Art + Culture

有名なアート・フリッパー前澤友作の新アート・コレクション @ ゲーテ雑誌2023年4号 Famous art flipper MAEZAWA Yusaku and his new art collection @ Magazine GOETHE April 2023


He did it again. Japan’s most famous art flipper, MAEZAWA Yusaku 前澤友作. After having sold most of his art collection, he appears again with a big feature in the April edition of the Japanese magazine GOETHE.
Once upon a time Maezawa has been highly respected as a serious collector, who publicly promised in building a museum in Chiba (close to Tokyo) to share his collection with the interested Japanese population.
It was all fake. All lies. He sold his collection and didn’t build a museum. The actual, newly assembled collection is almost of MINOR artistic value, means, sorry for my harsh words, “Maezawa has no eye and no money”.

Maezawa @ Instagram
For the record: Maezawa in Paris, Nov. 2022. Via Instagram egamietsu art studio, screenshot 2022/11/10, CCCS.

This GOETHE issue, beside main Maezawa, picked up several other Japanese collectors, in which you will notice that the many Japanese women collectors had been discriminated (not mentioned) by the editors. In the pre-issue of GOETHE ([ゲーテ]雑誌「アートのお仕事」2021年2月号) regarding art collectors I already pointed out to this, let’s choose a diplomatic idiom, “unfortunate situation”.

New Reiwa-Collectors On The Horizonニュー令和-コレクターズ-現代アート/

As my dear ART+CULTURE readers already noticed, artists are partly dependent on the patronage of one or more collector(s).
This issue of the magazine GOETHE can be analysed as a welcomed information and up-date of Japanese art collectors and their philosophy regarding collecting contemporary art. (Mr. ANDO Yasushi is the exception, as he’s focussing on FOUJITA.)
In this sense, I am acknowledging the efforts made by the editors, as they picked up different names in comparison to their issue from 2021 (see above link).

Collecting art is an appropriate talking point for ART+CULTURE and the Japanese art scene.
Said that, I can’t close my eyes or practice a kind of self-censorship regarding some anomalies and discrepancies noticed with highly influential, internationally famous MAEZAWA. Please understand, that for the better development of art collecting in Japan, his “questionable” attitude has to be known. Therefore the many links here towards his collecting practice in the past, put at the end of this page.
You may also notice the diversities in collecting and the unique character of each person. This kind of freedom in public expression should be applauded. Thank you very much.
Please take notice of NAGAYAMA Yuko. The chosen art works in the newly build Tokyu Kabukicho Tower demonstrate the necessary paradigm shift.
Another transformation in collecting art can be actually experienced by the superb private Taguchi Art Collection (TAGUKORE) at the Kadokawa Culture Museum in Tokorozawa, close to Tokyo. Highly recommending and please check the link.
TAGUKORE: Dunno A Thing About Art (But I Like It)
The editors of GOETHE should have interviewed Ms. Taguchi for this issue, too.

For the record, before it disappears from the internet, GOETHE’s line up:



スタートトゥデイ代表取締役社長 前澤友作/Zero-Ten CEO 榎本二郎/OKETA COLLECTION 桶田俊二・聖子/GRAPES 代表取締役 竹内 真/建築家 武富恭美/建築家 永山祐子/yutori代表取締役社長 片石貴展/ニューホライズン キャピタル取締役会長 安東泰志/現代美術作家 杉本博司/画家 杉戸 洋/GMOインターネットグループ代表取締役グループ代表 会長兼社長執行役員・CEO 熊谷正寿

前澤友作の新アートコレクション@ ゲーテ
前澤友作の新アートコレクション @ ゲーテ

前澤友作コレクション MAEZAWA Yusaku Collection

ENOMOTO Jiro Art Collection 榎本二郎 アート・コレクション

榎本二郎 アート・コレクション ENOMOTO Jiro Art Collection

ENOMOTO Jiro Art Collection 榎本二郎 アート・コレクション
ENOMOTO Jiro Art Collection 榎本二郎 アート・コレクション
桶田コレクション Oketa Collection

桶田コレクション Oketa Collection

桶田コレクション展 ‘LOVE @ FIRST SIGHT’ @ スパイラル 東京
Oketa Collection exhibition ‘LOVE @ FIRST SIGHT’ @ SPIRAL Tokyo桶田コレクション/

桶田コレクション Oketa Collection
桶田コレクション Oketa Collection
竹内真 アート・コレクション TAKEUCHI Shin Art Collection

竹内真 アート・コレクション TAKEUCHI Shin Art Collection

竹内真 アート・コレクション TAKEUCHI Shin Art Collection
竹内真 アート・コレクション TAKEUCHI Shin Art Collection
TAKETOMI Yasumi Art Collection 武富恭美 アート・コレクション

武富恭美 アート・コレクション TAKETOMI Yasumi Art Collection

NAGAYAMA Yuko Art Collection 永山祐子 アート・コレクション

永山祐子 アート・コレクション NAGAYAMA Yuko Art Collection

KATAISHI Takanori Art Collection 片石貴展 アート・コレクション

片石貴展 アート・コレクション KATAISHI Takanori Art Collection

ANDO Yasushi Art Collection 安東泰志 アート・コレクション

安東泰志 アート・コレクション ANDO Yasushi Art Collection

藤田嗣治・Léonard Foujitaの作品との出会い
Encountering the works by Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita藤田嗣治/

ANDO Yasushi Art Collection 安東泰志 アート・コレクション


Masatoshi Kumagai Collection 熊谷コレクション

熊谷コレクション Masatoshi Kumagai Collection

see also:
宮津大輔連載「アート×経営の時代」第2回「混沌や矛盾を受容する力」~GMOインターネット株式会社 代表取締役グループ代表 熊谷正寿

Masatoshi Kumagai Collection 熊谷コレクション
Masatoshi Kumagai Collection 熊谷コレクション
Masatoshi Kumagai Collection 熊谷コレクション

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2024/6/1 up-date:

Japanese billionaire Maezawa ‘dearMoon’ mission cancels moon flyby
Statement says decision was unavoidable, without providing details

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa speaks at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, in Tokyo on Jan. 7, 2022. 

TOKYO (Reuters) — Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has cancelled his “dearMoon” mission, which the project said was to have been the first private flight around the moon, the mission announced on Saturday.

The team had originally aimed to make the circumlunar flight, with celebrities on board, by the end of last year but that became “unfeasible,” the mission said in a statement on its website.

“Without clear schedule certainty in the near-term, it is with a heavy heart that Maezawa made the unavoidable decision to cancel the project,” it said. “To all who have supported this project and looked forward to this endeavor, we sincerely appreciate it and apologize for this outcome.”

The statement did not give further details on the cause of the cancellation.