolserstürmung aufklären, aber auch Trumps Druckkampagne auf das Justizministerium und die Wahlbehörden in mehreren Bundesstaaten. Dazu werden allerlei Zeugen geladen und Akteneinsicht verlangt. Trump wehrt sich mit Verweis auf das exekutive Privileg. Die Gerichtsinstanzen werden durchlaufen. Steve Bannon, der Trump-Vertraute, ist schon angeklagt. Über diesen sagte Cheney kürzlich, der Fall lege eines nahe: dass Trump persönlich eingebunden war in die „Planung und Ausführung“ der Kapitolserstürmung.
Das Gremium wird von der republikanischen Fraktionsführung um Kevin McCarthy boykottiert. Sie erhebt den Vorwurf, es sei ein parteipolitisches Instrument der Demokraten, um über Trump und nicht über die Politik Bidens zu reden. McCarthy, der Trump anfangs für die Kapitolserstürmung mitverantwortlich gemacht hatte, reiste später nach Mar-a-Lago und küsste, wie es seinerzeit hieß, den Ring des Paten. Er machte – genau wie McConnell – eine kühle Rechnung auf: Beide glaubten, Trump sei durch den 6. Januar so beschädigt, dass er innerhalb der republikanischen Partei weniger Schaden anrichten könne als außerhalb. Aus Furcht vor einer Trump-Partei wandten sie sich gegen ein zweites Amtsenthebungsverfahren, das eine Voraussetzung dafür gewesen wäre, ein Ämterverbot gegen Trump zu verhängen. Tatsächlich haben sie es nun mit einer Trump-Partei innerhalb der Grand Old Party zu tun. Im amerikanischen Kernland dominiert der frühere Präsident wie eh und je.
Wie konnte Trump es nur wenige Monate nach dem Angriff auf die Demokratie gelingen, wieder die Kontrolle über seine Partei zu gewinnen? Zwei Drittel der Republikaner glauben ihm, wenn er sagt, ohne den „massiven Wahlbetrug“ säße er weiter im Weißen Haus. Das heißt freilich nicht, dass zwei Drittel der Republikaner die Gewalt vom 6. Januar gutheißen. Doch auch jenen, die ein Unwohlsein überkommt, wenn sie die Bilder vom Sturm auf das Kapitol sehen, haben die Trumpisten etwas zu bieten: In Wirklichkeit sei dieser nämlich vom FBI, den Agenten des „tiefen Staates“, geplant worden, um die Patrioten zu verführen. Verschwörungstheorien sind kein Selbstzweck für Populisten. Sie lösen Widersprüche mit raunenden Andeutungen auf.
Die Demokraten glaubten lange Zeit, es sei genug, die Amerikaner ständig an den 6. Januar zu erinnern – und daran, wer Trump wirklich ist. Das werde reichen, um die Mehrheit hinter sich zu versammeln. Seit der verlorenen Gouverneurswahl von Virginia Anfang November ist dieser Glaube dahin.
up-date 2022/6/29:
„Ich bin der verfluchte Präsident, bringt mich zum Kapitol“
Wie viel wusste der frühere Präsident Donald Trump schon vorher vom gewaltsamen Sturm auf das Kapitol? Eine damalige Angestellte im Weißen Haus enthüllt vor Gericht bizarre Details. Demnach wollte Trump trotz massiver Sicherheitsbedenken sogar selbst zum Kapitol fahren.
Trump griff seinem Fahrer ins Lenkrad
Hutchinson zufolge wollte Trump am 6. Januar trotz massiver Sicherheitsbedenken sogar selbst zum Kapitol fahren. Auch die Sorge vor möglichen rechtlichen Konsequenzen habe Trump nicht davon abbringen lassen. Als dem Präsidenten dann bei der Abfahrt von der Kundgebung von seinem obersten Personenschützer des Secret Service gesagt worden sei, dass er aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht zum Kongress fahren könne, sei er sehr „wütend“ gewesen.
Unter Berufung auf ein Gespräch mit einem Kollegen und dem zuständigen Secret-Service-Beamten unmittelbar nach dem Vorfall schilderte Hutchinson, dass Trump in dem gepanzerten Geländewagen sogar versucht habe, dem Fahrer ins Lenkrad zu greifen. Er soll demnach gesagt haben: „Ich bin der verfluchte Präsident, bringt mich zum Kapitol.“ Der Personenschützer habe ihn am Arm gepackt, um ihm vom Lenkrad fernzuhalten, schilderte sie weiter. Trump habe seinen freien Arm genutzt, um sich zu wehren.
Trump hatte seine Anhänger während der Kundgebung vor dem Weißen Haus am 6. Januar dazu angestachelt, zum Kapitol zu marschieren. Er sagte damals auch öffentlich, dass auch er kommen werde. In der Folge gab es mehrere Berichte, dass Trump tatsächlich zum Kapitol kommen wollte – bislang aber keine Bestätigung aus Trumps damaligem Führungszirkel.
Der Putschist Donald Trump
-AKTUALISIERT AM 29.06.2022-22:16
Der Präsident wollte mit einem bewaffneten Mob das Kapitol stürmen. Dass die Leute seinem Vizepräsidenten den Tod wünschten, kam ihm richtig vor. Das klingt nach Hollywood, war aber Washington.
Wäre es das Drehbuch einer der Fernsehserien rund um das Weiße Haus, man hielte die Folge für völlig überzogen. Der Präsident, der sich gegen seine Abwahl stemmt, ruft seine Anhänger hinters Weiße Haus. Als er hört, dass viele bewaffnet sind, verlangt er den Abbau der Metalldetektoren – denn schließlich, so seine Logik, wollen sie nicht ihn töten, sondern seinen Vizepräsidenten. Denn der will die Verfassung nicht brechen – also „verdient“ er es, dass die Leute ihn hängen wollen.
Der Secret Service fährt den Präsidenten nach der Kundgebung zurück ins gesicherte Weiße Haus, aber der vermeintliche „Führer der freien Welt“ will mit den Leuten auf das Kapitol marschieren, will den Putsch anführen. Der Präsident greift dem einen Leibwächter ins Lenkrad und geht dem anderen an die Gurgel. Der Mob stürmt das Kapitol, die Zertifizierung der Wahlergebnisse wird zunächst abgebrochen.
Wie geht es weiter in diesem echten Leben?
Das ist nicht Netflix, sondern offenbar echtes Leben, genauer: Trump im Januar 2021, bezeugt von einer engen Mitarbeiterin seines damaligen Stabschefs. Umso spannender die Frage, wie es weitergeht.
Dass der Justizminister um die politisch heikle Anklage des früheren Präsidenten herumkommt, ist immer unwahrscheinlicher. Was aber sagen die Republikaner, was tun die Wähler bei den Kongresswahlen im November? Lässt sich doch noch irgendjemand umstimmen? Bleiben Sie dran!
The Select Committee has obtained a recording of communications over a walkie-talkie app among Oath Keepers who were inside the Capitol and others who were sharing intelligence from elsewhere.
Listen to how they reacted to President Trump’s 2:38 tweet in real-time.
The Select Committee has obtained a recording of communications over a walkie-talkie app among Oath Keepers who were inside the Capitol and others who were sharing intelligence from elsewhere.
Listen to how they reacted to President Trump’s 2:38 tweet in real-time.
— January 6th Committee (@January6thCmte) September 15, 2022
Oath Keepers live chat, graphic language
4:43💥Plans to return next day Jan 7, with firearms, armored vehicles, & multiple militia groups
🔃 Oath Keepers live chat, graphic language
4:43💥Plans to return next day Jan 7, with firearms, armored vehicles, & multiple militia— 🌻Justice⚖Now 🌟🇺🇸 (@ChrisJustice01) July 22, 2022