Art + Culture

「17th ANNIVERSARY」RUIKO feat. Green Walls カミングアウトサロン・ユリイカ Coming-out Salon Eureka

「17th ANNIVERSARY」RUIKO feat. Green Walls (screenshot)
「17th ANNIVERSARY」RUIKO feat. Green Walls (screenshot)



カミングアウトサロン・ユリイカ EUREKA WEB


イカ嬢たちも出てきます。少しでもGWに楽しんで頂ければ! #eureka #kraken
「17th ANNIVERSARY」RUIKO feat. Green Walls」

RUIKO feat. Green Walls
(オリジナル/Zeebra「Street Dreams」)



Message from Mistress Ruiko
This song was made for Eureka’s 17th Anniversary Party / Yumiko Kagami’s 50th Birthday Party, by Waruiko and two of Eureka’s customers, MC Hamadayama and MC Furuya.
We are in a coronavirus crisis, but we hope that we can celebrate together with this song and that you enjoy it.

RUIKO feat. Green Walls

H:ただマイク握りたくて 立ってるわけじゃねぇ俺がハマダヤマ
まだまだブレブレのマゾ だけどなりたくねぇ所謂クレクレのマゾ 

F: 俺がユリイカのヒップホップドリーム 金玉でビール樽引く埼玉人
初めてきたときはタダのノンケ 今じゃ捧げたアナルの童貞
ミッドサマーのホルガ村? 今じゃユリイカがおらが村
浪人で通った池袋 今じゃプレイで伸びる俺の玉袋

H: ユリイカ迎えた17周年 悪ぃが突っ走るあと数十年
唾飛ばす事も許されない、これは誰の為の 罪と罰
スナック密、カフェユリイカ、シネマ!観ないか ah 俺たちの未来は

R:ここに、ここにある 私たちの真実とファンタジー
ここに、ここにいる My Mistress 変わらぬ女神

F: リスペクト送るぜユリイカの変態 常に超えてく自分の限界
針が貫通血塗れの乳首 ケインでワンツー真っ赤なお尻
木馬に拘束綻ぶ老人 ベランダに監禁喜ぶ外人
毎晩が欲望のさらしあい 他にやりてえことなんて別にない

皆んなに紹介狂ったイカ嬢 M男が崇拝ユリイカの女王
コケティッシュ kind白崎緋子 漏れ出るエレガンス密蜂マーヤ 大型新人レジェンドさくら        
何度も甦る不死鳥ゆま 女王のリスペクト集める忍 ベンガル虎も戦くルイ子

H: サラブレッドの叫び暁美 癒しのバックスタッフ ノグチユキ
ウキウキで着火する北見えり 頭燃やして火気厳禁
エース ママ おじき おかん まだまだ行こうアニバーサリー 鏡ゆみこ

F: ユリイカにも送るぜBig up! いつもありがとう色んな企画
内心楽しみにしてる配信 FANBOXにジェネレーションズにユリイカonline
今は出てる緊急の宣言 それでもここはM男の楽園
コロナに見せつけろ我らの執念 ユリイカおめでとう17周年!

R:ここに、ここにある 私たちの真実とファンタジー
ここに、ここにいる My Mistress 変わらぬ女神
ここに、ここにある 私たちの真実とファンタジー
ここに、ここにいる My Mistress 変わらぬ女神


鏡 ゆみこ @KagamiYumiko

eureka カフェユリイカ
eureka カフェユリイカ

鏡ゆみこ #eureka #カフェユリイカ

up-date 2024/2/22

Important Announcement for Customer

February 21st, 2024

Hi guys,

Eureka’s going to close. The owner Yumiko has written about the reasons and her reflections on 20 years of running it, and I’ve translated it and posted it here. Please read it.

This is Yumiko. It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post. First of all, I was happy to see so many of you all coming to celebrate Eureka’s 20th anniversary.

Anyway, I have an important announcement to make: At the end of August, Eureka will close. Actually this was decided 5 years ago, in the autumn of 2019 when Ranka quit. While thinking about when to get around to publicising the decision, I had a lot of complicated feelings. I’d get to the point when I felt that I could finally announce it, but then I’d feel too sentimental to bring myself to make it official. I went back and forth like this for half a year. We’re are unique establishment, which is a good thing, but our customers and staff will have nowhere else to go.

It’s been a fun 20 years! Thank you.

I’d like to explain a little about the reason for closing. Ikebukuro, especially the eastern side, has turned into a mecca for female geeks over the past 10 years, with large cinema complexes and beautiful parks being built. It’s image has really changed from before. In 2004 when we opened, our concept was that it would be like a secret base, where only those who wanted to seek it out would come. We have always refused to put up a signboard or publish our address throughout these 20 years. But the Ikebukuro around our secret base has been redeveloped and is no more.

In the spring of 2019, our landlord notified us that he’d like to increase the rent, but since we were a long-established tenant who’d been there through the Lehman Shock and the 2011 earthquake, instead of a 120% increase, only 80% would be OK. Even though he’d framed it like that, it was a big shock to us. I consulted with one customer who works in real-estate about whether this was reasonable.

Until that autumn, I also discussed this in many meetings with Ranka and the other staff members.

We negotiated with the landlord to renew the lease at the original rent for 3 more years (so expiring in autumn 2024), however the landlord informed us that he’d need to raise the rent after that.

I felt that the landlord was kind, but wondered about what we’d do in 5 years. I spent many days having meetings with the staff members about this.

It would be a big change to raise Eureka’s prices to match the rent increase (Eureka’s price is all-inclusive, covering both the drinks and the time spent in the bar, with no extra charges such as champagne or drinks for the staff). If we altered that then Eureka would no longer be what it is All customers will be treated equally, as I decided when I opened Eureka. If it is possible for a rich customer to spend a lot buying drinks, then a gap will open between rich customers and poor customers. I wanted to avoid that.

I thought about renting in another location, but if I did that then I’d be wondering how many more years I’d run Eureka for.

I talked about this a lot with Ranka and my staff, and came to the decision that we’d close 5 years later in 2024, when it would be exactly 20 years since we’d opened. I told all the staff members to let me know if there was something big happening in their life, but otherwise to please stay until then.

I’d like everyone to continue the original Eureka concept until the end and maintain our level of quality.

Right after that, the Covid-19 pandemic broke out across the world. It couldn’t be helped and I had to put on a brave face. Regarding this topic I think I’ll leave it at this for now, and continue when I have another opportunity.

Anyway, corona’s over now. I’d wanted to make the most of the remaining 5 years, and I hated how the virus got in the way and messed things up. But Eureka was able to stay afloat through those tough times because of the support from our staff and customers. Thank you to all the staff members who stayed with us, those who rejoined us, and who joined us for the first time during the pandemic. I’m really grateful.

I’ve been running Eureka for 20 years, and at the beginning I was focused on doing things my way, for example “my style of SM”, “the SM that I like”, “the Eureka that I envision”, “Yumiko Kagami style”. It was a young woman’s way of thinking. I’m the same person, so of course that remains, but in these past few years I’ve come to feel like I have a lot of daughters. I’m not married and I’ve never raised children, but I feel like I’ve spent 20 years with strong sisters, who can be a handful, but are reliable and have their own individual personalities. I might not be the best mother, but I was really happy to see them grow up.

Eureka has always been a place where I can play seriously but also experiment. And it’s like an art installation that I’ve built up for everyone.

It’s been a lot of work to keep the premises maintained, keep my motivation up and change what needed to be changed, but it was worth doing and I feel like Eureka is my baby. Thanks to everyone, my baby has turned 20, and I’m so happy to see that.

“Eureka” means “I’ve done it!” in Greek. I’ll get around to writing another blog entry about that. I always like to be contrary, so I named it a “Coming-Out Salon” rather than a “Fetish Salon” or a “Mistress Salon”, but it was great whenever each person discovered what it was about.

But I feel like the most startling thing was, surrounded by a variety of people, I discovered what I was about.

Of course SM is one type of interaction between people, and we all have have our own image of what it is and what it means. There were irritations and frustrations, but it was interesting to see how everyone is different. There were unsatisfying things, serious things, anger and happiness, and I could understand this bit by bit because of others around me.

I wonder how “Eureka moments” I’ll have between now and summer. I want to enjoy it right up until the end. And I hope everyone can enjoy the remaining time as much as they can.

Yumiko Kagami


展覧会の画像一覧:木村了子、牧田恵実、中尾 変、吉岡愛花、上路市剛、興梠優護
Exhibition Images: KIMURA Ryoko, MAKIDA Emi, NAKAO Hen, YOSHIOKA Aika, KAMIJI Ichitaka, KOHROGI Yugo

素晴らしい新日本フェミニズム美学と解放:画家 牧田恵実 (+マルセル・デュシャン)
Excellent New Japanese Feminism Aesthetics and Emancipation: Painter MAKIDA Emi (+ Marcel Duchamp)

Contemporary Japanese Otaku Culture: SANA NATORI

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Popular solo exhibition by ‘Japanese artist’ Trevor Brown “la nursery noire”

佐伯俊男 SAEKI Toshio佐伯俊男/



Demon Slayer 鬼滅の刃
Demon Slayer 鬼滅の刃

ここに載せた写真とスクリーンショットは、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense

本日のイカ嬢。 #eureka