The Slow Death of the New York Art Scene ニューヨーク・アートシーンの緩慢な死

For about 5 years there has been a growing feeling that it is not important for artists to exhibit in New York.
To put it bluntly: New York is out.
The music plays somewhere else.
With the establishment of international art fairs in Basel, London, Hong Kong, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo, the gravitational pull of contemporary art has shifted away from New York, away from American artists, towards Europe and Asia.
The USA also cannot offer a Venice Biennale, documenta Kassel or Gwangju Biennale. Berlin plays a more important role for artists than New York.
The article about the Armory Show in New York is symptomatic of the plight of the New York art scene.
Tokyo, 2024/9/10
Mario A
What Happened to the Armory Show?
Is this year’s fair a reflection of a tired, oversaturated, and complacent art market, or am I looking for excitement and discovery where they can no longer be found?
Hakim Bishara September 6, 2024
Armory Show, mon amour, what happened to you? I hardly recognize you anymore.
You used to be the best of the best, the jewel in the crown, the flagship, the mothership, the talk of the town. How did you become so bloated and dull?
I used to think of you as the Rolls-Royce of art fairs; now you feel like a Tesla at best. During the VIP preview yesterday, September 5, I had to skip over every five or six booths before finding something worth stopping for. By God, even the coffee was bad. The sandwiches were even worse.
Also, why are you suddenly selling jewelry and mattresses? Where’s your famous refinement and class? Who are you?!
more @
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