Art + Culture

オリンピックの東京大壁画の横尾忠則・美美親子:アーティスティックなダサさ YOKOO Tadanori and his daughter YOKOO Mimi’s arty work for the Olympics “The Great Tokyo Mural” sucks

オリンピックの東京大壁画の横尾忠則・美美親子 YOKOO Tadanori and his daughter YOKOO Mimi’s arty work for the Olympics "The Great Tokyo Mural" 17th of July 2021
オリンピックの東京大壁画の横尾忠則・美美親子 YOKOO Tadanori and his daughter YOKOO Mimi’s arty work for the Olympics "The Great Tokyo Mural" 17th of July 2021
For the Tokyo Olympics
For the Tokyo Olympics “The Great Tokyo Mural” at the Maru Building and Shin-Maru Building





可愛い横尾忠則くん cute Tadanori Yokoo, as appropriation art
可愛い横尾忠則くん cute Tadanori Yokoo, as appropriation art

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色々ツイートありがとうございます。都現美「GENKYO」展、量が多かったですか? でも600点ですよ。展示されていない作品もまだあります。1,000点はあります。もっとかな(笑)
Thank you for all the tweets. Was the “GENKYO” exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo too much? But it’s only 600 pieces. There are still more than 1.000 works not on display. Maybe more (lol)

FTW, father & daughter, you did it again…
For the Olympics… this work really sucks.
I feel depressed.
Mouse grey with some spot of colours.
Complete flop by YOKOO Tadanori and Mimi.
Practicing art in our country means…

“For this summer only, the Marunouchi Building and New Marunouchi Building, landmarks of the Marunouchi area, widely known as Tokyo’s art hub and a symbol of the city for many years, will be transformed into a pair of huge canvases.”

This project contains the desire to transmit this energy, this big swell of universe life forms, from Tokyo to the world and to the future.

That’s it.

Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVALスペシャル13 「東京大壁画」

Work by YOKOO Tadanori 横尾忠則
Work by YOKOO Tadanori 横尾忠則
Work by YOKOO Mimi 横尾美美
Work by YOKOO Mimi 横尾美美

壁画アートで五輪盛り上げ JR東京駅前 横尾忠則さん親子作