日本女性向け:お坊っちゃま、ワナビ・アメリカン・アーティスト松山智一の アグリー、フェイク、ダサいフォトショップ・アクリル・イラスト@貸しスペース麻布台ヒルズ ギャラリー (チケット2400円) For Japanese women: Ugly, fake, lame Photoshop acrylic illustrations by spoiled rich boy & wannabe American artist Tomokazu Matsuyama @ Rental Space AZABUDAI HILLS GALLERY (Ticket 2400 Yen)
だって、「松山智一展 FIRST LAST」がテレビ・コマーシャルまで宣伝されています。
【TVCM放映中!松山智一展 FIRST LAST③】923 views 1 month ago
Of course, I’m not going to the nearby Tomokazu Matsuyama exhibition, which costs 2,300 yen.
MATSUYAMA Tomokazu can’t paint. He has his assistants paint his Photoshop illustrations, with many of the motifs pre-printed. He uses bright, pop-colored, cheap acrylic paints to satirize and dumb down European oil painting. As an American artist, he mocks European masterpieces, ruthlessly ridiculing them and positions himself enamored with the bumptiousness at the center of his works. As a Socratic central figure, he pretentiously aims to educate the viewer about American capitalism and consumer culture.
A disaster of artistic practice.
Besides his not very convincing consumer criticism, I do recognise in his sculptural, expensively produced, works, a kind of ostentatious arrogance.
According to my experience and information from another source, there are hardly any visitors and the exhibition seems deserted. This naturally raises the question: Is Matsuyama an idiot? Apparently, yes, because he thought his exhibition was worth the production costs, including advertising (tie-ups, radio, TV commercials, etc.) and the numerous people involved, of approximately 700.000 US$ (it looks like that). He obviously overestimated himself immensely.
Now let’s turn to the so-called curator of this show, Mr. TATEHATA Akira 建畠晢. Quotes from Kusama’s ART+CULTURE text:
1. “The blame clearly lies with the mediocre, arrogant curator 建畠晢 TATEHATA Akira. A curatorial fiasco by TATEHATA, which he refuses to admit to this day.”
2. “I first said to Kusama, “This is my exhibition, so don’t say anything at all” (laughs).
The extremely unsympathetic Tatehata is a joke. At 78, he’s still trying to attract attention with such exhibitions. One wonders where the hell this curator is even mentioned and presented in the visual or analog media. Nowhere to be seen. One might even suspect that Matsuyama carried out the curatorial practice alone.
2025/3/19 19:50, up-date, big laugh! 🤣 Matsuyama + staff are getting nervous about ART+CULTURE…
AFTER I wrote the above text, the official IG account of this exhibition 2 hours ago posted Tatehata, who’s hiding his name. 🤣
(end of up-date)
The only thing I can say that Matsuyama is good about is his attempt to reflect the cultural diversity of New York in his works.
The attempt failed because the pink pop structures in the “assembly line” tableaux, the garish, provocative aesthetics, the antiseptic lookism dominate the overall impression and the theme of “Black Lives Matter” with Black people, especially Black women, is missing.
A deliberate (or unintentional) parody has rarely been recognized by the viewer. That shows Matsuyama’s dilemma. The dangerous situation, and the curator and critic TATEHATA Akira 建畠晢 has NOT recognized this, arises because Matsuyama is supposed to satirize a subliminal “fascist aesthetic,” but this parody doesn’t work since the Japanese woman (= target audience) is unfamiliar with the art historical context.
Furthermore, I may vaguely state: the American artist Matsuyama “still” sees the world with a conservative, out-dated, “island mentality” (Shimaguni-konjo 島国根性) perspective.
“Japanese” art worker Matsuyama, in an oxymoronesque attitude, actually exhibited in Tokyo twice: the FIRST and LAST time.
Japanese women will NOT pay 2.400 Yen for this kind of immature KITSCH.
Tokyo, Reiwa 7, March 18
Mario A
松山のあまり説得力のない消費者批判とは別に、非常に高額な費用をかけて制作された彼の彫刻作品の中に、私は彼の気取った傲慢さを認めます。私の経験と他の情報源によると、来場者はほとんどおらず、展示会は閑散としているようです。こうなると当然、松山はバカなのかという疑問が湧いてくる。どうやらそうだ。なぜなら、彼は自分の展覧会が、広告費 (TV commercials、radio、tie-upsと含めて)や大勢の関係者を含めた制作費約1億円(に見える)の価値があると考えていたからだ。明らかに、彼は自分自身を過大評価しすぎていた。
1. 「責任は明らかに平凡で傲慢なキュレーター、建畠晢氏にあります。建畠氏は今日に至るまでこれを認めようとしませんが、これはキュレーターとしての失態です。」
2. 「草間さんに最初に「この展覧会は僕の展覧会だから一切発言しないでくれ」って言ったのよ(笑)。」
2025/3/19 19:50, up-date アップデート 最新情報、大爆笑!🤣 松山さん + スタッフ、ART+CULTUREに緊張中…
この試みは失敗に終わった。なぜなら、「組立ライン」のタブローにおけるピンクのポップな構造、派手で挑発的な美学、無菌的なルックス主義が全体的な印象を支配し、「黒人 (Black People)」、特に「黒人」の女性 (Black women) に対する「Black Lives Matter」のテーマが欠けているからだ。
亜 真里男
永野芽郁、音声ガイド初挑戦で“声質の良さ”を褒められ赤面 松山智一からファン公言され照れ 『松山智一展 FIRST LAST』オープニング
Tomokazu Matsuyama | Broken Train Pick Me | Artist Interview
How Tomokazu Matsuyama Appropriates Images to Create Fine Art