Art + Culture

非常に見応えのある「六本木クロッシング2019展:つないでみる」@ 森美術館 Very Impressive "Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions" Exhibition @ Mori Art Museum

HAYASHI Chiho 林 千歩 人工的な恋人と本当の愛-Artificial Lover & True Love- (detail)
HAYASHI Chiho 林 千歩 人工的な恋人と本当の愛-Artificial Lover & True Love- (detail)

3年に一度の六本木クロッシング @ 森美術館。第6回目の開催となる今回は、1970~80年代生まれ、新世代アーティスト25組を紹介する素晴らしい展覧会になっています。アペタイザーとして何枚か画像をアップしますが、まだ観に行かれていない方は必見です。良くキュレーションされた、日本現代アートの展示構成です。


会期:2019年2月9日(土)~ 5月26日(日) 会期中無休
開館時間:10:00~22:00(最終入館 21:30)※火曜日のみ17:00まで(最終入館 16:30)
料金:一般 1,800円、学生(高校・大学生)1,200円、子供(4歳~中学生)600円、シニア(65歳以上)1,500円

本展のチケットで、「MAMコレクション009」展、「MAMスクリーン010」展、「MAMプロジェクト026」展および展望台 東京シティビュー(「PIXARのひみつ展」を含む)にも入館可。


Mori Art Museum 15th Anniversary Exhibition
Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connections

2019/2/9 – 5/26
10-22 (Last Admission: 21:30)
On Tuesdays: 10-17 (16:30)

Ticket also valid for “MAM Collection 009” “MAM Screen 010” “MAM Project 026” and Tokyo City View observation deck (include “The Science Behind Pixar”).

PR text by the Museum:
The Roppongi Crossing series of exhibitions, launched in 2004 by the Mori Art Museum, provide an overall snapshot of the state of the Japanese contemporary art scene every three years. This sixth edition of the series, the first to be jointly curated by three curators of the Museum’s own alone, will showcase the work of around 25 artists and collectives, primarily practitioners born in the 1970-80s.
Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions will take a close-up look at “connexions” revealed via contemporary artistic expression. An era such as ours, characterized by the fast-paced development of information, communication and myriad other technologies at an accelerating pace, also brings with it new problems. Though there is greater recognition of diverse values, “divisions” of various sorts are also becoming increasingly apparent – as seen in the problem of the internet, or more particularly in the realm of social media – which by rights ought to foster openness, conversely reinforcing opinions and perceptions of a similar nature; conflict sparked by political bias; and ever-growing economic disparity.
Amid this, artists offer us many types of connection through their works: by joining polar opposites, by fusing the heterogeneous, by giving visual expression to connections that already exist. Their efforts also serve as critiques of today’s society, as ways of turning ideas upside down, and perhaps even as clues for addressing divisions. It is our hope that the new connections born out of this exhibition will offer meaningful opportunities to engage with Japan as it is right now.

HAYASHI Chiho 林 千歩 人工的な恋人と本当の愛-Artificial Lover & True Love-、インスタレーション・ビュー
HAYASHI Chiho 林 千歩 人工的な恋人と本当の愛-Artificial Lover & True Love-、2016/2019、インスタレーション・ビュー

林千歩《人工的な恋人と本当の愛 — Artificial Lover & True Love —》(2016)

HAYASHI Chiho 林 千歩 人工的な恋人と本当の愛-Artificial Lover & True Love-, detail
HAYASHI Chiho 林 千歩 人工的な恋人と本当の愛-Artificial Lover & True Love-, 2016/2019, detail
ISOYA Hirofumi 磯谷博史 「母親の子、祖母の孫」”Mother’s Child, Grandmother’s Grandchild” 2019
ISOYA Hirofumi 磯谷博史 「母親の子、祖母の孫」”Mother’s Child, Grandmother’s Grandchild” 2019 (detail)
ISOYA Hirofumi 磯谷博史 「花と蜂、透過する履歴」 “Flowers and Bees, Translucent Archive” 2018
ISOYA Hirofumi 磯谷博史 「花と蜂、透過する履歴」 “Flowers and Bees, Translucent Archive” 2018

compare with:
磯谷 博史:流れを原型として @ 青山|目黒
ISOYA Hirofumi: Figured in the drift of things @ AOYAMA | MEGURO

ISOYA Hirofumi 磯谷博史 「事のもつれ 11」”Lag 11” 2018
ISOYA Hirofumi 磯谷博史 「事のもつれ 11」”Lag 11” 2018

compare with:
磯谷博史:時差画と虚像を巡る認識論 @ 青山|目黒 (過去サイト・アーカイブの再投稿)
In the Context of Epistemology: ISOYA Hirofumi’s Virtual and Time Lag Images @ AOYAMA | MEGURO (repost from the archive)

TSUDA Michiko 津田道子「王様は他人を記録するが」”Although King Logs Others” 2019
TSUDA Michiko 津田道子「王様は他人を記録するが」”Although King Logs Others” 2019
AONO Fumiaki 青野文昭 「修復ライヴ記録 – I 」”Restoration Live Recordings – I” 2009-2017
AONO Fumiaki 青野文昭 「修復ライヴ記録 – I」”Restoration Live Recordings – I” 2009-2017


AONO Fumiaki 青野文昭
AONO Fumiaki 青野文昭 「なおす・代用・合体・連置―ベンツの復元から―東 京/宮城(奥松島・里浜貝塚の傍らに埋まる車 より)」”Mending, Substitution, Consolidation, Serial Arrangement, “Restoration of a Mercedes-Benz,” Tokyo / Miyagi (A car buried in the ground of the Satohama Shell Mound in Okumatsushima)” 2018
TAKEKAWA Nobuaki 竹川宣彰
TAKEKAWA Nobuaki 竹川宣彰「猫オリンピック:開会式」 “Cat Olympics: Opening Ceremony” 2019

DOKUYAMA Bontaro 毒山凡太朗 「君之代―斉唱―」”My anthem” 2019
DOKUYAMA Bontaro 毒山凡太朗 「君之代―斉唱―」”My anthem” 2019 (video work)
DOKUYAMA Bontaro 毒山凡太朗 「あっち」”Over there” 2015
DOKUYAMA Bontaro 毒山凡太朗 「あっち」”Over there” 2015

up-date, see also:
毒山 凡太朗の卓越したアート実践は日本の社会経済の歴史を深く考えさせる
Exceptional Artistic Practice By DOKUYAMA Bontaro Inspires Deep Thoughts On Japanese Socio-Economic History毒山-凡太朗/

HANAOKA Nobuhiro 花岡伸宏 「未完の積み上げ」”Incomplete Pile” 2018
HANAOKA Nobuhiro 花岡伸宏 「未完の積み上げ」”Incomplete Pile” 2018
SATO Masaharu 佐藤雅晴 Calling 2009-2014 (ドイツ編、日本編 German version, Japanese version) , 2018
SATO Masaharu 佐藤雅晴 Calling 2009-2014 (ドイツ編、日本編 German version, Japanese version) , 2018

ハラドキュメンツ10 佐藤雅晴―東京尾行 / Hara Documents 10: Masaharu Sato – Tokyo Trace

佐藤雅晴―福島尾行 / Masaharu Sato – Fukushima Trace

Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions 六本木クロッシング2019展:つないでみる

today’s bonus:

Tokyo Skyline
Tokyo skyline seen from the rooftop of the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (Mori Museum 53F)