Art + Culture

角川春樹 & 武蔵野坐令和神社 & 角川武蔵野ミュージアム KADOKAWA Haruki & REIWA JINJA & Kadokawa Culture Museum

角川春樹 & 角川武蔵野ミュージアム KADOKAWA Haruki & Kadokawa Culture Museum スクリーンショット screenshot from KCM Twitter Account ここに載せた写真とスクリーンショットは、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense
角川春樹 & 角川武蔵野ミュージアム KADOKAWA Haruki & Kadokawa Culture Museum スクリーンショット screenshot from KCM Twitter Account ここに載せた写真とスクリーンショットは、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense

10 minutes ago a tweet by the Kadokawa Culture Museum caught my attention. A very rare opportunity to see the persona of KADOKAWA Haruki 角川春樹 in public. Second from right on the cover photograph/screenshot.

角川武蔵野ミュージアム – スクリーンショット screenshot from KCM Twitter Account
角川武蔵野ミュージアム – スクリーンショット screenshot from KCM Twitter Account ここに載せた写真とスクリーンショットは、すべて「好意によりクリエーティブ・コモン・センス」の文脈で、日本美術史の記録の為に発表致します。Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense

Check the attached link.

A ceremony had been held at the Shinto shrine REIWA JINJA in Musashino 武蔵野坐令和神社, which is near by the newly opened Kadokawa Culture Museum.


The explanatory text translated in “English by google” (a bit changed by me regarding Nakamura, to get an idea, but not too much), as there is no English page:
The [Chinese Flower Festival] was held at the “Musashinosuwareiwa Shrine” next door, and Kabuki actor Nakamura Shidō II dedicated the “Naga-Uta” “Ame no Goro” within a Kabuki performance.
This spring festival is held to calm the spread of the epidemic as the flowers scatter. In keeping with this tradition, the ceremony was held in the hope that the new coronavirus would be quickly brought to an end.

Let me try to get into one more detailed explanation.
鎮花祭(Chin-ka-sai)could be translated in “a cleansing ritual during the Cherry Blossom period to avoid plagues”.

The Shinto shrine REIWA JINJA 武蔵野坐令和神社 had been newly build and opened last year 2020, Reiwa 令和 2. “Reiwa” is the current era of Japan’s official calendar, directly related to the Japanese Emperor 天皇 (Emperor of God) and The Emperor System of Japan 天皇制.
Link to the REIWA JINJA website, only in Japanese:

Should we care about these serious constellations? What kind of steps did KADOKAWA Haruki take to get his legacy known in the Japanese society?

As it happens, hours ago I up-loaded an article about yesterday’s UTAKAI HAJIME – The Annual New Year’s ‘Tanka’ Poetry Ceremonial Party at The Imperial Palace in Reiwa 3. In this regard, we may feel in some parts of Japan a newly born spiritual atmosphere.

UTAKAI HAJIME – The Annual New Year’s ‘Tanka’ Poetry Ceremonial Party at The Imperial Palace in Reiwa 3歌会始の儀/

Let me take this opportunity to introduce to you further articles in the context of the Japanese Imperial Family and The Emperor System of Japan. A highly sensitive topic in Japan, in which you, as a foreigner, will mostly get only ambiguous answers and explanations. Most Japanese “obey” the rules of 神道 SHINTO-ism and 仏教 Buddhism. Weddings are being normally held with キリスト教 Christian and SHINTO-ist ceremonies at the same time. Ergo, Japanese people actually practice three religious customs. 神道+仏教+キリスト教 SHINTO+BUDDHISM+CHRISTIANITY run parallel to their vita. Be extremely careful, if you want to discuss these topics with anyone in Japan. Let’s put it in a humble way: no logical debate possible. A serious matter, indeed.

Kaiserliche Neujahrszeremonie: Seine Kaiserliche Majestät Kaiser Naruhito “betet für das Glück des japanischen Volkes und die Prosperität des Landes”
新年祝賀の儀 天皇陛下「国民の幸せと国の発展を祈ります」

Neujahrsansprache Seiner Kaiserlichen Majestät Kaiser Naruhito und Ihrer Kaiserlichen Majestät Kaiserin Masako
New Year’s Video Message By His Majesty The Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Her Majesty The Japanese Empress Masako

Prinzessin Aiko wurde heute vom japanischen Kaiser Naruhito mit dem Großkreuz des Ordens der Edlen Krone ausgezeichnet
Princess Aiko was awarded today the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown by the Japanese Emperor Naruhito

Japan-Kulturologie: Über Pferdeschwänze und anderen Begebenheiten. Japaner lieben Ihr Kaiserreich und das Tennō-System.ポニテ帰国/

ハグする皇族!!… und das Tennosystem hat sich gefestigt.ハグする皇族/

Makos 30. Geburtstag, ihr Letzter als Mitglied der kaiserlichen Familie
Vorfreude auf einen neuen Lebensabschnitt in New York

Regarding The Slander of Princess Mako And Her Marriage. Theory on The Japanese Character “Is The Entire Population of Japan Made Up of Bullies?”日本人の国民性/

Meine Güte, Schock im Japanischen Kaiserreich: Wo ist Komuros Pferdeschwanz?
Wir lieben Pferdeschwänze…

Reiwa Era Should Become The Era of Empress Masako.

New name of era under new Japanese Emperor is REIWA. ‘Rei’ like ‘Meirei’, ‘Gorei’ = Order or Command, ‘Wa’ like ‘Showa’ from the Japanese Emperor Showa新元号令和/

Beautiful Cherry Blossoms Started Blooming at Tokyo Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (Former Imperial Garden)新宿御苑-桜の季節/

Japan’s ‘national’ contemporary artist AIDA Makoto: Simultaneously with the death of Emperor SHOWA, the genre NIHONGA should have had proclaimed its disappearance, nevertheless it actually disappeared.会田誠-aida-makoto-国民的現代美術家/

Emperor of Japan, Symbol of Japanese Culture, 1st January 2019

Memorial Museum for Soldiers, Detainees in Siberia and Postwar Repatriates, KOYANAGI Tsuguichi, UTAMURA Hanae, OIWA Oscar, Emperor Meiji, Emperor Showa, Religious Imperial Enthronement Rites (DAIJO-SAI)

天皇皇后両陛下 初の肖像画
Portrait Painting of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan

新作 「レオナール・ツグハル・フジタの行方不明パズルピース 『藤田嗣治 天皇陛下伊勢の神宮に御参拝、皇紀2603年(1943)』」
New Work “Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita’s missing puzzle piece ‘The Japanese Emperor worshipping at Ise Shrine, Japanese imperial year 2603 (1943)’”

天皇制の為:下らない横山大観戦争画 ー 内閣総理大臣顕彰受賞者村上裕二
For The Sake Of The Emperor: Trashy Taikan YOKOYAMA – Yuji MURAKAMI (Prime Minister’s Award Honoree)

ピクチャリング・東京:ある普通の日。picturing tokyo: an ordinary day. (14)

Long long time ago, I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Kadokawa through my friend and Japan’s literature titan SHIMADA Masahiko 島田雅彦. Via the KADOKAWA HARUKI JIMUSHO 角川春樹事務所 a Shimada novel had been published. As Mr. Kadokawa “lost” his job at his company because of drug possession, the newly created company was still small, with few staff.

島田雅彦 SHIMADA Masahiko, Berlin, Cafe Einstein 90’s
島田雅彦 SHIMADA Masahiko, Berlin, Cafe Einstein 90’s

彼岸先生の寝室哲学 (ハルキ文庫)彼岸先生の寝室哲学-ハルキ文庫-島田-雅彦/dp/489456405X

Mr. Kadokawa’s entrepreneurial risks and uncompromising projects do find some fans in the Japanese cultural community. However, not a few people do distance themselves after working with him, a difficult persona famous for his egomaniac, eccentric attitude.
Actually, I’m not familiar with his life work, if you’re interested, please check the Japanese written wikipedia entries.角川春樹事務所角川春樹

Via this link in English, you may get further ideas.
When his father dies in 1975, Haruki was appointed president of the Kadokawa Shoten and he announced a new and ambitious plan for his company: created a new branch dedicated to produce films and impel international cinematographic adaptations of the best-seller novels and comics of the publishing branch. “The Inugami Family” was the first film produced by Kadokawa. The success of the planning encouraged Kadokawa to direct some movies himself. His debut as director was “Dirty Hero” (1982), followed by “Love Story” (1984). In 1990 he directed his most acclaimed film, “Heaven and Earth”. Unfortunately his popularity declined after he was arrested for drug possession.

Up-date 2022/9/15, about the brother KADOKAWA Tsuguhiko 角川 歴彦

Screenshot from the Mainichi website. Tsuguhiko Kadokawa 角川 歴彦
Screenshot from the Mainichi website. KADOKAWA Tsuguhiko 角川 歴彦

Kadokawa chairman arrested over Tokyo Olympics bribery scandal
September 14, 2022
TOKYO (Kyodo) — The chairman of major Japanese publisher Kadokawa Corp. was arrested Wednesday for his alleged involvement in a widening sponsorship bribery scandal over the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

Tsuguhiko Kadokawa is suspected by Tokyo prosecutors of giving 69 million yen ($481,000) in bribes to a consulting company led by an acquaintance of Haruyuki Takahashi, a former Tokyo Olympic organizing committee executive, in return for helping the publisher be selected as a sponsor of the Summer Games last year.

The 79-year-old chairman is suspected of colluding with Toshiyuki Yoshihara, 64, a former executive of Kadokawa, and 63-year-old current employee of the publisher, Kyoji Maniwa.

The chairman has denied the allegations, according to a source familiar with the situation, while his company said in a statement it will fully cooperate with the authorities on the investigation.

The publisher also apologized for “the trouble and concern caused to everybody involved.”

Kadokawa is the second corporate leader to be arrested in the unfolding scandal after Hironori Aoki, former chairman of business suit retailer Aoki Holdings Inc., who has also been charged with bribe-giving over sponsor selection for the games.

Kadokawa, Yoshihara and Maniwa allegedly worked together to deposit funds via nine transactions between September 2019 and January 2021 from a bank account under the publisher’s name to the consulting company headed by Kazumasa Fukami, 73.

Fukami and Takahashi, 78, were both former executives of advertising giant Dentsu Inc.

Kadokawa was named an “official supporter” of the Tokyo Games in the books and magazines publishing services sponsorship category in April 2019.

The Tokyo prosecutors’ special investigation squad believes the true sum of the transactions is believed be around 76 million yen, deposited over a course of 10 transactions beginning in July 2019.

But the amount dictated in the bribery case was set at 69 million yen due to the statute of limitations on giving a bribe being three years.

Kadokawa told the press last week he was “absolutely not” aware any bribery had taken place, adding he had heard the transactions were for general sports-related consulting fees and that he believed they were unproblematic.

The special investigative team served a fresh arrest warrant on Takahashi, who had a huge influence in the Japanese sporting world, on Sept. 6. It also arrested Fukami, Yoshihara and Maniwa, in addition to searching Kadokawa’s home and his firm’s headquarters in Tokyo.

The publisher was founded by Kadokawa’s father, Genyoshi, in 1945. Its business has since diversified from an independent publishing company into an entertainment conglomerate, expanding into film and online sectors.

Besides the Aoki and Kadokawa cases, the prosecutors are investigating Osaka-based Daiko Advertising Inc., also suspected of paying a large sum of money to Fukami’s consulting firm.

KADOKAWA会長を逮捕 五輪組織委元理事に贈賄容疑 東京地検
NHK 2022年9月14日 18時56分 事件

Screenshot from NHK website
Screenshot from NHK website






















KADOKAWAから7600万円が振り込まれたのは東京 中央区のコンサルタント会社で、この会社の代表の深見和政容疑者は高橋元理事の共犯として受託収賄の疑いで逮捕されています。










Up-date 2023/4/5

Anime hotel operated by Japanese publisher to close at end of May
TOKOROZAWA, Saitama — Japanese publisher Kadokawa Corp. announced that it will close its EJ Anime Hotel here at the end of May, as it is expected to be difficult to retain revenue.
The hotel is located in Tokorozawa Sakura Town, a pop-culture entertainment complex operated by Kadokawa, and opened in October 2020 under the concept of “stay at your favorite story.” It has 33 rooms and offers services linked to popular anime, manga and video games.
The company cited the fact that it has struggled to draw customers since its opening, and indicated that it expects it will be difficult to generate profits in the future. It has not yet decided how the facility will be used thereafter.

「アニメホテル」5月末で閉館 集客苦戦が続き 埼玉・所沢