Art + Culture

今日、朝日新聞の大西若人の記事。村上隆:「今後はもう日本では個展をやりたくない」 Today's article by ONISHI Wakato in the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper. MURAKAMI Takashi: "From now on, I don't want to do any more a solo exhibition in Japan"

MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, 2024年2月24日
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, 2024年2月24日

Today appeared an article written by the ASAHI SHIMBUN Newspaper 朝日新聞 journalist ONISHI Wakato 大西若人 on Japanese art worker 日本のアートワーカー MURAKAMI Takashi’s 村上隆 show in the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art 京都市京セラ美術館.

Normally, an article of importance gets a hint, a notice on the front page. No “hint” and the article appeared on page 19.
Asahi Shimbun is sponsoring this exhibition.

Because of my friendship with late TANAKA Sanzo 田中三蔵 (see my text here on ART+CULTURE), and my close relationship with Onishi, I shall refrain from commenting on his writing and his journalistic work. Sorry.

3 weeks ago I already introduced Murakami’s Kyoto show here on ART+CULTURE, in this sense the Asahi-article has to be understood in the context of an archival service for my dear ART+CULTURE readers and the future writing about the History of Japanese Contemporary Art, which I, as a Japanese oil painter, am actually part of.

May I quote again, what I wrote here on ART+CULTURE:
“However, he treats most of his staff like slaves, and constantly complains about his personal misery on Instagram. But not anymore on Facebook or X. Check his IG. Metaphorically I can say, “every time he opens his mouth, he lies.” He plays the cool and pitiful Japanese artist who has no money.”

Today’s article emphasises his bullshit-talking again, means: “every time he opens his mouth, he lies.”.
Quote from the Asahi Shimbun:
Mr. Murakami’s main stage is the contemporary art world in Europe and the United States. He says, “In order for Japan to confront the West, we have to analyze what it means to be Japanese,” and asserts, “We can change the world through art.” The works in this exhibition are the embodiment of this attitude, and can be considered a major retrospective of new works.

Murakami says that the essence of his own expression is not understood in Japan and that “he does not want to hold any more solo exhibitions in Japan in the future”.


Obviously, for ART+CULTURE newcomers and in this Kyoto-context, I shall attach some relevant links about Murakami.

Tokyo, 2024/2/24
亜 真里男 Mario A

朝日新聞 Asahi Shinbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日
朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shinbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日、page 19
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日、page 19
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shinbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日, detail 1
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日, detail 1
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shinbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日, detail 2
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Newspaper 2024年2月24日, detail 2

Up-date 2024/3/29

MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper 2024年3月21日
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper 2024年3月21日
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper 2024年3月21日, detail
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆 @ 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper 2024年3月21日, detail

(End of up-date)

MURAKAMI Takashi Show and Freezing Mother with Baby. Kyoto’s Problematic Image. Minor, B-Class Exhibitions @ Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art
村上隆個展と凍える母親と赤ちゃん。問題のある京都のイメージ。マイナー、Bクラスの展覧会 @ 京都市京セラ美術館

Tokyo Perspective: Chronicle of a Death Foretold regarding a respected American Art Dealer
奈良美智や村上隆を巡って:「FUCK YOU」や「お前、授乳中なんだから、俺のビジネスパートナーにはなれない」

村上隆とNFT:芸術家は、死ぬまでの短い数十年間で、その後何百年も対応可能な作品を作らねばなりません。 (Part 1)
MURAKAMI Takashi thinks, to be remembered hundreds of years later, he has to join shitty NFT: “Murakami Flowers” for dumb NFT digital money speculators (Part 1)村上隆-nft-murakami-flowers/

村上隆とNFT:芸術家は、死ぬまでの短い数十年間で、その後何百年も対応可能な作品を作らねばなりません。 (Part 2)
MURAKAMI Takashi thinks, to be remembered hundreds of years later, he has to join shitty NFT: “Murakami Flowers” for dumb NFT digital money speculators (Part 2)

Symbol of “Shabbiness”: MURAKAMI Takashi, Doraemon, Fujiko Fujio, Gagosian. Art Flipper: Work of 2020 Selling at April 2021 Auctionドラえもん/

NFTs prices linked to art down 70%. MURAKAMI Takashi, today: I sincerely apologize to those who have already put in their bids, but I hope you will understand the logic behind this withdrawal, the aim of which is to later allow you to enjoy my NFT works more conveniently and with peace of mind.

村上隆:「森ビルさんや、協賛のスポンサーさん達にはご迷惑をお掛けしております が、メディアへのインタヴュー一切をお断りしております。」
MURAKAMI Takashi Refuses To Give Any Press Interview (repost from the archive 過去サイト・アーカイブの再投稿 2015/10/16)村上隆/

In Front of The Mori Art Museum, NOW! Japan’s No.1 Artist, Genius MURAKAMI Takashi’s, Made in America, Golden Bullshit Self-Portrait Sucks! ROFL!!天才村上隆/

米国ギャラリー Blum&Poeのアーティスト・リストから外された村上隆
Takashi Murakami Had Been Erased From American Gallery Blum & Poe’s Artists’ List村上隆/

今日のJapan Times。「村上隆:日本のアート・アウトサイダー、平成時代を定義した、’嫌われた’アーティスト 」。不幸な村上隆、、、
Today’s Japan Times. “Takashi Murakami: Japan’s art outsider. The ‘hated’ artist who defined the Heisei Era”. An Unhappy MURAKAMI Takashi…村上隆/

The Value of Murakami’s Works? An Unhappy MURAKAMI Takashi…

日本のアート界を駄目にした男? 不幸な村上隆、、、
The Man Who Ruined The Japanese Art World? An Unhappy MURAKAMI Takashi…

Today’s bonus 今日のおまけ:

MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆・Dob君 ジャパニーズポップをめざすぞ!
MURAKAMI Takashi 村上隆・Dob君 ジャパニーズポップをめざすぞ!

Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works
photos: cccs courtesy creative common sense