カテランの9億6000万円のバナナ:コンセプト・アートのバナナはどのようにして口に入りますか。 Cattelan's $6.2 Million Banana: How does a concept art banana get into your mouth?
やはり、吉本ばなな的、先月4日の「にっぽん社会の鏡:右翼自民党三原じゅん子 少子化担当大臣、女性活躍担当大臣と荒木経惟」
Mirror of Japanese society: Right-wing Liberal Democratic Party MIHARA Junko as Minister in charge of declining birthrate, Minister in charge of women’s empowerment and ARAKI Nobuyoshi
It’s not my fault, but right wing LDPs 右翼自民党のせい。
三日前の記者会見、三原じゅん子 こども政策・少子化担当相の公式発言を引用させていただきます:
full text:
2024年11月19日 火曜 午後6:12
プレコン(Preconception care)について、約9割が「知らない」という世論調査の結果を巡って、40年間にっぽんに住んでいる私に、驚きものではありません。
現代日本のオタク文化:名取さな Contemporary Japanese Otaku Culture: SANA NATORI
我が国にっぽんの恥「日展」”Nitten”, the Shame of our Nation Nippon
尊重されているART+CULTURE読者にとって、コンセプト・アートは日常的な言葉であると言えるでしょう。今月、私の「亜 銀座・コンセプト展」にも使われており、現代美術に当たり前な文脈です。
The World’s Most Expensive Banana: Maurizio Cattelan’s ‘Comedian’ Sells for $6.2 Million | Sotheby’s
Maurizio Cattelan (b. 1960) “COMEDIAN”, banana and duct tape, 20 by 20 by 5 cm.
(installation dimensions variable)
Executed in 2019, this work is number 2 from an edition of 3 plus 2 artist’s proofs.
This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.
US$ 1.000.000 – 1.500.000
New York 20 November 2024
Justin Sun、サン氏は、「2019年に初めてこの作品について聞いたとき、これは純粋に天才だと思いました。そして、それが市場に戻ってきたと聞いたとき、私はそれを手に入れなければならないと思いました。カテランのユーモアと冒険心は私の心に強く響き、誇り高きオーナーになれることに興奮しています。」
Justin Sun (Founder of Tron) about NFTs
On November 21, 2024, Sun announced his acquisition of Comedian on X: “This is not just an artwork; it represents a cultural phenomenon that bridges the worlds of art, memes [mass internet phenomenon], and the cryptocurrency community […] [I]n the coming days, I will personally eat the banana,
as part of this unique artistic experience, honoring its place in both art history and popular culture.”
January 2, 2025
Collector Justin Sun Reportedly Quashed a CoinDesk Article About His Banana-Eating Stunt
CoinDesk has won awards for its journalism, but apparently couldn’t stand by the mildly critical story.
But he reportedly pressured crypto trade publication CoinDesk (via CoinDesk’s owner, Bullish) to remove an article by Callan Quinn that expressed skepticism about the piece, titled “I Watched Justin Sun Eat the World’s Most Expensive Banana. I Don’t Get It.”
“After Sun’s team complained about the tone of the piece, CoinDesk’s owners, the crypto exchange Bullish, demanded editorial staff remove it from the publication’s website, according to sources familiar with the matter,” reports Fortune, which also reported that ex-Wall Street Journal editor in chief Matt Murray left his position as chair of an editorial committee—one that apparently included Murray alone among its membership—in December.
The December 2 article was removed from the CoinDesk website, but an archived version of the piece still appears online.
Sun made headlines again shortly thereafter, when he invested some $30 million in Donald Trump’s crypto venture, World Liberty Financial, and joined its board as an advisor. Trump has promised a pro-crypto presidency, and crypto advocates spent big money on political candidates advocating for more lenient regulations.
I Watched Justin Sun Eat the World’s Most Expensive Banana. I Don’t Get It.
Callan Quinn
December 2, 2024
What is the artwork ‘Comedian’ and why did Justin Sun buy it for $6.2 million?
Comedian is a modern artwork created by Maurizio Cattelan in 2019, which consists of a banana duct-taped to a wall. Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, bought it for $6.2 million, including a $1 million commission, at an auction at Sotheby’s in New York. The artwork’s value is subjective and has been questioned by many, but Sun’s public relations team argues that art is subjective.
What happened to the banana after Justin Sun bought it?
What was the event at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong, and what was its purpose?
What is Justin Sun’s background, and why is he known for his publicity stunts?
What was the reaction of the attendees and the public to the event, and what did they receive as a takeaway?
Justin Sun walked into the room flanked by his usual entourage of bodyguards and advisers and made his way to the stage. Behind him, a banana was duct taped in position on a white wall. On either side, two blank-faced men in white shirts and black aprons stared into the sea of cameras and smartphones. I wondered what they were thinking.
As for what I was thinking, it was something along the lines of how ridiculous this all was. To give some background, on Nov. 21 Tron founder Justin Sun paid a whopping $6.2 million — including $1 million in commission — at an auction at Sotheby’s in New York.
The work, created by modern artist Maurizio Cattelan in 2019, is the aforementioned banana duct taped to the wall.
The reaction among many observers was the typical one seen whenever anyone spends a large sum of money on modern art: bewilderment, a bit of disgust, an eye roll. I think people who don’t like art can still appreciate the skill that goes into paintings or sculptures. If works like Comedian or Unmade Bed have any artistic merit, I cannot comprehend it. Tron’s public relations team assured me art is subjective.
But it’s memecoin season and things with absolutely no intrinsic value are very in right now. So it was hardly surprising that shortly after buying the banana-and-duct-tape combo, Sun said he planned to eat it.
This has happened twice before: Once in 2019, when a performance artist took it from the Art Basel in Miami shortly after it was sold for $120,000. Then again by a South Korean art student at the Leeum Museum of Art in Seoul in 2023.
It doesn’t affect the artwork. The banana and duct tape are replaced regularly anyway.
The consumption took place at the 5-star Peninsula Hotel in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Hong Kong on Friday, a stone’s throw from some of the city’s most notorious doss houses.
The crowd consisted of a mix of journalists and people from the art and crypto industries, Tron and Sotheby’s employees and so-called key opinion leaders (KOLs). I mean the sort of people who wear clothes that look like they came from the local market, but probably cost thousands of dollars — U.S. dollars, not Hong Kong. One fellow journalist had flown all the way from Shanghai just for the event. Around us in the foyer, servers in white suit jackets served wine and other refreshments.
An information board near the entrance said Sun sought to immerse himself in the performance art of Cattelan, with Comedian as his muse. “He envisions this iconic piece as a catalyst for sparking dialogues and exchanges,” the text read.
Other people I spoke to in attendance were more skeptical, characterizing the event as little more than a marketing gimmick.
It’s not the first time Sun has courted the limelight. In 2019, he paid $4.57 million at a charity auction to have lunch with Warren Buffett. In April this year, he commissioned a theme song for Tron written by legendary movie composer Hans Zimmer.
Sun has also made the headlines in far less whimsical ways. Last year the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission charged him with fraud and other securities law violations, including “fraudulently manipulating the secondary market for TRX through extensive wash trading.” Sun responded on X that the suit was without merit.
Meanwhile, his lawyers have threatened media outlets with legal action when they report on Tron’s use by terrorist groups.
Perhaps the hope was that the banana would bring everyone together and let them forget about this. Indeed, Sun seems to believe the banana is the start of some sort of mass movement. “Is it simply a banana or something belonging to all of us?” he asked at one point.
He compared the process of replacing the banana every few days to the changing Chinese dynasties over the millennia. He praised the banana for how much traffic and attention it had brought himself and Tron. He noted that the banana’s value went beyond the limits of money.
Then he ate it.
November in Hong Kong seems to just be the prime season for odd crypto events. Fortunately, unlike ApeFest last November, this time nobody was hospitalized. Instead, upon leaving attendees received a replica of Comedian along with a roll of duct tape and a spare banana.
At least that’s my breakfast tomorrow sorted.
【藝聞】吃世上最貴香蕉 被諷刺搞噱頭
11月,加密貨幣新富孫宇晨(Justin Sun)先以620萬美元(約4,800多萬港元)購下世上最貴的香蕉,即意大利藝術家 Maurizio Cattelan 貼在牆上的香蕉藝術品《喜劇演員》( Comedian,2019),再在香港半島酒店裡公發布會,在眾目騤騤下,吃掉了香蕉。這個「表演」馬上霸佔了各大報章文化藝術版頭版。
據財經網站《Fortune》報導,加密貨幣交易所 Coinbase 網站一篇文章,大力抨擊孫宇晨的「演出」,結果惹起他的不滿。據報他不斷向 Coinbase 施壓,要對方將文章下架。結果文章下架,但導至編務委員會 Matt Murray 憤而辭職。該篇惹火文章由 Callan Quinn 撰寫,標題為「我看了孫宇晨吃掉世上最貴的香蕉,我不明白」( I Watched Justin Sun Eat the World’s Most Expensive Banana. I Don’t Get It)。據 Callan Quinn 報導指出,孫宇晨讀後十分不爽。
到底文中有甚麼內容把他惹毛了? Quinn 寫到,《喜劇演員》本身及它惹起的喧鬧本來已經夠荒謬了,他形容,孫宇晨的表現更如同一個「市場營銷噱頭」(Marketing Gimmick)。也許文章最令孫不滿的,是提到美國證券交易委員會對孫宇晨提出的詐騙訴訟,指出他和他創辦的加密貨幣交易所 TRON,因為被指日漸受到伊斯蘭恐怖組織歡迎,孫與 TRON 一直威脅要起訴報導這些事的媒體。
翻查一下新聞,孫在 2014 年創立 TRON。2023 年 3 月,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)起訴中國區塊鏈 TRON 創辦人孫宇晨及另外 8 人,包括 Youtuber 拳手 Jake Paul 等非法出售加密貨幣,以及透過人為操縱誇大加密資產的交易量。11 月,《路透社》報導,TRON 已取代比特幣,成為哈瑪斯、真主黨等恐怖組織最愛使用的加密貨幣網路。當時,區塊鏈分析公司 Merkle Science 執行長 Mriganka Pattnaik 當時就直言:「數據顯示,相較於比特幣而言,這些恐怖組織現在越來越青睞 TRON 。」
Coinbase 受壓下果然將文章刪了,但文章的存檔仍然可以輕易在網上找到。
Callan Quinn 「我看了孫宇晨吃掉世上最貴的香蕉,我不明白」
原文(存檔版): https://archive.is/G0Jfm
Eating the most expensive banana in the world is satire and getting bald
Sun Yuchen pressured to remove article
In November, cryptocurrency new rich Justin Sun first bought the world’s most expensive banana for $6.2 million (about HK$48 million), the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan’s banana art piece Comedian (Comedian 2019) on the wall, and then ate the banana at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong. This “performance” immediately took over the front pages of the cultural and art pages of major newspapers.
According to the financial website Fortune, an article on the website of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase vigorously attacked Sun Yuchen’s “performance”, which caused his dissatisfaction. He is reportedly constantly pressuring Coinbase to take the article off the shelves. As a result, the article was taken down, but led to editorial board Matt Murray resigning in anger. The hot article by Callan Quinn is titled “I Watched Justin Sun Eat the World’s Most Expensive Banana”. I don’t get it). According to Callan Quinn, Sun Yu Chen was very upset after reading.
What exactly in the text pissed him off? Quinn wrote that Comedian itself and the ripple it caused were ridiculous enough, describing Sun as more of a “Marketing Gimmick”. Perhaps the article’s most annoying is the reference to the SEC’s fraud lawsuit against Sun Yuchen, pointing out that he and TRON, the cryptocurrency exchange he founded, have been threatening to sue media outlets that report on these events due to allegations of growing popularity among Islamic terrorist groups.
Check the news, Sun founded TRON in 2014. In March 2023, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sued Sun Yuchen, founder of the Chinese blockchain TRON, and eight others, including Youtuber boxer Jake Paul, for illegal sale of cryptocurrencies and artificial manipulation of large crypto assets. In November, Reuters reported that TRON had replaced Bitcoin as the favorite cryptocurrency network used by terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hizbullah and other. At the time, Mriganka Pattnaik, CEO of blockchain analytics firm Merkle Science, was blunt: “The data shows that these terrorist groups are now increasingly favoring TRON compared to Bitcoin.” ” The ”
Coinbase deleted the article under pressure, but the archives of the article can still be easily found online.
Author: FM2
Callan Quinn “I watched Sun Yuchen eat the most expensive banana in the world, I don’t understand”
原文(存檔版): https://archive.is/G0Jfm
Highly recommending, check!
小野洋子の林檎が先駆け。フェア・ウォーニング: Make Your Bid for Yoko’s Apple!
亜 真里男