Art + Culture

天皇制を応援する横尾忠則〜天皇陛下万歳! YOKOO Tadanori endorses the Japanese Emperor System - Long Live The Emperor!

横尾 忠則 、2024年4月23日
横尾 忠則 、2024年4月23日

Shock. Artist YOKOO Tadanori endorses the Japanese Emperor System. Means, a right-wing attitude.

横尾 忠則 、2024年4月23日 春の園遊会
横尾 忠則 、2024年4月23日 春の園遊会

即位を祝い・・・万歳三唱 国民祭典8(19/11/09)

安倍総理の万歳三唱に合わせ陸自が礼砲 即位礼(19/10/22)


文化勲章の親授式、天皇陛下 The Japanese Emperor himself presents the honor at the award ceremony, which takes place at the Imperial Palace on the Day of Culture (November 3)
文化勲章の親授式、天皇陛下 The Japanese Emperor himself presents the honor at the award ceremony, which takes place at the Imperial Palace on the Day of Culture (November 3)日展-文化勲章/


春の園遊会 愛子さまも初めて出席 北大路欣也さんなど招かれる
2024年4月23日 15時23分 皇室



Emperor system (天皇制, Tennōsei) means the Japanese monarchy or state-system centered on the emperor, known in Japanese as the Tennō.
In a narrow sense, “emperor system” refers to the monarchy or the emperor-centered system in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. In a broad sense, “Emperor system” includes even the Symbolic Emperor System.
Under Empire of Japan’s political system, which called for the legitimacy of political domination by Tennō rule, the term “Emperor system” was officially prohibited; it became an academic term when free discussions on the term “Emperor system” were held in postwar Japan and research papers using the term “Emperor system” were published.
more @


up-date 2024/4/25




Some of the photos of cats that Crown Princess Masako brought with her were originally strays, but they are now lucky cats that have been raised as pets. I didn’t know that Crown Princess Masako and Princess Aiko loved cats so much, so we ended up talking about cats at length.

Professor Yokoo, Empress Masako is Her Majesty, not Her Imperial Highness.

It’s Her Majesty the Empress.

天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, Yukio Mishima
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, Yukio Mishima 三島由紀夫
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, here with MISHIMA Yukio
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, here with MISHIMA Yukio 三島由紀夫
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, coward
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, coward うんこ野郎
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, here at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, here at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo 東京現代美術館
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, SANTANA LP Cover
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, SANTANA LP Cover
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, SANTANA
天皇制を応援する横尾忠則 YOKOO Tadanori endorsing the right-wing, conservative Japanese Emperor System, Carlos SANTANA

more about Yokoo:

YOKOO Tadanori and his daughter YOKOO Mimi’s arty work for the Olympics “The Great Tokyo Mural” sucks

色々ツイートありがとうございます。都現美「GENKYO」展、量が多かったですか? でも600点ですよ。展示されていない作品もまだあります。1,000点はあります。もっとかな(笑)
Thank you for all the tweets. Was the “GENKYO” exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo too much? But it’s only 600 pieces. There are still more than 1.000 works not on display. Maybe more (lol)

展覧会の画像一覧:BOOTLEG – 海賊盤 @ 青山|目黒、KAWS @ ペロタン東京
Exhibition Images: BOOTLEG – The Pirate Radio Station @ AOYAMA | MEGURO, KAWS @ PERROTIN Tokyo

天皇制の為:下らない横山大観戦争画 ー 内閣総理大臣顕彰受賞者村上裕二
For The Sake Of The Emperor: Trashy Taikan YOKOYAMA – Yuji MURAKAMI (Prime Minister’s Award Honoree)