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2024年ノーベル平和賞に日本被団協 核兵器廃絶訴え Nobel Peace Prize 2024 awarded to the Japanese Organisation "Nihon Hidankyo", the Grassroots Movement of Atomic Bomb Survivors (HIBAKUSHA)


The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize to the Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo. This grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, also known as Hibakusha, is receiving the peace prize for its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons and for demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again.

日本被団協 Nihon Hidankyo

長崎の“被爆体験者”「私たちは被爆者ではないのか」 岸田総理「合理的に解決」発言も直後に退陣表明 “埋もれた被爆者”の救済は?今月9日 長崎地裁判決【news23】|TBS NEWS DIG

In case of interest, the actual Prime Minister of Japan ISHIBA Shigeru 石破 茂 is PRO Nuclear Weapons and PRO Nuclear Power Plants. ISHIBA of the Right Wing Party LDP 右翼自民党 is the REAL face of Japan’s society.

Via or google translate, you can read the translations in your country’s language.



愛国心:どうなる日本-私の視点/11 声高に言う人間は信用しない /鳥取
2006.09.23 地方版/鳥取 23頁  




Former, late Prime Minister ABE Shinzo 安倍 晋三, actual Prime Minister, extrem right wing, ISHIBA Shigeru 石破 茂, far right Japanese Fascist TAKAICHI Sanae 高市早苗
Former, late Prime Minister ABE Shinzo 安倍 晋三, actual Prime Minister, extreme right wing ISHIBA Shigeru 石破 茂, far right: Japanese fascist TAKAICHI Sanae 高市早苗, July 21, 2013

November 06, 2015

Japan abstains from U.N. vote on nuclear arms ban treaty working group
NEW YORK — Japan has abstained from a Nov. 5 United Nations General Assembly First Committee vote on a draft resolution establishing a working group to consider a worldwide nuclear weapons ban treaty.

2016: “核兵器禁止”日本は反対 Japan is against the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”

The draft resolution, “Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations,” was passed by a vote of 135 countries in favor to 12 opposed — including the nuclear powers of the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia — with 33 abstentions, Japan among them.
The document “reaffirms the urgency of securing substantive progress in multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations, and to this end decides to convene an open-ended working group to substantively address concrete effective legal measures, legal provisions and norms that will need to be concluded to attain and maintain a world without nuclear weapons.”
The working group would be an auxiliary body to the U.N. General Assembly, and provide advice and information to the body.
The Japanese abstention from the resolution vote “is the result of Japan’s position that cooperation between the nuclear and non-nuclear powers is necessary for disarmament,” a U.N.-related diplomatic source told the Mainichi Shimbun. Japan had a similar reason for abstaining from a Nov. 2 First Committee vote calling on the strengthening of legal frameworks toward the abolishment of nuclear weapons on similar grounds.
Though Japan is the only country in the world to endure a nuclear attack, it is also protected by the U.S. nuclear umbrella.
Japan was a member of a working group established by the U.N. General Assembly in 2013 to draw up proposals toward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations. The Nov. 5 resolution, however, contained specific reference to a nuclear weapons ban treaty, setting off a direct confrontation with the five nuclear powers recognized under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, or NPT.
November 06, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)
国連委:核廃絶へ作業部会、決議 日本は棄権
毎日新聞 2015年11月06日 東京夕刊


タレントのくせに! ん⁉ 何にも しない する気がない議員のくせに!
 ◆渡辺謙さんのメッセージ全文◆ 2016年10月28日にこれをアップ
〈核兵器禁止条約に日本が「反対」という信じられないニュースが流れました。いったいどうやってこの地球から無用な兵器を無くしていくつもりなのか? 核を持つ国に追従するだけで意見は無いのか。原爆だけでなく原発でも核の恐ろしさを体験したこの国はどこへ行こうとしているのか、何を発信したいのか〉

核セキュリティーサミット 合意文書を採択 閉幕
2016年4月2日 7時05分


米大統領が各国首脳と会合 連携して核脅威に対応を
2016年4月2日 7時56分

April 2, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)
Japan to give up more uranium in historic nuke material removal bid

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) — Japan said Friday it will give up more highly enriched uranium as part of what U.S. President Barack Obama hails as an unprecedented bid to tighten control over unused nuclear material.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke during a session of the Nuclear Security Summit of the new plan to remove highly enriched uranium from a facility in Osaka, in addition to a similar pledge made in the previous meeting of the biennial summit in 2014.
“Japan is working to complete the removal of more than half a ton of highly enriched uranium and plutonium, which is the largest project in history to remove nuclear material from a country,” said Obama, who is host of the summit.
Japan already removed 331 kilograms of plutonium and hundreds of kilograms of highly enriched uranium from the Fast Critical Assembly, a research facility located in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo in line with the 2014 pledge.
Japan will give up highly enriched uranium, including some at the weapon-usable level, and transport it from the Kyoto University Critical Assembly in Osaka Prefecture to the United States, in a new commitment highlighted in their joint statement released Friday.
The amount of highly enriched uranium to be removed from the Osaka facility is some 45 kilograms, according to people familiar with the project. The Japanese government does not disclose the amount of nuclear materials to be transported, citing security reasons.
The scale of Japan’s project is “hundreds of kilograms of weapon-usable material,” U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz told a joint press event with Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Hagiuda.
“So this process will permanently remove any risk of this material falling into the wrong hands,” Moniz said.
How to prevent terrorists from obtaining nuclear substances that could be used to make bombs is among key topics at the two-day summit through Friday in Washington involving leaders from more than 50 countries.
Japan and the United States have launched talks to create a framework to share classified information in the area of nuclear security, the statement said.
Tokyo and Washington need a fresh information-sharing scheme after a new secrecy law took effect in Japan in 2014, according to a Japanese government official.

Plutonium from Japan to be disposed of underground in New Mexico

April 2, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)

TOKYO (Kyodo) — U.S.-bound plutonium that has recently been shipped out of Japan will be disposed of at a nuclear-waste repository in New Mexico after being processed for “inertion” at the Savannah River Site atomic facility in South Carolina, according to an official of the National Nuclear Security Administration.

“The plutonium will be diluted into a less sensitive form at the SRS and then transported to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for permanent disposal deep underground,” said Ross Matzkin-Bridger in charge of the operation at the NNSA, a nuclear wing of the Department of Energy.
“The dilution process involves mixing the plutonium with inert materials that reduce the concentration of plutonium and make it practically impossible to ever purify again,” he told Kyodo News in a recent phone interview.
The official made the remarks ahead of the latest Nuclear Security Summit, sponsored by President Barack Obama, which began Thursday in Washington.
The fourth meeting of world leaders is focused on how to secure weapons-usable nuclear materials all over the globe. The summit started after Obama’s 2009 speech in Prague, in which he called for “a world without nuclear weapons” and for which he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize later that year.
At the previous summit in the Netherlands in March 2014, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to return plutonium and highly enriched uranium upon request from the Obama administration, which is seeking to strengthen control of nuclear materials.
The removal of 331 kilograms of plutonium and hundreds of kilograms of HEU from the Fast Critical Assembly, a research facility located in Tokaimura, Ibaragi Prefecture, was completed before the Nuclear Security Summit kicked off.
Japan received the plutonium and HEU fuels from the United States, Britain and France from the late 1960s to early 1970s for research purposes in the name of “Atoms for Peace.”
The nuclear fuel delivery, however, has generated controversy in South Carolina since it was reported that it was en route to the U.S. government-run SRS facility in the state.
South Carolina is “at risk of becoming a permanent dumping ground for nuclear materials,” Gov. Nikki Haley said in a recent letter to Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, calling for the freight to be stopped or rerouted.
The final disposal at the WIPP, as described by Matzkin-Bridger, may defuse these local concerns in South Carolina.
The WIPP is a repository — about 660 meters underground — for permanently storing nuclear waste created by the U.S. government’s nuclear weapons program.
“The Department of Energy has signed a Record of Decision to implement our preferred option to prepare 6 metric tons of surplus plutonium from the SRS for permanent disposal at the WIPP near Carlsbad, New Mexico,” Matzkin-Bridger explained. “This includes all foreign plutonium that we bring to the United States under our nonproliferation programs.”
The HEU from Japan’s FCA will be “down-blended” to low enriched uranium at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, according to the official. In the future, LEU will be used for research purpose at research reactors both in the United States and Japan, possibly including the FCA.
“This project was accomplished on an accelerated timeline well ahead of schedule, thanks to the hard work and strong cooperation from both sides,” said a U.S.-Japan joint statement released Friday on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit.
“It furthers our mutual goal of minimizing stocks of HEU and separated plutonium,” the document added, emphasizing the importance of the operation in strengthening nuclear security.
In the statement, the Japanese government made a new pledge to remove and transfer HEU fuels from the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA), another Japanese research institute, to the United States for down-blending and “permanent threat reduction.”
“If the KUCA’s HEU reactor is successfully converted to a LEU unit, it will have a significant meaning for other reactors in the U.S. and European nations, which are pursuing to convert reactors for LEU,” Hironobu Unesaki, professor at Kyoto University, said. “The KUCA could provide academic outputs for future LEU conversion process worldwide.”
Officials and specialists in both nations have praised the bilateral cooperation, which aims to reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism through securing sensitive materials.
However, the materials recently transferred from Japan are only the tip of iceberg. Currently, Japanese utilities possess over 47 metric tons of separated plutonium, which is equivalent to about 6,000 nuclear bombs.
At the last Nuclear Security Summit two years ago, Abe restated Japan’s international promise not to possess any plutonium that it has no use for. But the country’s stockpile of the nuclear material has since slightly increased.
A recent court injunction to suspend the operation of two plutonium-consuming reactors in Fukui Prefecture in Japan has made a solution for the Japanese plutonium problem more elusive.

“What happens if Japan, who could tomorrow, could go nuclear tomorrow? They have the capacity to do it virtually overnight.”
Vice President Joe Biden

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has told Chinese President Xi Jinping that Japan has the capacity to acquire nuclear weapons “virtually overnight.”


2016: “核兵器禁止”日本は反対 Japan is against the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”

核兵器禁止条約 決議案が国連の委員会で採択 日本は反対
2016年10月28日 10時18分



Japan’s New Leader Pushes Nuclear Weapons and Controversial ‘Asian NATO’

Published Oct 03, 2024, Newsweek

Japan’s hawkish Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has called for an “Asian version of NATO” to counter the rising threats of military cooperation from China, Russia, and North Korea.
Recent years have seen an uptick in bilateral defense cooperation between the U.S., Japan, and other regional partners, in what the Biden administration has dubbed “latticework” security architecture.
This has included regular talks with Japan, India, and Australia under the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) grouping, the AUKUS arrangement with Australia and the U.K. and increased cooperation between Washington, Tokyo, and Seoul.
In an op-ed he wrote for Washington D.C. think tank the Hudson Institute ahead of his ascension to the office, Ishiba listed these and other developments as wins. However, he went further to call for a NATO-style mutual defense framework for the region, saying this is essential for deterring China and preventing conflict, such as a war over Beijing-claimed Taiwan.
“If these alliances are upgraded, a hub-and-spoke system, with the Japan-U.S. alliance at its core, will be established; and in the future, it will be possible to develop the alliance into an Asian version of NATO,” the former defense minister wrote. He warned: “Ukraine today is Asia tomorrow.”
Ishiba went on to call for a reimagining of the U.S.’s nuclear posture amid Russia’s deepening military ties with North Korea, saying that Russia has transferred nuclear technology to North Korea.
Analysts have expressed concern that Moscow may have shared nuclear expertise with the Kim Jong Un regime in exchange for the artillery and missiles with which Pyongyang has furnished Russian forces for their ongoing invasion of Ukraine. However, no evidence of such an arrangement has been reported.
Members of Ishiba’s cabinet have not expressed the same enthusiasm for an Asian answer to NATO.
“I think it’s one idea for the future. It’s difficult to immediately set up a mechanism that would impose mutual defense obligations in Asia,” Japan’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya, told reporters in Tokyo Wednesday.
U.S. officials have also demurred, with Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant U.S. secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific, saying the proposal is premature.
“It’s too early to talk about collective security in that context, and more formal institutions,” Kritenbrink said last month said at an event hosted by the Stimson Center think tank. “What we’re focused on is investing in the region’s existing formal architecture and continuing to build this network of formal and informal relationships,” he added.
China, however, has for years suggested the U.S.’s Indo-Pacific strategy, including the QUAD and AUKUS groupings, are part of a broader goal to set up a regional answer to trans-Atlantic bloc.
“The real goal for the Indo-Pacific strategy is to establish an Indo-Pacific version of NATO. These perverse actions run counter to common aspirations of the region and are doomed to fail,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during a 2022 press conference.
While a formal multination security alliance may not manifest anytime soon, recent Liberal Democratic Party governments have made strides toward increased security cooperation, Ishiba said.
He cited former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reinterpreting of Japan’s postwar constitution to permit “collective self-defense” in the event that one of Tokyo’s key allies is attacked. Newly resigned Prime Minister Fumio Kishida laid plans to modernize and expand Japan’s Self-Defense Force further and set a new defense spending target of 2 percent, in line with the minimum agreed to by NATO members.
In his congratulatory call on Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping told Ishiba that it is in both countries’ interests to pursue peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation and to “strive to build a constructive and stable China-Japan relationship that meets the requirements of the new era,” according to a statement from China’s Foreign Ministry.

Sep 25, 2024 Hudson Institute
Shigeru Ishiba on Japan’s New Security Era: The Future of Japan’s Foreign Policy

Shigeru Ishiba Establishing the Asian NATO
Sep 25, 2024. Shigeru Ishiba: Establishing the Asian NATO

Shigeru Ishiba exclusively shared his views on the future of Japan’s foreign policy in response to a request from Hudson Institute’s Japan Chair before Mr. Ishiba was elected the president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan on September 27. The following is an unofficial translation of Mr. Ishiba’s personal opinion as a member of the Diet and does not necessarily reflect his view as the next prime minister.

Establishing the Asian NATO
The security environment was transformed by the war in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine began with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. This was the limit of the collective security regime of the UN. President Joe Biden said, “Ukraine is not a member of NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization], so there are no obligations to defend it,” and “Ukraine is not in NATO. So, the US will not use military force.” That was America’s logic.

Under Article 51 of the UN Charter, Ukraine has the right of all nations to “exercise the right of collective self-defense in the event of a request for assistance from an aggressor nation, pending a decision by the UN Security Council. Such a right should not have been denied to Ukraine because it is not a NATO member, but the US did not defend Ukraine under the article.

Ukraine today is Asia tomorrow. Replacing Russia with China and Ukraine with Taiwan, the absence of a collective self-defense system like NATO in Asia means that wars are likely to break out because there is no obligation for mutual defense. Under these circumstances, the creation of an Asian version of NATO is essential to deter China by its Western allies.

To this end, Japan made a cabinet decision during the Abe administration to reinterpret the Constitution to allow for the exercise of the right of collective self-defense. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces, which had been allowed to use only minimal force in response to a direct attack on Japan, could now fight back if certain conditions were met, even in the event the attack was on a country Japan has a close relationship with. Later, under the Kishida administration, the cabinet approved the “Three Security Documents” and increased the defense budget to 2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to ensure the ability to fight back.

Enactment of the National Security Legislation
However, these measures are merely stipulated in cabinet decisions or individual laws. In Japan, it is customary for the Diet to enact basic laws on important issues of national policy, clearly stating the direction of these laws before the people and proceeding with individual policies. However, there is no basic law on security issues to date. The geopolitical crisis surrounding our country has risen to the point where war could break out at any moment. To deal with this crisis, the enactment of the “National Security Legislation” is urgently needed. The “Basic Law on National Security” is one of the pillars of my foreign and national security policy, which has been repeatedly discussed within the LDP, and will be followed by the LDP’s long-cherished desire to revise the Constitution.

Currently, in the Indo-Pacific region, the QUAD (the United States, Japan, Australia, and India) has been raised to the level of a summit meeting, and AUKUS (Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) was created in September 2021. Furthermore, the security cooperation relationship between the US, Japan, and South Korea has deepened, and many frameworks, including regular summit meetings, joint training, and information sharing, have been institutionalized, bringing the bilateral alliances closer to a real “trilateral alliance.” The US and Japan have also reviewed the command and control structure of the Self-Defense Forces and US forces in Japan, put forward the joint development and production of defense equipment such as missiles, and coordinated on American extended deterrence.

Recently, Russia and North Korea have formed a military alliance, and nuclear technology is being transferred from Russia to North Korea. North Korea is strengthening its nuclear and missile capabilities, and if China’s strategic nuclear weapons are added to these dynamics, the US extended deterrence in the region will no longer function. This is to be supplemented by an Asian version of NATO, which must ensure deterrence against the nuclear alliance of China, Russia, and North Korea. The Asian version of NATO must also specifically consider America’s sharing of nuclear weapons or the introduction of nuclear weapons into the region.

Currently, in addition to the US-Japan alliance, Japan has quasi-alliance relationships with Canada, Australia, the Philippines, India, France, and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, the “2+2” meetings are taking place, and there is a horizontal development of alliances in terms of strategic partnerships. Japan and the US are deepening security cooperation with South Korea. If these alliances are upgraded, a hub-and-spoke system, with the Japan-US alliance at its core, will be established, and in the future, it will be possible to develop the alliance into an Asian version of NATO.

On the other hand, confidence-building measures (CBMs) to reduce potential “threats” will also be important. Japan was hit by the Noto Peninsula earthquake on New Year’s Day 2024. Soon, the possibility of a Nankai Trough earthquake, an earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the eruption of Mt. Fuji will increase, and the establishment of a “Ministry of Disaster Management” similar to the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in the US is an urgent priority. In Asia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and China are frequently hit by major earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis, and multinational forces are engaged in HADR (Humanitarian and Natural Disaster Response) activities to cope with such events. China has also been committed to HADR, having dispatched a naval hospital ship to RIMPAC 16. In cooperation with the United Nations Disaster Reduction and Response (UNDRR) and other organizations, HADR activities for disaster reduction in the Asia-Pacific region will be further strengthened in cooperation with an Asian version of NATO, and confidence-building measures will be developed. 

Strengthening the Japan-US Alliance as Equal to the US-UK Alliance
Japan has overcome security challenges one by one for nearly 80 years since the end of World War II. As a culmination of postwar politics, the Ishiba administration aims to contribute to regional security by strengthening the Japan-US alliance as an “equal nation” on par with the US-UK alliance. By building a framework to comprehensively promote security policy, Japan should secure its independence and peace, and proactively and positively contribute to a stable international environment.

The US-Japan Security Treaty is the backbone of Japan’s postwar political history, a bilateral alliance that must evolve with the times. The Armitage-Nye Report once proposed that the “special relationship” between the US and the UK be the model for the US-Japan alliance, and that the US and Japan become “equal partners.” Now, this is possible, and we can defend the liberal order jointly, shoulder-to-shoulder with the US. The conditions are ripe to revise the Japan-US Security Treaty into a treaty between “ordinary countries.”

The current Japan-US security treaty is structured so that the US is obligated to “defend” Japan, and Japan is obligated to “provide bases” to the US. The time is ripe to change this “asymmetrical bilateral treaty.” It is possible that the Japan-US Security Treaty and Status of Forces Agreement could be revised to allow the Self-Defense Forces to be stationed in Guam to strengthen the deterrence capabilities of Japan and the US. If this happens, a status agreement for the “SDF in Guam” could be made the same as that for US forces in Japan. Furthermore, expanding the scope of joint management of US bases in Japan would also reduce the burden on US forces in Japan.

It is my mission to raise the Japan-US alliance to the level of the US-UK alliance. To achieve this, Japan must have its own military strategy and become independent in terms of security until it is willing to share its own strategy and tactics on equal terms with the US. As a conservative politician, Shigeru Ishiba will build a “security system that can protect its own nation by itself” and actively contribute to the peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific nations based on the Japan-US alliance.


安全保障環境はウクライナ戦争で一変した。ウクライナ戦争は国連常任理事国のロシアによるウクライナに侵攻することで始まった。これは国連という集団的安全保障体制の限界である。バイデン大統領は「ウクライナはNATO(北大西洋条約機構)に加盟していないから防衛義務を負わない」「ウクライナはNATOに入っていない。だからアメリカは軍事力行使はしない」 それがアメリカの理屈であった。









日本は、戦後80年近くにわたり安全保障上の課題をひとつひとつ乗り越えてきた。石破政権では 戦後政治の総決算として米英同盟なみの「対等な国」として日米同盟を強化し、地域の安全保障に貢献することを目指す。安全保障政策を総合的に推進する枠組みを築くことで、日本の独立と平和を確保し、安定した国際環境の実現に主体的かつ積極的に寄与すべきと考える。




Russia has threatened to use nuclear arms since it began its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, while fears have intensified amid mounting confrontation between Israel, a nuclear state, and Iran, which has been working on developing such a weapons capability.

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Japan’s nuke-bomb survivors group wins Nobel Peace Prize
October 11, 2024