Art + Culture

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujitaの作品との出会い Encountering the works by Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタとユキ・Youki・フジタ 1931年
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタとユキ・Youki・フジタ 1931年

(From 1924 to 1954, Youki Foujita was the 3rd wife of Léonard Foujita. ユキ・フジタは藤田嗣治・レオナール・フジタの3番目の妻でした。1924 = living together, 1929 = marriage, 1954 divorce)

On the occasion of Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita’s exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, starting in 3 days, I hereby re-post “Encountering the works by Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (1)”, published in 2012/1/11 in my former official blog at the ARTiT web magazine. The photographic part had been altered and actualised. As I saw his exhibition this month in Paris, at the Musée Maillol, I actually feel quite excited to experience this one, too, created by a curatorial team in Tokyo. Sponsored by the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, let’s see what kind of ‘treasures’ they newly found, put together from collections around the world.

The former ARTiT web magazine text regarding Foujita’s responsibilities during WWII, will be published later on ART+CULTURE.
Was Foujita a War Criminal? Encountering the War Paintings by Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (2)
戦争犯罪人の疑問文、藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujitaの戦争画との出会い (2)
(2017年5月1日) (former link)

没後50年 藤田嗣治展

Foujita: A Retrospective ― Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of his Death
July 31 (Tue) – October 8 (Mon-holiday), 2018

嗣治 Foujita 1922
嗣治 Foujita 1922
藤田嗣治 Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, Paris, 1927年

しかし、驚くほど日本の現代美術家の何人かが藤田嗣治像を自分のアーティスト活動の中に取り入れています。 例えば、森村泰昌の写真に、会田誠の素晴らしい作品群の中に(今年の森美術館での個展をご参考)、奈良美智と村上隆のツイッターのアイコンに、

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治作「少女と人形」 (Girl with Doll) 1930年



12:02 AM – 23 Nov 2018

その他、ユリイカ雑誌の藤田嗣治特集(2006年)には会田誠、村上隆、田中功起、椹木野衣、松井みどり、近藤 史人らが、著しい文章を残しています。 また近年は、藤田についての新しい本、展覧会、記念講演会、研究も増え続けています。
かつて「Léonard Foujita」もその一人でした。
ここでのARTiTブログシリーズで、藤田嗣治の世界を少しずつ紐解いていこうと思います。「日本」のアーティストである亜 真里男が、「フジタ」に対する客観性を研究課題としていますが、なかなか納得させる纏めができず、結論を導く事が簡単ではありません。「現代日本アーティスト像は何ですか」に対する答えは、西洋美術史の「教化」・ 脱構築批評を用いて思い通りに解答することは難しいと思います。例えば、認知心理学 に、羅生門効果(Rashomon effect)への誘惑に陥る可能性があるからです。
藤田の場合、無国籍なスタンスで、楽しく、素直に作品の前に鑑賞したいです。ところが、相反する概念として、そのアーティストの国籍(=パスポート)に拘る、狭い枠組みに意識的にとらわれます。「日本」の作品として観るべきか、それとも「フランス」の Léonard Foujita像を肯定するか、これがつまり、我々の感想に影響しているのだと思います。
もっと絞り込んでいくと、日本画壇の若いころの自画像に感激するか、1920年代のモダニズムやジェンダー論(Les Garçonnes)を発達したパリで活躍中の傑作を味わうのか。
同様に戦後のドイツで拒否されているArno Breker、Adolf ZieglerやLeni Riefenstahlがいます。 その反面、他の同世代のアーティスト達の傑作がたくさん保存されています。退廃芸術「Entartete Kunst」の代表者達の作品だけではなく、ドイツの切手として尊敬されている三人:Otto Dix、Max Ernst、Felix Nussbaumがいます。他に、Hans BellmerやPablo Picasso(「Guernica」の戦争画)の存在も重要です。日本側では、例えば、丸木位里、靉光や山崎隆の作品もご参照となります。 イタリアの場合、1943年にレジスタンス運動が成功して、いまでも、未来派のアーティスト達は厳しく批判されています。しかし、1910年に起きたモダニズムの最先端な芸術活動として認められています。
終戦後、GHQから追われる藤田は米国での戦争画展のエピソードがあり、とても複雑な制作姿勢に入りました。 晩年期のReimsにある「チャペル・フジタ(フジタ礼拝堂)」のカソリック的なフレスコ画、又は、南米、ニューヨーク、秋田時代の作品を評価するか、皆さんと同意見だと思いますが、たくさんのジレンマに追い込まれた「日本」のアーティストだったと言えるでしょう。
東京、 2012年1月11日
亜 真里男


From left: Hiro (half-sister), Tomiko Foujita (藤田・鴇田登美子 first wife, from 1912-16), Tsuguharu (藤田嗣治), Shige (step-mother), Tsugu-Akira (藤田嗣章 father), photo taken 1912 in Korea


Second from right: Fernande Foujita フェルナンド・藤田 (Fernande Barrey) second wife (1917-24, official divorce: 1928) of Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治

藤田嗣治-Fernande-Barrey Foujita

from left: Fernande Foujita with Valentine Prax, 1920

藤田嗣治作 Tsuguharu Foujita “Mon Portrait” 1917, “Portrait de Madame Foujita” 1917

From left: 藤田嗣治作 Tsuguharu Foujita “Mon Portrait” 1917, “Portrait de Madame Foujita” 1917 @ Musée Angladon, Avignon

藤田嗣治作 Tsuguharu Foujita

藤田嗣治作 Tsuguharu Foujita “Mon Portrait” 1917, detail

藤田嗣治作 Tsuguharu Foujita Fernande Foujita 1917

藤田嗣治作 Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Madame Foujita” 1917, detail

Madame Foujita

(Confusing, mesmerizing plate: “Madame Foujita”. ‘L.’ as the Japanese Tsuguharu Foujita became the French Léonard Foujita. Myself is trying to find the right context regarding his name, either Tsuguharu Foujita or Léonard Foujita. Normally, I write the Japanese family name first, like: “FOUJITA Tsuguharu”, but in his case, it sounds strange to call him “FOUJITA Léonard”. I find the solution “Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita” not a bad one, however, still today, the Japanese curators and Japanese media refuse to write “レオナール・嗣治・フジタ” or “FOUJITA Leonard Tsuguharu” = “フジタ・レオナール・ツグハル”.)

Fernande met Tsuguharu Foujita at the Cafe La Rotonde Montparnasse in March 1917, who fell madly in love with her and married her thirteen days later. In 1918 the couple moved to escape the German bombs to Cagnes-sur-Mer, where she spent a year painting and meeting many friends. During this period, she became friends with Jeanne Hébuterne, the bride of Amedeo Modigliani. When Modigliani died of tuberculosis in 1920, Fernande Foujita tried in vain to console the new widow, but Jeanne, eight months pregnant, committed suicide.

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Lettre au marchand Georges Chéron” 1918 @ “FOUJITA Peindre dans les Années Folles” Musée Maillol, 2018/3/7-7/15


藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Lettre au marchand Georges Chéron” 1918

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer6

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Cagnes-sur-Mer” 1918 (Kunstmuseum Luzern) @ “FOUJITA Peindre dans les Années Folles” Musée Maillol, 2018/3/7-7/15

ご参照, check the questionable provenience:
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ PETIT ÉCOLIER EN BLOUSE NOIRE, 1918, oil on canvas, back: à Cagnes 1918藤田嗣治/

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer3

カーニュ=シュル=メール Cagnes-sur-Mer, photo taken from Château-Musée Grimaldi, 2010

ご参考, see also:
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ PETIT ÉCOLIER EN BLOUSE NOIRE, 1918, oil on canvas, back: à Cagnes 1918藤田嗣治/

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ PETIT ÉCOLIER EN BLOUSE NOIRE 1918, oil on canvas
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ PETIT ÉCOLIER EN BLOUSE NOIRE, 1918, oil on canvas, back: à Cagnes 1918. Collection Jacques et Claude Rohault de Fleury @ Sotheby’s 2020/10/23
藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer4

カーニュ=シュル=メール Cagnes-sur-Mer, 2010

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer1

カーニュ=シュル=メール Cagnes-sur-Mer, Felix Vallotton painting explanation board, 2010


カーニュ=シュル=メール Cagnes-sur-Mer, 2010 (resembling Foujita’s cat ‘Miké’)

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer2

カーニュ=シュル=メール Pierre-Auguste Renoir House-Atelier Garden in Cagnes-sur-Mer with painting explanation board, 2010

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-レオナール-フジタ-Cagnes-sur-Mer5

カーニュ=シュル=メール Cagnes-sur-Mer, 2010

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-Suzy-Solidor-Cagnes-sur-Mer

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita “Portrait de Suzy Solidor” 1927, Château-Musée Grimaldi, Cagnes-sur-Mer (donation Suzy Solidor, 1973) (photo taken 2010)

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-Musée-Maillol

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita “Portrait de Suzy Solidor” 1927 @ “FOUJITA Peindre dans les Années Folles” Musée Maillol, 2018/3/7-7/15

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-Musée-Maillol-Suzy-Solidor

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita “Portrait de Suzy Solidor” 1927, detail

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-Suzy-Solidor-Jean-Cocteau

Suzy Solidor with Jean Cocteau in her Night Club “La Vie Parisienne” 1939

Suzy Solidor “Lily Marlène” 1941 (Marlene Dietrich).


藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita “Les Deux Amies” (Suzy Solidor et Yvonne de Brémond d’Ars) 1930 @ “FOUJITA Peindre dans les Années Folles” Musée Maillol, 2018/3/7-7/15 (Solidor and Brémond d’Ars were a well known lesbian couple)

Suzy Solidor — La Garçonne — 1935

The ‘most painted woman in the world’
The French cabaret star Suzy Solidor was once a mainstream artist with a striking awareness of the power of propagating her own image. Holly Williams looks back.
13. November 2017

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor と藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita

シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor と藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita, Deauville 1928

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita, ca. 1928

ミスタンゲットMistinguett+藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita

ミスタンゲット・Mistinguettと藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita, Deauville 1927
“She also posed on the board-walk tenderly embracing Foujita, and then drove back to Paris for her nightly appearance at the Casino de Paris.” (from ‘Foujita, Media Star’ in “Kiki’s Paris”, 1989, page 180/181)

Mistinguett was at one time the highest-paid female entertainer in the worldミスタンゲット

Mistinguett – CA…C’EST PARIS – QUI? – 1926-1927

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujitaとミスタンゲット・Mistinguett、Deauvilleドオヴィル 1927年
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujitaとミスタンゲット・Mistinguett、Deauvilleドオヴィル 1927年
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor

シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor & 藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita, Deauville 1928 (movie frames)

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor-フランス・海Deauville 1928

from left, シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor, unknown, 藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita, Yvonne de Brémond d’Ars (partner of Suzy Solidor), Deauville 1928


right: Yvonne de Brémond d’Ars (partner of Suzy Solidor), Deauville 1928

藤田ユキと藤田嗣治 パリ、アトリエ 1928年 Yuki and Tsuguharu Foujita at home:atelier in Paris, 1928
藤田ユキと藤田嗣治 パリ、アトリエ 1928年 Yuki and Tsuguharu Foujita at home/atelier in Paris, 1928
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-シュジー・ソリドール Suzy Solidor・ユキ藤田・Youki Foujita

2nd from left, front row: Chiyo Satsuma 薩摩千代, Suzy Solidor, Youki Foujita, unknown, Foujita, Yvonne de Brémond d’Ars, far right: Baron Jirohachi Satsuma
左から2番目:薩摩千代、Suzy Solidor、その隣、3番目の妻 ユキ・藤田 Youki Foujita、右側:薩摩 治郎八、Deauville 1928

Patron of the arts: SATSUMA Jirohachi (Baron Satsuma) 薩摩 治郎八

Commemorative exhibition for donated collection related to Jirohachi Satsuma
Baron Satsuma Has Arrived!

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-薩摩 治郎八

Commissioned work by SATSUMA Jirohachi (Baron Satsuma) 薩摩 治郎八: 藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “L’Arrivée des Occidentaux au Japon” 1929 @ Maison du Japon, Paris (photo taken in 2010)

藤田嗣治「Les Chevaux」作の前、パリ、1929年
藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-薩摩 治郎八 Paris

Commissioned work by SATSUMA Jirohachi (Baron Satsuma) 薩摩 治郎八: 藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Les Chevaux” 1929 @ Maison du Japon, Paris (photo taken in 2010)

Kees van Dongen + Tsuguharu Foujita La Femme au chat (Collaboration) Bal des Petits Lits Blancs à L’Opéra Garnier, 1929
Kees van Dongen + Tsuguharu Foujita “La Femme au chat” (Collaboration) Bal des Petits Lits Blancs à L’Opéra Garnier, 1929
Kees van Dongen + Tsuguharu Foujita La Femme au chat (Collaboration) 1929
Kees van Dongen + Tsuguharu Foujita La Femme au chat (Collaboration) 1929

On my way to a meeting of the Stipend committee in the eighties, I saw this watercolor in a window of a shop on the Haarlemmerdijk in Amsterdam. After asking prices of some random objects, I got around to this watercolor; “Oh, the van Dongen / Foujita?” the manager said. He said he was asking only three hundred guilders because he wasn’t so sure that he would have an authentic van Dongen in his store. I offered him two hundred and was about to leave when he agreed and told me never to tell him if it proved to be an authentic work by van Dongen and Foujita.

One day my colleague and friend Janjelle Stroosma visited me and saw the watercolor. He remembered a story he had heard from the graphic artist Wim Zwiers: van Dongen and Foujita wandered into an auction that was taking place in Paris in 1929, their painting materials still with them. The auctioneer recognized them immediately and asked them to make a work on the spot and donate it to the charity for which the auction was being held, which indeed they did. Janjelle was yet unaware that I had found an auction sticker on the back of the watercolor.

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-ユキ藤田-Youki Foujita

Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田 (Lucie Badoud) third wife of Foujita (1924: living together, official marriage: 1929, separation (but not divorce): 1930 (= Book: “Les Confidences de Youki” 1957/1999) or October 1931 (as Foujita leaves secretly Paris/France “forever” with Madeleine; trip to South America), official divorce: 1954), Deauville ca. 1928
(In 1930 (= Book: “Les Confidences de Youki” 1957/1999) she leaves Foujita and moves to Robert Desnos)

藤田ユキ (Youki Desnos) の伝記「Les Confidences de Youki」1957年

1999年に再出版、今年(2018年6月)、フジタ回顧展の美術館 (Musée Maillol)で販売されました。

藤田嗣治とユキ「Les Confidences de Youki」1957より
Leonard Foujita YOUKI AU CHAT

(Because of Foujita’s name writing, I hereby post Christie’s auction text from 2016 as an exemplary reference:)

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
1886 – 1968
signed Foujita, dated 1923 and in Japanese (lower right); signed Foujita, dated 1923 and signed, inscribed and dated in Japanese on the stretcher
oil on canvas
50.1 by 65cm., 19 3/4 by 25 1/2 in.
Painted in 1923.

Private Collection, France (acquired in 1926)
Private Collection, France (by descent from the above; sale: Sotheby’s, London, 24th June 2003, lot 157)
Purchased at the above sale by the present owner
Sylvie Buisson, T.L. Foujita inédits, Paris, 2007, no. C23.048.H, illustrated in colour p. 123
In 1921, Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita met a young woman named Lucie Badoud; for the following decade she lived as his muse, lover and wife, inspiring some of the most sensual and striking paintings that the artist ever produced. Together they were celebrities of the Montparnasse social scene: beautiful and intelligent, they hosted lavish parties at their home while their names continually graced gossip columns.
Foujita had been taken at once with Lucie’s beauty: her snow-white complexion and sensuous curves. He re-named her ‘Youki’, meaning ‘snow’ in Japanese. She remembers: “I didn’t like my first name, Lucie. So Foujita’s first move was to ‘de-baptise’ me and rename me Youki; his second: to request I pose for a large nude painting’ (quoted in Marie-Claire Barnet, Eric Robertson & Nigel Saint (eds.), Robert Desnos, Bern, 2006, p. 203). Indeed it was precisely at this time, when Foujita introduced into his œuvre two of the elements for which he is today most celebrated: his mastery of the nude figure and his ‘fond blanc’, a specific white ground which he applied on canvases to give them a luminous quality. The latter technique was developed out of the artist’s desire to represent what he now considered the most beautiful of materials: human skin.
In 1924, the year after the present work was painted, Foujita’s former lover Fernande attacked Youki at a public exhibition of the artist’s work, enflamed by the jealousy awakened in her on seeing his new portraits. For it was in these paintings that Foujita first demonstrated a sensual quality in his portraiture which spoke both of passion and tenderness; the present work is one of the finest examples of this. Youki’s porcelain skin shimmers on the canvas, the tones blending harmoniously with those of the bed, her hair cascades down her bare shoulders while her deep brown eyes stare back at the viewer in a wistful gaze.
The present work also features another very important individual in the artist’s life and œuvre: his cat. Named ‘Mike’ (meaning ‘Tabby cat’ in Japanese), the cat of the painting was adopted by the artist shortly after his arrival in Paris after following him home one day and refusing to leave his doorstep until he was welcomed in. The presence of a cat would go on to be a mainstay of Foujita’s works: sometimes as companion to a figure, sometimes as the central subject itself. Foujita adored their individuality and recognised in them a certain indefinability and unpredictability which he also attributed to women: he is noted as saying that cats were given to men such that they could learn from them the mysterious ways of women.

This work has been requested for an exhibition of the artist’s work, curated by Mme Sylvie Buisson, to be held in Paris in 2018 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of his death.

up-date 2023/10/5

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Youki allongée” 1927, ink and oil on canvas, 54 x 81 cm. Signed “Tsuguharu Foujita” in Japanese and French, dated 1927 and inscribed “Paris” in Japanese (stretcher) .
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Youki allongée” 1927, ink and oil on canvas, 54 x 81 cm. Signed “Tsuguharu Foujita” in Japanese and French, dated 1927 and inscribed “Paris” in Japanese (stretcher)
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Youki allongée” 1927, detail
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Youki allongée” 1927, detail
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Youki allongée” 1927, back (Sotheby’s)
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “Portrait de Youki allongée” 1927, back (Sotheby’s 2023/10/5)
screenshot from Sotheby’s Hong Kong
screenshot from Sotheby’s Hong Kong
screenshot during live bidding
screenshot during live bidding

Modern Evening Auction 2023/10/5 Lot 2836

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治 | Portrait de Youki allongée 小雪卧姿肖像
10,000,000 – 15,000,000 HKD
Not sold.
1st bid @ 8.000.000 HKD, 2nd bid @ 8.500.000 HKD, 3rd bid and last @ 9.000.000 HKD.

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
1886 – 1968
Portrait de Youki allongée

ink and oil on canvas 
signed Tsuguharu Foujita in Japanese and French (lower right)
signed Tsuguharu Foujita in Japanese and French, dated 1927 and inscribed Paris in Japanese (stretcher)
Executed in 1927. 
54 by 81 cm
21 ¼ by 31 ⅞ in. 

This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Sylvie Buisson and will be included in the artist’s forthcoming Catalogue Raisonné prepared by Sylvie Buisson, Leonard-Tsuguharu Foujita IV.


嗣治 Foujita(右下)
1927 Foujita 巴里 嗣治(畫框)
54 x 81 cm
21 ¼ x 31 ⅞ in.

附:Sylvie Buisson開立之作品保證書 

註:此作將收錄於Sylvie Buisson即將出版之〈藤田嗣治全集—第四冊〉

Private Asian Collection
Christie’s, Hong Kong, 26 November 2016, Lot 35 (consigned by the above)
Private Asian Collection (acquired from the above)


レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ Léonard-Tsuguharu Foujita “Déesse de la neige” 1924, oil on masonite (Harvard Art Museums : Fogg Museum, Cambridge, MA, USA)
レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ Léonard-Tsuguharu Foujita “Déesse de la neige” 1924, oil on masonite (Harvard Art Museums : Fogg Museum, Cambridge, MA, USA)
藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-ユキ藤田-Youki Foujita 1924s

Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田と Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治 ca. 1924

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita “Nu” 1927 Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Nu” 1927 Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique @ “FOUJITA Peindre dans les Années Folles” Musée Maillol, 2018/3/7-7/15
Gift by patron of the arts: SATSUMA Jirohachi

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita “Nu” 1927 Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique_Gift by Satsuma

Baron Satsuma 薩摩 治郎八

Commemorative exhibition for donated collection related to Jirohachi Satsuma
Baron Satsuma Has Arrived!

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-ユキ藤田-Youki Foujita around 1929

Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田と Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治 ca. 1929

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-ユキ藤田-Youki Foujita ca.1929

Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田と Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治 ca. 1929

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-ユキ藤田-Youki Foujita 東京1929

Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田と Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治、Tokyo, 1929 (with members of the Foujita Family Clan)

In case of disappearance:
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita – Attitudes

Foujita Youki and Tsuguharu leaving their house in Paris
FOUJITA Youki and Tsuguharu leaving their house in Paris, 1929
Foujita Youki and Tsuguharu leaving their house in Paris, close to the car
FOUJITA Youki and Tsuguharu leaving their house in Paris, close to their car, 1929
Foujita his hand in his car in Paris
Foujita waving his left hand to the camera, in his car in Paris, 1929
Foujita’s car in Paris
Foujita’s car with driver in Paris, 1929
Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田 and father FOUJITA Tsugu-Akira 藤田嗣章
Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田 and relatives from the Foujita-clan, 1929
Several Japanese orders of merit awared to father FOUJITA Tsugu-Akira 藤田嗣章
Several Japanese orders of merit, awarded to Foujita’s relative
藤田嗣治 Tsuguharu Foujita + 妻 藤田ユキ Youki Foujita 1929
藤田嗣治 Tsuguharu Foujita + 妻 藤田ユキ Youki Foujita 1929
藤田嗣章 (父)、藤田ユキ(妻)、藤田嗣治 日本旅、(東京?)、1929年
藤田嗣章 (父)、藤田ユキ(妻)、藤田嗣治 日本旅、(東京?)、1929年
藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-ユキ藤田-Youki Foujita-Tokyo-1929

Youki Foujita ユキ・藤田と Tsuguharu Foujita 藤田嗣治、Tokyo (?), 1929 (with members of the Foujita Family Clan)

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-日本-1929

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita 日本の旅 Travel in Japan, 1929 (movie frames)

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-日本-walking-1929
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-日本-旅1929
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita-日本-姿-1929

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita 日本の旅 Travel in Japan, 1929 (movie frames)

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita レオナール・嗣治・フジタ “Nu Assis (Jacqueline Barsotti-Goddard)” 1929. Painted in Paris, 64.8 x 100.2cm. Oil on canvas?

The ultimate bohemian, Jacqueline Barsotti-Goddard, was a favourite of the Parisian art scene in the 1920s, Foujita was especially drawn to her, and she was said to have been his favourite model.
Nu Assis (Jacqueline Barsotti-Goddard) was one of the largest works from Foujita’s Nude series to ever come to the market and had been in the same private collection since 1929. Depicting Jacqueline Barsotti-Goddard, the muse of muses, it is no wonder the work attracted the attention of collectors and achieved such an impressive price (£1,602,300 in 2022).

To support herself financially, Jacqueline would sit for a portrait whenever one of her wealthy friends wanted to add a famous artist to their collection; she would then buy the picture and sell it on to her friend at a profit – but at a lower price than would have been charged by a gallery.

Foujita likely met Jacqueline at Le Coupole or the Dôme café. The pair became close friends. She would later write in her unpublished memoirs; “I became his favourite model… Going out with [Foujita] was quite an experience. He was like a jewellery shop window. Big earrings, an enormous watch to hide a tattoo, rings galore; his love of gold was manifest. He believed in being noticed at all costs.” She went on; “Foufou was very protective and fatherly to me. He taught me jujitsu to protect me from all sorts of attacks including rape. He would try to take me by surprise in false alarms. It must have been hilarious to see me calmly posing for a drawing [and then] suddenly jumping on guard.”

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-キキ

キキ ド モンパルナス Kiki de Montparnasse と 藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita @ “le bal d’AAAA”, 1929アリス・プラン

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922 Paris

レオナール・フジタ Léonard Foujita “Nu à la toile de jouy” 1922, Oil, ink, charcoal and pencil on canvas
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (photo taken in 2010)

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922

レオナール・フジタ Léonard Foujita “Nu à la toile de jouy” 1922, Oil, ink, charcoal and pencil on canvas @ Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922 キキ Kiki

Model: キキ ド モンパルナス Kiki de Montparnasse @ レオナール・フジタ Léonard Foujita “Nu à la toile de jouy” 1922

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922, detail

レオナール・フジタ Léonard Foujita “Nu à la toile de jouy” 1922, detail

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922 Paris, plate

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Nu à la toile de jouy” 1922, detail
Check: Instead of T (Tsuguharu) the L for Léonard is written

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922 plate

レオナール・フジタ Léonard Foujita “Nu à la toile de jouy” 1922, plate
Donation by Léonard Foujita to the city of Paris in 1961.
レオナール・フジタは1961年に「Nu à la toile de jouy」作をパリ市に寄贈した。

Attention (divergent from the coming show in Tokyo): “Léonard Foujita” not “Tsuguharu Foujita” is written on the explanatory plate by the Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris.

Statement from the Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris:
Nu couché à la toile de Jouy (‘Reclining Nude with Toile de Jouy’),1922, a gift from the artist in 1961, was one of Foujita’s first nude paintings using a live model. Loosely basing his composition on Manet’s Olympia and the odalisques of Titian and Ingres, Foujita painted a naked woman with pearl-white skin, looking directly at the spectator, reclining lasciviously on a bed covered with diaphanous white rumpled sheets. But he blended this classical subject, brought up to date with a certain humour, with Japanese tradition (according to the painter, the model with the Oriental features was the celebrated Kiki de Montparnasse). The sensual body with its swelling curves is white as snow, outlined in black ink: “a finely drawn, steady line as if a razor had been drawn very lightly over it.”
The nude is set in an alcove, formed by a pleated pelmet with drapes hanging on either side in sepia toile de Jouy, with little scenes (fragmented by the cut of the fabric), in 18th-century painting style, representing the loves of Venus, Mars with the beard of a cuckold, and Vulcan working in his forge; a detail that reminds us that this is a “boudoir” scene. He has reduced the colour range by using the two colours of the toile de Jouy (sepia and white) and black and white for the representation of the woman, thus provoking a strong contrast between the two images. Foujita was very sensitive to details from French folk tradition (Épinal prints, Quimper faience, toile de Jouy), to the point where a critic said of him that he “was thought of as a French painter by the Japanese, and as totally Japanese by Westerners.”

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita- Nu à la toile de jouy 1922 Paris apartment ca.1960

French Léonard Foujita with “Nu à la toile de jouy” (1922) in his apartment in Paris around 1960, just before donating the work to the city of Paris in 1961.
1960頃、パリのマンションでフランス人 レオナール・フジタは「Nu à la toile de jouy」(1922)作を記録させました。1961年にこの作品をパリ市に寄贈した。

藤田嗣治・レオナール・フジタ Trois Femmes

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Three women” 1930 @ Kawamura Museum 2016
(I remember to have seen this painting in the house of Foujita, 2010. Madame Foujita obviously didn’t like this painting, as it shows Fernande, Youki and Madeleine)

Léonard Foujita and His Models
2016/9/17 – 2017/1/15

藤田嗣治・レオナール・フジタ Leonard Foujita Sleeping Woman

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita “Sleeping woman” 1931 @ Kawamura Museum 2016
Without officially divorcing Youki, Foujita began 1931 his relationship with Madeleine, new muse and model for the following paintings, as seen above.

Leonard Foujita + Madelaine 1932 Buenos Aires

Madeleine Lequeux (Mady Dormans = Book “Les Confidences de Youki” 1957/1999), muse and partner of Foujita from 1931 until her obscure death (murder?) 1936 in Tokyo.
During Foujita – Madeleine’s partnership, 1935 Foujita started a sexual relationship with ‘waitress’ Kimiyo Horiuchi (新橋の料亭のお運びさんだった水戸出身の堀内君代), who then became his publicly known (strolling arm in arm in Ginza) mistress 妾(お妾長屋)/ 二号さん(二号さん長屋). The fight between Kimiyo and Madeleine ended in Madeleine’s obscure death (murder?) in June 1936.
(photo taken in Buenos Aires 1932)

珍しい藤田嗣治像、1931年 マドレーヌ = フジタの恋人
珍しい藤田嗣治像、1931年、 マドレーヌ = フジタの恋人
Leonard Foujita Madelaine Buenos Aires 1932

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita with マドレーヌ Madeleine in Buenos Aires, 1932

藤田嗣治とマドレーヌ (Buenos Aires?)
藤田嗣治とマドレーヌ Foujita & Madeleine in Buenos Aires, 1932
藤田嗣治とマドレーヌ、南米の旅?Foujita & Madeleine (South America?)
藤田嗣治作 Léonard Foujita ma femme Lima 1932
藤田嗣治作 Léonard Foujita “ma femme” (妻) Lima (ペルー) 1932
screenshot from Christie’s
screenshot from Christie’s

This drawing was presented to the grand uncle of the present owner by Foujita, along with the dedicated photograph of the artist and his model Madeleine. The photograph, included in the lot, is inscribed by Foujita “A mon ami Commandant Graziani En Souvenir” (To my friend Commandant Graziani, Warm regards), signed and dated Tsuguharu Foujita Tokio 1934., also signed by the model Madeleine.

藤田嗣治とマドレーヌ、東京 1934年
(左) ムッソリーニ、(中)Rodolfo Graziani (commandant des troupes italiennes en Afrique du Nord) 、(右)ヒトラー
ムッソリーニ (左) 、Rodolfo Graziani (commandant des troupes italiennes en Afrique du Nord)(中) 、ヒトラー(右)

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (front, L) presenting Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler (front, R) to Gen. Rodolfo Graziani (C) during Hitler’s visit to Rome.

藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu Y婦人の肖像 Portrait of Ms. Y 1935, detail, SMBC Collection
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu 「Y婦人の肖像」”Portrait of Ms. Y” 1935, detail, SMBC Collection
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu : Leonard Foujita レオナール・フジタ「Y婦人の肖像」”Portrait of Ms. Y” 1935, SMBC Collection (signature)
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu / Leonard Foujita レオナール・フジタ「Y婦人の肖像」”Portrait of Ms. Y” 1935, SMBC Collection (signature)
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu Y婦人の肖像 Portrait of Ms. Y 1935, SMBC Collection (detail)
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu「Y婦人の肖像」 “Portrait of Ms. Y” 1935, SMBC Collection (detail)
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu Y婦人の肖像 Portrait of Ms. Y 1935, SMBC Collection (plate)
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu 「Y婦人の肖像」”Portrait of Ms. Y” 1935, SMBC Collection (plate)
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu Y婦人の肖像 Portrait of Ms. Y 1935, SMBC Collection
藤田嗣治 FOUJITA Tsuguharu / Leonard Foujita レオナール・フジタ「Y婦人の肖像」”Portrait of Ms. Y” 1935, SMBC Collection


藤田嗣治の東京の家 1935、マドレーヌ
藤田嗣治の東京の家 1935、マドレーヌ In Foujita’s house Tokyo 1935 with Madeleine
藤田嗣治とマドレーヌ Foujita & Madeleine 1934
Madelaine in Tokyo (?) 1934 photo by KANAMARU Shigene 金丸重嶺
Madeleine in Foujita’s home, Tokyo (?) 1934, photo by KANAMARU Shigene 金丸重嶺
フランスへ一時帰国する恋人マドレーヌと、見送る画家の藤田嗣治、1935年2月23日 Madeleine leaving temporarily for France, Kobe Harbour, 23rd of February 1935
Leonard Foujita Madelaine Japan

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita with マドレーヌ Madeleine in Japan, around 1934

courtesy via:



藤田嗣治・レオナール・フジタ 写真家

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita as photographer @ “FOUJITA Peindre dans les Années Folles” Musée Maillol, 2018/3/7-7/15
(map of Latin America with Madeleine and Foujita’s travel route)

藤田嗣治・藤田君代 1935

Kimiyo Foujita (Marie-Ange-Claire/Kimiyo Foujita) 藤田君代 fourth and last wife of Foujita.
During Foujita – Madeleine’s partnership, 1935 Foujita started a sexual relationship with ‘waitress’ Kimiyo Horiuchi (新橋の料亭のお運びさんだった水戸出身の堀内君代), who then became his publicly known (strolling arm in arm in Ginza) mistress 妾(お妾長屋)/ 二号さん(二号さん長屋). The fight between Kimiyo and Madeleine ended in Madeleine’s obscure death (murder?) in June of 1936.
Officially married in France 1954, next year changed Japanese citizenship into French. In 1959, together with her husband, converts to Catholicism in the Cathedral of Reims, new identity as ‘Marie-Ange-Claire Foujita’. Died in 2009. She destroyed Foujita’s artistic legacy. (photo taken 1935, when Foujita was still together with Madeleine.)

藤田君代の肖像画 「人魚」Mermaid 1940
非常に珍しい、藤田君代の肖像画 「人魚」1940年。A rare erotic painting by Foujita about his 4th wife Kimiyo “Mermaid” 1940. Unfortunately it had been recently sold to a “foreign” collector in Hongkong. It should have been “guarded” by Japan, as Japanese Cultural Asset. 非常に残念な結果で、この貴重な作品は、最近、日本を離れ、香港のコレクションに入りました。私の意見ですが、日本文化財であるべき。
藤田君代の肖像画 「人魚」1940年 油彩、キャンヴァス、63.5 x 99.5 cm、個人蔵(香港)Portrait of Kimiyo Foujita “Mermaid” oil on canvas, 63.5 x 99.5 cm, recently sold to a private collection in Hongkong
藤田君代の肖像画 「人魚」1940年 油彩、キャンヴァス、63.5 x 99.5 cm、個人蔵(香港)Portrait of Kimiyo Foujita “Mermaid” oil on canvas, 63.5 x 99.5 cm, recently sold to a private collection in Hongkong
Youki 夫の藤田の「人魚」タトゥーを見せる藤田ユキ、パリ 1950年代
Youki 夫の藤田の「人魚」タトゥーを見せる藤田ユキ、パリ 1950年代

Youki Foujita showing her tattoo depicting a mermaid by her husband Tsuguharu Foujita, photo by Robert Doisneau, taken around 1950, Paris

藤田嗣治・藤田君代・裸婦・ニューヨーク1949年6月19日 Tsuguharu Foujita Kimiyo Foujita Nude New York, June 19, 1949
藤田嗣治・藤田君代・裸婦・ニューヨーク1949年6月19日 Tsuguharu Foujita Kimiyo Foujita Nude New York, June 19, 1949
藤田嗣治・レオナール・嗣治・フジタ Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita La fête d’anniversaire 1949, painted in New York
藤田嗣治・レオナール・嗣治・フジタ Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita “La fête d’anniversaire” 1949, painted in New York. On the wall: “Kimiyo Nude” 「藤田君代裸婦」

Estimated at £900k, this work had not been seen for 50 years and had never been offered at auction, La fête d’anniversaire, by Léonard Foujita sold for £7,096,250 at Bonhams Impressionist and Modern Art sale in London, 11th of October, 2018

Identical picture at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, photo taken in September 2013:

FOUJITA Tsuguharu 藤田嗣治「動物宴」”Feast of Animals” 1949-60 oil on canvas (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Collection 東京国立近代美術館所属)
FOUJITA Tsuguharu 藤田嗣治「動物宴」”Feast of Animals” 1949-60 oil on canvas (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Collection 東京国立近代美術館所属)
FOUJITA Tsuguharu 藤田嗣治「動物宴」”Feast of Animals” 1949-60 oil on canvas (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Collection 東京国立近代美術館所属) detail
FOUJITA Tsuguharu 藤田嗣治「動物宴」”Feast of Animals” 1949-60 oil on canvas (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Collection 東京国立近代美術館所属) detail
FOUJITA Tsuguharu 藤田嗣治「動物宴」”Feast of Animals” 1949-60 oil on canvas (Explanation by the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Collection 東京国立近代美術館所属)
FOUJITA Tsuguharu 藤田嗣治「動物宴」”Feast of Animals” 1949-60 oil on canvas (Explanation by the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Collection 東京国立近代美術館所属)


Japan’s leading War Painter Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita at work. 朝日新聞 1941年1月1日。麹町のアトリエ、戦争画家藤田嗣治の説明会。
1941, Tokyo, atelier de Kojimachi, Foujita décrivant aux chefs militaires sa peinture la “Bataille sur les rives de la rivière Haluha, Nomomhan, Mandchourie”.

Quote from the New York Times:
Foujita’s life in Paris collapsed abruptly: a tax scandal threatened his savings and the Surrealist poet Robert Desnos took his third wife, Youki. After a nomadic decade — with stops in Brazil, Mexico and Cuba — Foujita returned to Japan, where his resentment at perceived slights in the West metastasized into rabid nationalism. He raved against “Jewish gallery owners” and “strange international perverts” back in France.
Foujita’s penchant for flamboyant costumes and hard work served him well during the war years, when he gave his “right arm” to the emperor in a notorious series of theatrical paintings meant to inspire Japanese resolve. Was Foujita a war criminal or a closet pacifist? Did his pictures portray the glory or the horror of war? Birnbaum weighs the evidence on both sides, interviewing his surviving friends and enemies. Maybe Foujita, with his equivocal English, summed it up best: “I am not Tojo — yes? I am Foujita — no?”

藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ「千人針」(Senninbari, Soldier’s good-luck belt with a thousand stitches embroidered by a thousand different women) 1937, oil on canvas
藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ「千人針」(Senninbari, Soldier’s good-luck belt with a thousand stitches embroidered by a thousand different women) 1937, 15.3 × 21 cm, oil on canvas
藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ「千人針」(Senninbari, Soldier’s good-luck belt with a thousand stitches embroidered by a thousand different women) 1937, oil on canvas, detail
藤田嗣治 Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ「千人針」(Senninbari, Soldier’s good-luck belt with a thousand stitches embroidered by a thousand different women) 1937, oil on canvas, detail

First shown in the group exhibition of the NIKA artists’ association, 1937, Tokyo.

Since 2018 in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo.
Gift of Mr. FUKUTOMI Taro and Ms.NAKAMURA Kumiko 寄贈者名等 福富太郎氏・中村くみ子氏寄贈
Material/technique: Oil on canvas 材質・技法:油彩/カンヴァス (Which I personally doubt.)

About FUKUTOMI Taro 福富太郎:福富太郎

1931年創業・銀座伝説のキャバレー「白いばら」が2018年1月10日閉店 全国から来たホステスさんが、お国言葉で接客してくれる名店でした。



「昭和の夜」また一つ 伝説のキャバレー「ハリウッド」、58年の歴史に幕



キャバレー「ハリウッド」創業者 福富太郎氏 | ものさしをはっきり決めよ

※福富太郎氏は2018年5月 86歳で逝去されました。心からお悔やみを申し上げます。(追記:2018/7/30)


His Imperial Highnesses Prince Chichibu and Her Imperial Highness Princess Chichibu (Setsuko) with Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita in Tokyo, 1947

His Imperial Highness Prince Chichibu 秩父宮雍仁親王 and Her Imperial Highness Princess Chichibu (Setsuko) 雍仁親王妃勢津子 with Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ in Tokyo, 1947


藤田嗣治プリントとマルセル・デュシャン 1958年9月23日
藤田嗣治プリントとマルセル・デュシャン、パリ 1958年9月23日

Duchamp signing the labels EAU & GAZ À TOUS LES ÉTAGES for the deluxe edition of Sur Marcel Duchamp (the title of the orginal French version of the book) at the Trianon Press offices

藤田嗣治 レオナール・フジタ「猫と少女」油、1950年
藤田嗣治 レオナール・フジタ「猫と少女」油、1950年


Compare with 比較すると:
パリ・ノートルダム大聖堂 ー ランス・ノートルダム大聖堂 (レオナール・フジタ)
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris – Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims (Léonard Foujita)

Reims ランス・ノートルダム大聖堂で洗礼を受けるフジタ夫妻1959
Reims ランス・ノートルダム大聖堂で洗礼を受けるフジタ夫妻


レオナール・フジタ Leonard+Kimiyo Foujita-Reims 1959

Ms. and Mr.Foujita received on 14th of October 1959 the Christian baptism in the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims


レオナール・フジタの葬儀、ランス・ノートルダム大聖堂、1968年2月4日、Funeral of Léonard Foujita in the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims, 4th of February 1968

レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ・Léonard Foujita 葬儀1968 ランス・ノートルダム大聖堂・Reims
レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ・Léonard Foujita 葬儀1968 ランス・フジタ・チャペル


東京、1968年10月20日 藤田嗣治個展
東京Central Museum、1968年9月27日か10月20日 藤田嗣治個展


レオナール・フジタ 藤田嗣治 チャペル
レオナール・フジタ 藤田嗣治

(NE A TOKYO EN 1886)
1913 Arrivée de Léonard Tsougouharou Foujita à Paris
1936 Mariage des deux époux
1955 Obtention de la nationalité française par les deux époux
1959 Réception du Sacrement du Baptème par les deux époux à la Cathédrale de Reims
1966 Achèvement de la fresque de la présente chapelle
1968 Décès de Léonard Tsougouharou Foujita à Zurich
2003 Retour du corps de Léonard Tsougouharou Foujita dans la présente chapelle (préalablement enterré à Villiers le Bácle)
2009 Décès de Marie Kimiyo Foujita (à Tokyo) et enterrement dans la présente chapelle selon le souhait exprimé par son époux




レオナール・嗣治・フジタの作品、Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita’s work, no title, ca.1966? Next to Kimiyo could be godmother Françoise Taittinger or the wife of godfather René Lalou (the then chairman of Champagne MUMM company).

藤田嗣治 おちゃめな肉声 Real voice of Léonard Foujita 1965

藤田嗣治-Léonard Foujita-1923

Japanese artists in front of Foujita’s atelier, Paris 1923

Galerie Charpentier “Exposition des artistes japonais à Paris” 1939

Galerie Charpentier “Exposition des artistes japonais à Paris” 1939

Please note:
Two exhibitions by Japanese artists in Paris had been organized, named: “Exposition des Artistes Japonais à Paris”

17. – 31. December 1938 in the Gallery Bernheim Jeune.
68 artists from various genres (painting, engraving, sculpture, crafts and commercial art) participated.

27. June – 13. July 1939 in the Gallery Charpentier.
52 Japanese participated.

It should be noticed that one Korean painter, Un-soung Pai, participated in both exhibitions. Korea at that time was under Japanese colonization.

The above photograph is taken from Foujita’s catalogue raisonné.
The next photograph is taken from a catalogue about INOKUMA Genichiro. Hence, the date should be 1939, not 1938.

藤田嗣治・猪熊弦一郎 1939 パリ
パリの日本人クラブ、左側に藤田嗣治 1935頃、Japanese club in Paris, far left FOUJITA Tsuguharu, ca. 1935
パリの日本人クラブ、左側に藤田嗣治 1935頃、Japanese club in Paris, far left FOUJITA Tsuguharu, ca. 1935
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ “après Courbet L’origine du monde” (ギュスターヴ・クールベ 「世界の起源」)
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita レオナール・ツグハル・フジタ 「après Courbet L’origine du monde」 (ギュスターヴ・クールベ 「世界の起源」)

Huile sur carton entoilé
Annoté “après Courbet, L’origine du monde” en bas à droite
33 x 41 cm, Succession Kimiyo Foujita, no date


MAISON-ATELIER Foujita, Villiers-le-Bacle

レオナール・フジタ+Pola Museum

“Léonard Foujita”「レオナール・フジタ」@ 箱根のポーラ美術館 Pola Museum of Art, Hakone, 2011

Running show 開催中:
会場:ポーラ美術館 展示室2

Special Exhibition on the 50th Anniversary of Léonard Foujita’s Death
Foujita’s Paintings and Drawings for his Lovers, Wives, and Friends
Jul. 22(Sun)-Dec. 2(Sun), 2018

In 2012 my bonus pics were 当時のおまけ:


Yoko Ono “LIGHT” @ Tomio Koyama Gallery, December 2011

Foujita. Après les Années folles 1931-1968

Exposition : Foujita, peintre fantasque des années folles
Durée : 02:06 16-03-18ées-folles/vp-BBKjTO8

Le plus parisien des Japonais


藤田嗣治 レオナール・フジタ朝日新聞、2018年7月28日
藤田嗣治 レオナール・フジタ・朝日新聞、2018年7月28日
朝日新聞、2018年7月28日 藤田嗣治 レオナール・フジタ
藤田嗣治 レオナール・フジタ・朝日新聞、2018年7月28日


宙に舞い、争う猫・猫・猫に注目 31日から藤田嗣治展
2018年7月28日 15時41分
 「没後50年 藤田嗣治展」は10月8日まで、東京・上野の東京都美術館。月曜と9月18日、25日は休み(8月13日、9月17日、24日、10月1日、8日は開室)。
 東京芸術大・陳列館でも8月15日まで、「1940’s フジタ・トリビュート」展。小沢剛、米田知子、村田真ら現代作家が藤田の1940年代を再解釈した作品を展示。月曜休館。(編集委員・大西若人)


フジタの絵の中で描かれている「Libertinage」、「女性の解放」、モダニズムやジェンダー論(Les Garçonnes)と関係する社会転換について、と、折角ですから、朝日新聞と戦争画家フジタとの関係も、書いて欲しかったですね。


NHK 藤田嗣治
NHK 藤田嗣治

没後50年 藤田嗣治の記念展あす開幕 119点の作品展示
2018年7月30日 17時55分

photographs: cccs courtesy creative common sense

Learn more via、他にご参考:

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ PETIT ÉCOLIER EN BLOUSE NOIRE, 1918, oil on canvas, back: à Cagnes 1918
藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujita・レオナール・フジタ PETIT ÉCOLIER EN BLOUSE NOIRE, 1918, oil on canvas, back: à Cagnes 1918藤田嗣治/

In The Context of Artists Like YOKOYAMA Taikan And FOUJITA Tsuguharu, Who Didn’t Join The Resistance Movements: Greece’s Folk Hero Mikis Theodorakis’ Japanese-German-Italian Fascist Resistance横山大観-藤田嗣治/

藤田嗣治:抵抗運動に参加してください! JOIN THE RESISTANCE藤田嗣治_抵抗運動/

2021年5月8日の認知症予防。「ロベール・デスノス、藤田嗣治、藤田ユキ、藤田君代。レジスタンス 対 戦争犯罪人。」
Dementia Prevention on 8th of May 2021. “Robert Desnos, Tsuguharu Foujita, Youki Foujita, Kimiyo Foujita. Résistance vs War Criminal.”

退廃芸術のアーティストたちのドイツ記念切手 (過去サイト・アーカイブの再投稿、2017年5月13日)
Deutsche Post Gedenk-Briefmarken zu Künstlerinnen und Künstler der “Entarteten Kunst” (repost from the archive, 2017/5/13)退廃芸術-アーティスト-ドイツ記念切手/

パリ・ノートルダム大聖堂 ー ランス・ノートルダム大聖堂 (レオナール・フジタ)
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris – Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims (Léonard Foujita)

新作 「ロベール・デスノス、藤田嗣治、藤田ユキ、藤田君代。レジスタンス 対 戦争犯罪人。」
New Work “Robert Desnos, Tsuguharu Foujita, Youki Foujita, Kimiyo Foujita. Résistance vs War Criminal.”