Art + Culture

白髪一雄・フット・ペインティング SHIRAGA Kazuo - Foot Paintings

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1959 @ Lévy Gorvy, ART BASEL
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1959 @ Lévy Gorvy, ART BASEL
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1958, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1959, detail

Berlin 1988. A divided city with a quiet art scene in the Western part, where I could randomly experience contemporary Japanese art. The still existing Galerie Georg Nothelfer showed for the first time large-size ‘foot paintings’ by SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄. (1)
That visit to the gallery gradually let me focus on the fascinating world of GUTAI (2) and its unique art historical essence, with eye-opening encounters at the short-lived ICA in Roppongi, Tokyo and at the 45th Venice Biennale in 1993.
32 years later, 2020. Shiraga can be actually called the most recognizable GUTAI artist overseas, his foot paintings became one of the most sought-after works in the global art scene. (3) A wonderful exhibition to get an overview of Shiraga’s formula and pioneering performance art has been actually organized by the Opera City Gallery in Shinjuku, Tokyo, providing overwhelming, never seen, monumental works. Amazing curatorial practice, also in regard of lining up such delicate, difficult to restore, paintings. Early works, sketches, original tools for execution, historical catalogues with GUTAI founder YOSHIHARA Jiro 吉原 治良 (4) and originator of “Art Informel”, French critic Michel Tapié (5), publications about interactive constellations with similar “Zero-artists”‘ groups in Europe (6), video documentaries, an educative biography writing (in which Shiraga’s Buddhist priesthood at Enryakuji-Temple at Hieizan Mountain is explained in detail), – all these interesting art-topics resonate superbly with the curious, also younger, audience, transforming the Opera City Gallery visit into an unforgettable, attractive experience. Bravo!
For the initiates, an imaginary museum opens up with artists like SHIRAGA Kazuo, Emilio Vedova, Karl Otto Götz, Gerhard Richter, Max Ernst, Jackson Pollock, Antoni Tàpies, Georges Mathieu, Karel Appel, Wols, Nicolas de Staël, Emil Schumacher, just to name a few. (Obviously, all these artists influence one own’s painterly process when executing abstract paintings.) With this stringent but anarchistic body of work, Shiraga gave artistic experimentalism an important, influential voice in Japan. Together with his GUTAI colleagues, he pushed the creative process of free artistic expression a bit further, over the edge, so to say. Thus the GUTAI artists subverted long-established hierarchical norms of artistic creation, still seen today in other artists’ groups like ‘Nitten’ 日展 or ‘Inten’ 院展. (7)
The exhibition offers several surprises, one of them “Wild Boar Hunting 1″「猪狩壱」, executed in 1963, loaned from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (one of my favorite museums in Tokyo, where I exhibited in 2004). The curators succeeded in the best way we can imagine. Stimulating discoveries, undermining our accepted notions about Shiraga’s art practice, and finally, embodying the whole spectrum of his playfulness, radical adventurism and approach towards existentialism.
Fortunately, this first retrospective in Tokyo offers a historical opportunity of understanding Shiraga’s evolutionary process, with which ‘formula’ he, with the help of his wife and artist Fujiko 白髪富士子 (8), executed those foot paintings: starting with the year 1957, continuing even after the GUTAI group had been disbanded in 1972, and finally reaching the climax with a painting from 1991, named “Ryusen (Spring of dragon)” 「龍泉」. By chance I encountered “Ryusen” in three different exhibition contexts. (9) Please understand, that every time a different ambience means new, precarious lighting. I tried my best in finding the right exposure.
This kind of comparative study naturally asks for similar paintings I’ve seen in other venues, too. With my painterly eye, I was always eager to discover new, subtle nuances in Shiraga’s style & practice. This fascination still continues until today, and hereby I’m happy to share those encounters with my ART+CULTURE readers.
A sense of interval brings also clearness. Different art historical curatorial practices mean different academic papers about “Modernism”. Shiraga embodies now multi-facetted interpretations; newly articulated by representations through researchers/art advisors/collectors like Allan Schwartzman (10) and Howard Rachofsky (11), or gallery owners like Axel Vervoordt (12), Lévy Gorvy (13) and Fergus McCaffrey (14), cooperating with the younger generation of curators.
SHIRAGA Kazuo – re-born as a timeless cutting-edge artist from Japan.
All these efforts, and the intentions may be obvious, are now culminating in this marvelous exhibition at Opera City Gallery. Please take the chance to contemplate and be fascinated, until the 22nd of March.

Tokyo 2020/02/02
Mario A

Kazuo Shiraga: A Retrospective @ Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery
白髪一雄 Kazuo Shiraga : a retrospective
期間:2020年1月11日[土]─ 3月22日[日]
会場:東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー[3Fギャラリー1, 2] 
開館時間:11:00 ─ 19:00 (金・土は11:00 ─ 20:00/いずれも最終入場は閉館30分前まで)
入場料:一般 1,200円(1,000円)、大学・高校生 800円(600円)、中学生以下無料

January 11, 2020 to March 22, 2020
Opening hours: 11:00 to 19:00
Fridays closing at 20:00, Saturdays closing at 20:00
Closed on Mondays
Note: On a public holiday Monday, the museum is open but closed on the following Tuesday.
Fee: Adults ¥1200, University & High School Students ¥800, Junior High Students & Younger and Persons with Disability Certificates & 1 Companion Free
Address: 3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1403
Phone: 03-5777-8600
5 minute walk from East exit of Hatsudai Station on the Keio New line

up-date 2020/3/4

Announcements from the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery.
Feb 17: To prevent corona virus from spreading, the staff will wear masks.
Feb 28: On government’s request and to prevent the corona virus from spreading, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery will be temporarily closed from 29th of February to 16th of March. Up-dates will be announced via website.



公益財団法人 東京オペラシティ文化財団


(2月29日[土]─ 3月16日[月])
東京オペラシティ アートギャラリーでは、新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染予防・拡散防止にかかる政府からの要請をふまえ、2020年2月29日[土]から3月16日[月]の予定で臨時休館いたします。その後の予定については、当ウェブサイトで改めてお知らせいたします。

東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー

Normally, I hesitate in writing down this kind of information, however, the rediscovery and popularity of Shiraga’s works relate to its actual exorbitant prices. At the Galerie Nothelfer the price tag was 10.000 Deutsche Mark.

The seller was the widow of a doctor who had bought the painting for 25.000 Deutsche Mark from Galerie Nothelfer in 1992
Sale: 420 / Post War / Contemporary Art, Dec. 06. 2014 in München  Lot 820
Chijikusei Gotenrai, 1961

Kazuo Shiraga

「具体」ってなんだ?―結成50周年の前衛美術グループ18年の記録 (日本語) 単行本 – 2004/1/16
平井 章一 (著)「具体」ってなんだ-―結成50周年の前衛美術グループ18年の記録-平井-章一/dp/4568201772

2004 “Gutai Retrospective”, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Kobe, Japan
Title: What’s GUTAI?
Editor/s: Shoichi HIRAI(平井章一)
Description: 2004 marks the 50th anniversary of the Gutai Art Association, which was formed by the painter Yoshihara Jiro and a group of young artists in the Hanshin area. The group produced a large body of work and embraced a multitude of expressive forms. Gaining recognition in both Japan and in the U.S. and Europe, Gutai was the first Japanese post-war art group to be affiliated with a Western art movement. The group dissolved in 1972 following the death of Yoshihara. In the mid-1980s, a series of Gutai retrospectives were held throughout Japan and in Spain, Yugoslavia, Italy, Germany and France.
This book offers a concise overview of the 18-year history of Gutai, highlighting key developments, activities and exhibitions, and is filled with numerous photographs. It provides biographical sketches of some of its former members and includes a chronology, guide to Gutai exhibition sites, museums with important collections of Gutai art, as well as resources with further information.
Language/s: English, Japanese
Chapter Heading/s: The Pioneering Significance of Gutai in Post-War Art History – Shigenobu KIMURA(木村重信)
Gutai History
Birth and Challenge: Early Period 1954-1957
Leaping and Development: Middle Period 1957-1965
Maturing and the End: Late Period 1965-1972
Post Gutai
A Guide to Gutai
Gutai — Toward a Reconsideration – Shoichi HIRAI(平井章一)
Artist/s: Jiro YOSHIHARA(吉原治良), Sadami AZUMA(東貞美), Norio IMAI(今井祝雄), Kumiko IMANAKA(今中クミ子), Kei ISETANI(伊勢谷圭), Tamiko UEDA(上田民子), Chiyu UEMAE(上前智祐), Hiroshi OKADA, Akira KANAYAMA(金山明), Kimiko OHARA(大原紀美子), Minoru ONODA(小野田實), Yozo UKITA(浮田要三), Itoko ONO, Shozo SHIMAMOTO(嶋本昭三), Kazuo SHIRAGA(白髮一雄), Saburo MURAKAMI(村上三郎), Atsuko TANAKA(田中敦子), Sadaharu HORIO(堀尾貞治), Sadamasa MOTONAGA(元永定正), Michio YOSHIHARA(吉原通雄), Takesada MATSUTANI(松谷武判), Toshio YOSHIDA(吉田稔郎), Motonao TAKASAKI(高崎元尚), Yasuo SUMI(鷲見康夫), Tsuyoshi MAEKAWA(前川強), Fujiko SHIRAGA(白髪富士子), Tsuruko YAMAZAKI(山崎つる子), Yoshio SEKINE(関根美夫), Hideo YOSHIHARA(吉原英雄), Aine KINASHI(木梨アイネ), Minoru YOSHIDA(ヨシダミノル), Shuji MUKAI(向井修二), Akiko HORIO(堀尾昭子), Yuko NASAKA(名坂有子), Hiroshi WATANABE(渡辺宏), Seiko KANNO, Keiko MORIUCHI(森内敬子), Hajime OKAMOTO, Sadayuki KAWAMURA, KIKUNAMI Joji(聴涛襄治), KITANI Shigeki(喜谷繁暉), Yoshihiko SHIOYA, Toshiko KINOSHITA(木下淑子), Noboru SAKAMITSU, Masaya SAKAMOTO(坂本昌也), Takeshi SHIBATA, TAI Satoshi(田井智), Keizo TANAKA, Ryuji TANAKA(田中竜児), Teruyuki TSUBOUCHI(坪内晃幸), Michimasa NAOHARA(猶原通正), Koichi NAKAHASHI, Senkichiro NASAKA(名坂千吉郎), Takehiro NABEKURA, Yoshiko HASHIGAMI, Toichiro FUJIKAWA, Yutaka FUNAI(船井裕), MASANOBU Masatoshi(正延正俊), Yutaka MATSUDA(松田豊)
Publisher/s: Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha , Tokyo, Japan, 2004, 207 pages
ISBN / ISSN: 4568201772

Rodolphe Stadler Gallery Paris with GUTAI artists 1992
Rodolphe Stadler Gallery with GUTAI artists, Paris, 1992


Paris Art Dealer Rodolphe Stadler with Mr. and Ms Shiraga
Art Dealer Rodolphe Stadler from Paris with Ms. and Mr. Shiraga
Gallery Talk (Français): Art Contemporain : chefs-d’œuvre de la collection Rodolphe Stadler

Gutai – Les créateur de la performance artistique – Japon 1964



Kazuo Shiraga: Looking Beyond the Brush



The Eye of Michel Tapié, ‘Art Lover’ by Juliette Evezard


ZERO – Radical Art of the ’50s and ’60s


INTEN 院展日本美術院


Fergus McCaffrey | Fujiko Shiraga: 1955-1961

白髪富士子と白髪一雄60年代 Fujiko+Kazuo Shiraga 60s
白髪富士子と白髪一雄、60年代 Fujiko + Kazuo Shiraga, 60’s


白髪富士子 SHIRAGA Fujiko 1928–2015

1) In June 2014 in Switzerland, at the Art Basel booth of the gallery Fergus McCaffrey, see
2) In March 2019 in Tokyo, at the gallery Fergus McCaffrey, see:白髪一雄-ゲルハルト・リヒター/
3) In January 2020 at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery

“At the time, Schwartzman was a freelance critic for The New Yorker and the New York Times, and he had never advised a private collector on his purchases before. After working with Rachofsky, Schwartzman went on to become one of the world’s most sought-out art advisors, eventually taking the helm of the collection belonging to Brazilian mining billionaire Bernardo Paz, who named him director of Instituto Inhotim, his private museum in the jungle. Schwartzman later founded Art Agency, Partners, with the auction veteran Amy Cappellazzo, which was purchased by Sotheby’s in 2016 for $85 million.”
The Collector Who Helped Build Dallas’s Texas-Sized Art Scene
Artsy, Nate Freeman, April 13, 2018


The Collector Who Helped Build Dallas’s Texas-Sized Art Scene
Artsy, Nate Freeman, April 13, 2018

2015, with a guide tour by curator Gabriel Ritter

Art This Week-At the Dallas Msueum of Art-Between Action and the Unknown


100% CULTUUR: Axel Vervoordt


ロバート・ライマン展 @ 新空間「ファーガス・マカフリー東京」ギャラリー
Robert Ryman @ New Gallery Space of Fergus McCaffrey Tokyo
Monochrome and Abstraction: SHIRAGA Kazuo, HA Chong-hyun, Gerhard Richter, Bernard Frize白髪一雄-ゲルハルト・リヒター/

Part 2 | Kazuo Shiraga: High Gutai

photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense

白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 無題 Untitled 1957 Oil on paper
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「無題」”Untitled” 1957, Oil on paper
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 無題 Untitled 1957 Oil on paper, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「無題」”Untitled” 1957, Oil on paper, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ミスター ステラ Mr. Stella 1958 Oil, Japanese paper on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「ミスター ステラ」 “Mr. Stella” 1958, Oil, Japanese paper on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 無題 Untitled 1959 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「無題」”Untitled” 1959, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 無題 Untitled 1959 Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「無題」”Untitled” 1959, Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天異星赤髪鬼 Tenisei Sekihatsuki 1959 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天異星赤髪鬼」”Tenisei Sekihatsuki” 1959, Oil on canvas
ファーガス・マカフリー東京・Fergus McCaffrey Tokyo

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1959, Oil on canvas, 182.5 x 272.5 cm (Art Basel 2017)

白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天傷星行者 Tenshosei Gyoja (Harm star pilgrim) 1960 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天傷星行者」”Tenshosei Gyoza” (Harm star pilgrim) 1960, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天敗星活閻羅 Tenpaisei Katsuenra 1960 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天敗星活閻羅」 “Tenpaisei Katsuenra” 1960, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天罪星短命二郎 Tenzaisei Tanmeijiro 1960 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天罪星短命二郎」 “Tenzaisei Tanmeijiro” 1960, Oil on canvas
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Chikyousei Dokkasei” 1961
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Chikyousei Dokkasei” 1961, Oil on canvas, 195.6 x 132.7 cm @ Richard Gray Gallery (Art Basel 2013)
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “T32” 1962
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “T32” 1962 @ Dominique Lévy Gallery (Art Basel 2013)
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “T32”
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “T32” 1962, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 猪狩壱 Wild Boar Hunting 1 1963 Fur, paste, oil on panel
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「猪狩壱」”Wild Boar Hunting 1″ 1963, Fur, paste, oil on panel
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 猪狩壱 Wild Boar Hunting 1 1963 Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail1
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「猪狩壱」”Wild Boar Hunting 1″ 1963, Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail1
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 猪狩壱 Wild Boar Hunting 1 1963 Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail2
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「猪狩壱」”Wild Boar Hunting 1″ 1963, Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail2
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 猪狩壱 Wild Boar Hunting 1 1963 Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail3
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「猪狩壱」 “Wild Boar Hunting 1” 1963, Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail3
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 猪狩壱 Wild Boar Hunting 1 1963 Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail4
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「猪狩壱」 “Wild Boar Hunting 1” 1963, Fur, paste, oil on panel, detail4
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天富星撲天雕 Tenpusei Hakutencho (Wealth star striking hawk) 1963 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天富星撲天雕」 “Tenpusei Hakutencho (Wealth star striking hawk)” 1963, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天富星撲天雕 Tenpusei Hakutencho (Wealth star striking hawk) 1963 Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天富星撲天雕」 “Tenpusei Hakutencho (Wealth star striking hawk)” 1963, Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星拚命三郎 (水滸伝豪傑の内)Tenkeisei Hemmei Sanro, a hero of a Chinese story 1964 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天慧星拚命三郎 (水滸伝豪傑の内)」”Tenkeisei Hemmei Sanro, a hero of a Chinese story” 1964, Oil on canvas
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1964
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Untitled” 1964, Oil on canvas, 97 x 130.3 cm @ Fergus McCaffrey (Art Basel 2018)
東京国立近代美術館 The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 2014-12-3
東京国立近代美術館 The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 2014-12-3

From left to right 左側から:石井 茂雄 ISHII Shigeo 戒厳状態 State of Martial Law 1965、河原温 KAWARA On 孕んだ女 Pregnant Woman 1954、吉原 治良 YOSHIHARA Jiro 黒地に白 White on Black 1965、白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星 命三郎(水滸伝豪傑の内) Hemmei Sanro, a hero of a Chinese story 1964、田中敦子 TANAKA Atsuko 作品 66-SA Work 66-SA 1966

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星 命三郎(水滸伝豪傑の内) Hemmei Sanro, a hero of a Chinese story 1964
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星 命三郎(水滸伝豪傑の内) Hemmei Sanro, a hero of a Chinese story, 1964
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星 命三郎, detail, 東京国立近代美術館, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星 命三郎, 部分, 東京国立近代美術館, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 天慧星 命三郎, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「天慧星 命三郎」, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 色絵 Iroe (color picture) 1966 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「色絵」 “Iroe (color picture)” 1966, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 色絵 Iroe (color picture) 1966 Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「色絵」 “Iroe (color picture)” 1966, Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 平治元年十二月二十六日 December 26, the first year of Heiji (the year 1160) 1966 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「平治元年十二月二十六日」 “December 26, the first year of Heiji (the year 1160)” 1966, Oil on canvas
SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄 「梁山泊」”Liang-shan-po” 1967 (Yokohama Museum of Art Collection 横浜美術館蔵)
SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄 「梁山泊」”Liang-shan-po” 1967 (Yokohama Museum of Art Collection 横浜美術館蔵)
SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄 「梁山泊」”Liang-shan-po” 1967 (Yokohama Museum of Art Collection 横浜美術館蔵) 部分
SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄 「梁山泊」”Liang-shan-po” 1967 (Yokohama Museum of Art Collection 横浜美術館蔵) 部分
SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄 「梁山泊」”Liang-shan-po” 1967 (Yokohama Museum of Art Collection 横浜美術館蔵) detail
SHIRAGA Kazuo 白髪一雄 「梁山泊」”Liang-shan-po” 1967 (Yokohama Museum of Art Collection 横浜美術館蔵) detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 文覚 滝の行
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「文覚 滝の行」 “Mongaku Takinogyo (Buddhist Saint Mongaku: Asceticism to Stand under a Waterfall)” 1972, Alkyd color on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 文覚 滝の行 Mongaku
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「文覚 滝の行」 “Mongaku Takinogyo (Buddhist Saint Mongaku: Asceticism to Stand under a Waterfall)” 1972, Alkyd color on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 曲流 Kyokuryu (Winding Flows) 1973 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「曲流」 “Kyokuryu (Winding Flows)” 1973, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 曲流 Kyokuryu (Winding Flows) 1973 Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「曲流」 “Kyokuryu (Winding Flows)” 1973, Oil on canvas, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Monju Boasts San” 1975, Oil on canvas, 91 x 65.2 cm (Art Basel 2015)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo・白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Hunpo” 1975, Oil on canvas, 130.2 x 97 cm (Art Basel 2015)

白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 煬帝 Yodai 1979 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「煬帝」”Yodai” 1979, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 煬帝 Yodai 1979 Oil on canvas, detail1
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「煬帝」”Yodai” 1979, Oil on canvas, detail1
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 煬帝 Yodai 1979 Oil on canvas, detail2
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「煬帝」”Yodai” 1979, Oil on canvas, detail2
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘untitled’ 1980, oil on canvas, 60.6 x 72.7 cm
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘untitled’ 1980, oil on canvas, 60.6 x 72.7 cm

(Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo 2019)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Gusoku Jintsuriki
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Gusoku Jintsuriki (Armed with Divine Power)” 1982, right: CY TWOMBLY “Untitled (Rome) conceived 1980-81; cast 1990 @ Mnuchin Gallery (Art Basel 2013)
Kazuo Shiraga “Kyoka Kenro” 1982, Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm @ Fergus McCaffrey booth Art Basel 2018
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Kyoka Kenro” 1982, Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm @ Fergus McCaffrey booth Art Basel 2018
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Hatengo’ 1985, oil on canvas on panel, 210 x 263.5 cm, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Hatengo’ 1985, oil on canvas on panel, 210 x 263.5 cm, detail

(Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo 2019)

展示風景 exhibition view
展示風景 exhibition view
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 群青 Gunjo (Ultramarine) 1985 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「群青」 “Gunjo (Ultramarine) ” 1985, Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 群青 Gunjo (Ultramarine) 1985 Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「群青」 “Gunjo (Ultramarine) ” 1985, Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 扶桑 Fuso (another name of Japan) 1986 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「扶桑」”Fuso (another name of Japan)” 1986, Oil on canvas
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Deishaku’ 1987, oil on paper mounted on board, 173.5 x 229.5 cm
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Deishaku’ 1987, oil on paper mounted on board, 173.5 x 229.5 cm

(Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo 2019)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Ryusen” 1991, Oil on canvas, 182 x 260 cm (Art Basel 2014)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo @ Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo, exhibition view
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo @ Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo, exhibition view, 2019
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Ryusen’ 1991, oil on canvas, 181.9 x 258.4 cm
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Ryusen’ 1991, oil on canvas, 181.9 x 258.4 cm

(Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo 2019)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Ryusen’ 1991, oil on canvas, 181.9 x 258.4 cm, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Ryusen’ 1991, oil on canvas, 181.9 x 258.4 cm, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 龍泉 Ryusen (Spring of dragon) 1991 Oil on canvas
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「龍泉」 “Ryusen (Spring of dragon)” 1991, Oil on canvas

(Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery 2020)

白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 龍泉 Ryusen (Spring of dragon) 1991 Oil on canvas, detail
白髪 一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo 「龍泉」 “Ryusen (Spring of dragon)” 1991, Oil on canvas, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Fuma’ 1996, oil on canvas, 194 x 251.1 cm
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Fuma’ 1996, oil on canvas, 194 x 251.1 cm

(Fergus McCaffrey, Tokyo 2019)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Fuma’ 1996, oil on canvas, 194 x 251.1 cm, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo ‘Fuma’ 1996, oil on canvas, 194 x 251.1 cm, detail
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Sekirai” 1997, Oil on canvas, 219 x 291 cm (Art Basel 2017)

白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo Hika 1999
白髪一雄 SHIRAGA Kazuo “Hika” 1999, Oil on canvas, 185 x 262.5 cm @ Annely Juda Fine Art (Art Basel 2013)
“Informel” and “Gutai” exhibition pamphlet 1958 Osaka,
“Informel” and “Gutai” exhibition pamphlet, 1958 Osaka. Photograph: Michel Tapié ミシェル・タピエ with GUTAI founder, leader YOSHIHARA Jiro 吉原治良
Tools for the execution of the works
Tools for the execution of the works
Oil color by Matisson
Oil color by Matisson
アクションの2 Action 2 足で描く アトリエ 1958 Painting with foot Atelier 1958
left page: Action 2 “Painting with foot” Atelier 1958
Wife SHIRAGA Fujiko 白髪富士子 helping during the execution of the work
Wife SHIRAGA Fujiko 白髪富士子 helping out during the execution of the work, 1965

In case of interest, further recommendations about artists etc.

現代美術のスター 長島有里枝 @ MAHO KUBOTA GALLERY
Contemporary Art Star NAGASHIMA Yurie @ MAHO KUBOTA GALLERY長島有里枝/
Thoughts on the artistic practice of HARAGUCHI Noriyuki and SEKINE Nobuo原口典之-関根伸夫/
塩田千春作:孤独と生命線の神秘な相関巣 (過去サイト・アーカイブの再投稿、2013年2月3日)
SHIOTA Chiharu: Mysterious Nest-specific Correlations Between Loneliness and Lifelines (repost from the archive, 2013/2/3)塩田千春/
優作「ディスリンピック2680」@ 風間サチコ展・「原爆の図 丸木美術館」
KAZAMA Sachiko’s Excellent “Dislympia 2680” @ Hiroshima Panels – Maruki Museum
磯谷博史:時差画と虚像を巡る認識論 @ 青山|目黒 (過去サイト・アーカイブの再投稿)
In the Context of Epistemology: ISOYA Hirofumi’s Virtual and Time Lag Images @ AOYAMA | MEGURO (repost from the archive)
我が国にっぽんの恥「日展」 “Nitten”, the Shame of our Nation Nippon
日本のアート界を駄目にした男? 不幸な村上隆、、、
The Man Who Ruined The Japanese Art World? An Unhappy MURAKAMI Takashi…
Yoshitomo und ich 美智と僕
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujitaの作品との出会い
Encountering the works by Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita藤田嗣治/
柄谷行人と僕、、、KARATANI Kojin and me…柄谷行人/

Joseph Beuys 例えば:ソーシャル・プラスチック Zum Beispiel: Soziale Plastikソーシャル・プラスチック/