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ロックンロールの女王 ティナ・ターナー! Queen of Rock 'n' Roll Tina Turner!

ロックンロールの女王 ティナ・ターナー Queen of Rock 'n' Roll Tina Turner
ロックンロールの女王 ティナ・ターナー Queen of Rock 'n' Roll Tina Turner

Dear Tina passed away today.
Dancing to her music makes me happy. Still a boy, Disco music with legendary Tina Turner… that was the Zeitgeist. After getting separated from her abusive partner Ike, she managed to reset and get a fulfilled solo-career as a superb singer and performer. An amazing, extraordinary person! Chapeau.
With her taste for musical experimentation and bluntly worded ballads, Turner gelled perfectly with a 1980s pop landscape in which music fans valued electronically produced sounds and scorned hippie-era idealism. Sometimes nicknamed the “Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” Turner won six of her eight Grammy Awards in the 1980s. Tina will be missed, but her music lasts forever. R.I.P.

Erwin Bach & Tina Turner 1985
Tina Turner with husband Erwin Bach in Zürich
Swiss citizen Tina Turner with husband Erwin Bach in Zürich

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